Daqin: The first emperor came to recognize his relatives, and I greeted him with a knife

Chapter 12 Could it be that this decision was wrong from the beginning?

In the eyes is a piece of green farmland.

It seemed that the growth was gratifying, but when the three walked in, they couldn't help frowning.

This field is full of weeds.

It looked like it hadn't been taken care of for at least two or three years.

Wait another year or two until the weeds and grass roots are intertwined in the ground.

This place is even considered waste.

Even if you want to re-cultivate, you have to open up wasteland again.

Wang Li and Li Si trembled behind Ying Zheng.

The three of them wandered around the village and found that there was not even a young man.

Moreover, most of the houses in the village look like they have not been taken care of for a long time, and some are even dilapidated.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were still people living in this village, Ying Zheng would have thought it would have been abandoned long ago.

The three continued to walk inside, and finally saw some older people.

I saw those people surrounding a tree, not knowing what they were doing.

Others seem to have a big shot for something.

The scene was noisy and chaotic.

It is simply incomparable with Zhao Yang's village before.

Ying Zheng walked over curiously.

Wang Li and Li Si wanted to stop him, but they didn't dare to stop him too much.

Walking forward, Yingzheng's heart trembled violently.

This villager is grabbing the bark.

Just when he was about to go up to greet those villagers, the villagers all turned their heads and saw them.

And because these villagers haven't eaten for many days, they all have double images.

Among them, an old man with a cane suddenly pointed at them and shouted loudly: "Run, those conscripts are here to arrest people again!"
All the people scattered.

Ying Zheng hurriedly stopped the slowest old man.

The old man thumped in fright, fell to his knees and kept kowtowing to him.

Even the head was already bleeding, and I didn't know it.

"Masters, please forgive us!"

Ying Zheng glanced at the clothes on his body. It was still a thin shirt from early spring, with a few holes in it, which barely covered his body.

With a dark sigh, he quickly helped him up.

When he lifted him up, Ying Zheng also found that he was skinny and his arms were as thin as those of a baby.

"Don't be afraid, we are here today just to ask about the situation in your family."

Seeing that the three of them were not dressed like officers and soldiers, the old man relaxed his nervousness.

Ying Zheng hesitated and asked, "Old man, how many people are there in your family?"
When talking about these things, the old man's eyes filled with tears.

He said tearfully: "Now I am alone in this family."
Ying Zheng was taken aback, not knowing how to comfort the old man in front of him.

"What about the rest of your family?"

The old man tremblingly said: "I used to have three children, but they were all captured by the conscripts. It has been two years now, and there is still no news, and I don't know whether they are dead or alive. They came to arrest people in our village, and all the children of the entire village were also arrested."
Ying Zheng felt stuck in his throat, unable to utter a word.

The old man wiped away his tears and said to himself.

"Now Daqin won't give us a way out!
I am now too old to till the fields, but I still have to pay taxes!
If you fail to pay your taxes, you will be beaten by those tax collectors. Some people in our village have already been beaten to death...

In order to pay taxes, I can only try my best to earn money.

But now I can't even eat, and I can only eat bark every day to satisfy my hunger.

And just yesterday, my wife was also starved to death.

But I really didn't have the money to bury her, so I threw her to the back mountain, before I could bury her..."
At this moment, his stomach suddenly growled.

Looks like he should be hungry.

The old man may have been depressed for a long time.

Now I finally found a vent.

Then he pulled off his clothes, only skinny bones could be seen on his body, and his stomach had sunk deeply.

Turning around again, he was so thin that his spine protruded, and there were large and small scars on his back.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng felt even more uncomfortable.

This scar was obviously caused by the petty tax collector.

The old man sighed and said.

"I don't have a few days left to live, I'm afraid it won't be a few days, and I will go with my wife, her only concern before she dies is our three sons.

If they come back, they can build a tomb for the two of us.

I'm afraid they won't come back..."
When it came to the end, the old man's face was full of sadness.

Although Ying Zheng already had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't believe it.

He turned around and questioned Li Si and Wang Li.

"Is everything he said true?"

When he asked this question, Ying Zheng's voice was trembling.

Obviously angry.

Li Si and Wang Li lowered their heads and did not dare to answer.

Ying Zheng also looked at them coldly, waiting for their answer.

If you don't say it, I want you to say it!
There was a stalemate, Li Si could only say euphemistically: "Your Majesty, this is just an example, the conscription is also to defend the country."
Although he said so, Ying Zheng already knew the answer.

He said with emotion: "Could it be that Gu made a wrong decision from the beginning? All the people in the world suffer because of Gu's decision?"
Recalling the people who persuaded him before, Yingzheng felt even more distressed, and even regretted it.

Although I have visited the east many times, I have never been to a town.

If I had gone to the countryside to check before, I wouldn't have reached the point where I am now.

For so many years, I am afraid that many people have died because of the conscription.

Seeing this, Li Si and Wang Li quickly comforted Ying Zheng.

"Your Majesty, this military service is necessary. If there are no soldiers stationed there, the invasion of foreign enemies will only be worse. Since ancient times, wars have continued and people have been displaced. It is Your Majesty who has unified the world and avoided many wars. This is the blessing of the people."
"Yes, Your Majesty, it's not your fault, Your Majesty doesn't need to blame himself."

Ying Zheng shook his head, still a little guilty.

Now, the only remedy is to implement the garrison system.

At least some tax cuts.

He then thought of Zhao Yang again.

That kid invented Quyuanli, which can be regarded as changing the fate of everyone in that village.

Otherwise, that village would be as dilapidated as the one in front of me.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng had already made up his mind.

If Zhao Yang has no problem, he must be recruited immediately!
At that time, ask about the garrison system and Qu Yuanli.

Moreover, if Zhao Yang is really talented, there must be more than these two, there must be more!

Ying Zheng was already looking forward to it.

However, he still had to deal with the matter in front of him.

He glanced at the old man with guilt on his face, and then ordered Li Si next to him.

"Get some rice out of the treasury and send someone to help."

Wang Li and Li Si quickly responded.

Ying Zheng glanced in the direction of Zhao Yang's village, sighed, and finally returned to the palace.

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