There are more and more yellow papers posted in the city.

By the way, Li Si also took off a piece of paper and hid it in his sleeve.

After leaving the gate of the city, Li Si didn't go back directly to the mansion but came to Wang Jian's general's mansion.

"Master Li."

It happened that Wang Jian was practicing sword at the door, and when he saw Li Si, he threw the sword to his servants.

Li Si pulled Wang Jian back and said in a low voice, "I have something very important to tell you."

Wang Jian nodded and invited Li Si into the study.

Li Si took out the yellow paper from his cuff, and said slowly, "Has General Wang seen this thing before?"

Wang Jian narrowed his eyes, stared at this novel thing as thin as a cicada's wing and covered with words for a long time, and then slowly asked: "What is this?"

"Yellow paper."

Li Si went on to say: "This thing can replace the bamboo slips, it is easy to carry and the writing is clear."

Wang Jian took the yellow paper from Li Si, looked at it and touched it.

To be honest, Wang Jian still couldn't believe that the thing in front of him was real until he held it in his hand.

Such a thin thing can write so many words.

Moreover, it feels quite strong, and when folded, it is smaller than the space occupied by Yubo.

If all the Daqin books were written on this kind of yellow paper, one box should be able to hold them, right?
"General Wang?"

Li Si patted Wang Jian in awe and said, "How do you feel about this thing?"

"Not ordinary!" Wang Jian replied with a thumbs up: "The person who can make this kind of thing is even more extraordinary!"

"Who does General Wang think can create such an extraordinary thing?"

Although Li Si asked a question, he already had an answer in his heart.

Similarly, why not Wang Jian?

"Zhao Yang!"

The two smiled at each other and said the name at the same time.

"It must be him!"

While talking, Li Si took the yellow paper from Wang Jian and put it in his sleeve.

As soon as they saw the words written on it, they knew it must be written by Zhao Yang.

Chun Yuyue fell into Zhao Yang's hands this time.

"Zhao Yang is really a genius in the world!"

"That's right, I haven't figured out what this thing is made of after looking at it for a long time."

Li Si nodded and said, "I think this kind of yellow paper is somewhat similar to withered yellow leaves."

"When you put it that way, I also feel that it is really similar."

Wang Jian touched his chin and said, "It's just that we still don't know how this paper is made..."

"never mind."

Li Si gently waved his hand.

"General Wang's matter is not yours and mine's, let's not think about it, shall we?!"

Wang Jian silently nodded his head as a tacit consent.

However, he soon thought of another related question.

"You said that Zhao Yang is a day-to-day, how many twists and turns in his mind, I don't know when he invented this kind of thing..."

"There's nothing surprising about that."

There was a trace of unexplained pride on Li Si's face.

If he can serve such a person in the future, he will be considered lucky in his life.

Li Si said with a smile on his face: "In the whole of Daqin, I believe no one dares to say that he really understands Zhao Yang. He probably has more things in his mind than all of Daqin's collections combined?"

Wang Jian really didn't know how many books there were in the Great Qin Collection.

His gaze was again on the yellow paper slightly protruding from Li Si's cuff.

"If this yellow paper can be popularized in Daqin, it will have a greater influence than the Three Character Classic, right?"

Li Si didn't deny it, but said: "This kind of paper is more useful than the Three Character Classic, but in this way, its cost must be a lot, but now it has been sold at sky-high prices in the whole of Daqin, and some people have even offered tens of thousands of brass." .”

Tens of thousands of brass!

Good guy, Wang Jian couldn't help opening his mouth when he heard that.

You know, the lowest level of soldiers can only receive more than [-] yuan a year in salary from the state.

Just such a thin piece of yellow paper can support a Qin army soldier for many years.

"Didn't you just say that this kind of yellow paper is pasted in many places outside the city? If a piece of yellow paper is worth so much money, how much did Zhao Yang spend? In order to stink Chunyu Yue this time It’s worth the blood.”

Li Si listened carefully and nodded slightly.

"Unexpectedly, General Wang is also quite good at matters related to goods."

Wang Jian arched his hands and said: "Master Li, don't make fun of me. He must have spent a lot of money this time. I think it's better to take this opportunity..."

"Give the money!"


The two smiled at each other with a tacit understanding, each said the amount they wanted to pay, and settled the matter.

Wang Jian stared at the yellow paper, and suddenly remembered something.

"Since the yellow paper has been posted everywhere outside the city, there must be other people noticing this matter besides us!"

"This matter will definitely reach the court in the end. Should you and I be prepared to help Zhao Yang hide his identity?"

If some people want to investigate Zhao Yang, they will definitely be exposed to the public.

Li Si said: "I have already figured this out in my mind. It's getting late and I should say goodbye. How about we go to Zhao Yang with money tomorrow?"

"So, follow Master Li's orders!"

While talking, Wang Jian personally sent Li Si out of the house.

On the other side, Zhao Yang's thatched cottage.

Sheets of yellow paper are being peeled off from the template and stacked together.

Zooming in on the angle of view, a dozen villagers in the small yard are busily busy.

Some are responsible for stirring the pulp, and some are responsible for pouring the pulp on the formwork.

Zhao Yang asked all of them to break some ingredients such as bark, weeds, and rags into pieces according to a certain ratio with a wooden stick, and pour them into the pool.

"Oh, another one is broken!"

The villager who was in charge of peeling off the paper from the template couldn't help being discouraged when he saw the paper he just peeled off was easily torn, and sat down on the ground.

"I don't know why Zhao Yang made these things out. This is already the No. 17 piece of paper I tore."

The villager who was responsible for pouring the pulp on the formwork came over, patted him on the shoulder, and comforted him,

"Zhao Yang's doing these things is naturally useful. Don't be discouraged. After all, he didn't blame you, did he?"

"What's the use?"

The villager who was in charge of stirring the pulp wiped the sweat from his brow and came over.

"Although it's made of rags, it's so thin that it can't be used as a cloth. Wouldn't it rot if you sweat when you wear it? I really don't understand what's the use of this thing."

Seeing everyone gathered together to complain, Zhao Yang stopped what he was doing and came over.

"This thing is really not for making cloth."

Zhao Yang said with a mysterious smile: "Someone will definitely buy it in the future, maybe it will even make more money than wine!"

Everyone looked surprised, they all knew that Zhao Yang had never lied to them.

It seems this little thing goes a long way.

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