None of them knew what Zhao Gao was going to do when he came here suddenly.

Shu Suntong originally wanted his servants to reject him, but he was afraid that Zhao Gao would become suspicious if he did so.

In addition, the three of them also want to know why he came here.

So Shusun Tong asked his servants to bring him in.

Zhao Gao walked in quickly from the outside, and was very surprised to see the three of them.

He didn't expect Li Si and Wang Jian to be here.

He blurted out: "Why are you two here?"
Zhao Gao pointed at the two of them with some doubts.

Li Si suddenly felt that his mind went blank and he didn't know what to say.

Wang Jian stood up calmly and asked, "What are you doing here?"
Zhao Gao thought that the Wang family and Li Si wanted to win over Shusun Tong.

I was still secretly regretting that I seemed to be a step late.

Zhao Gao also heard that Li Si seems to be wooing Shusun Tong before, but there is no definite evidence.

Unexpectedly, when I saw him today, I found out that Shusun Tong was so sought after, and everyone was rushing to have him.

But I don't know which camp the Wang family and Li Si are supporting.

Didn't the two of them always dislike participating in this matter?
Why did they all suddenly change their temper at the same time to snatch people?
Zhao Gao has always claimed to be extremely smart, but he really can't understand this matter alone.

Could it be that I missed some news before, or that the two of them really hid it tightly.

Zhao Gao had a bad premonition in his heart, since he didn't know about this matter, it is very likely that they supported Fusu.

If it was really Fusu, then all these doubts would be easily solved.

It seems that there is an unexpected harvest here today.

Although Zhao Gao's heart was already overwhelmed, he still smiled and said: "I just heard that Uncle Sun Tong knew people before, so I wanted to pay a visit. I didn't expect that I was not the only one who wanted to visit, Prime Minister." My lord and General Wang came faster than me."
Shu Suntong was stunned and laughed a few times.

He knew that Zhao Gao had misunderstood.

But the three of them didn't explain a word, deliberately misunderstood him.

Seeing that they were silent, Zhao Gao quickly continued, "But I suddenly remembered that I have important matters to attend to, so I won't bother you any more. I will pay a special visit next time."
Then Zhao Gao pretended to be very anxious, turned around and left.

The things they took were not put in Shusun Tong's house, but brought back.

He didn't want to expose his intentions in front of Li Si and Wang Jian.

Decided to investigate carefully to see if Shusun Tong had other identities to be scrambled by so many people.

After he left, Li Si said, "He must have come here suddenly out of no good intentions."
Wang Jian also echoed and said: "It seems very likely that he has heard about Chun Yuyue's incident, and that's why he came here. Otherwise, he had almost no contact with Shusun Tong before, so why did he suddenly come here? ?"
Although Zhao Gao seems to be a person who does not fight or grab on the surface, and his official position is not great.

He treats everyone respectfully, like a smiling tiger.

But in fact, he is the one who controls everything by His Majesty's side.

Sometimes it is very possible that some of what he said will affect His Majesty's decision.

For example, I asked those alchemists to refine the elixir.

And the matter of Xu Fu preparing to build a ship and go to sea was all told by Zhao Gao in front of His Majesty.

Zhao Gao is a very dangerous person.

Li Si suggested: "It seems that if we act in the future, we must be more vigilant. Zhao Gao's delicate thoughts may have been discovered by him."
In fact, it doesn't matter what Zhao Gao wants to do, the most important thing is to protect Zhao Yang's identity.

If Zhao Gao finds out about this matter, with his character, he will definitely discuss with Hu Hai to deal with Zhao Yang.

This is what Li Si is most worried about.

Although Zhao Yang is much smarter than other princes, there is no one around him who can protect him.

Zhao Gao's martial arts are so strong, if he wants to attack Zhao Yang himself, he can't avoid it.

Shu Suntong didn't care, he thought it was impossible for Zhao Gao to cause any big disturbance.

It's just a person who helps His Majesty drive the carriage, what great things can he do.

Shu Suntong said calmly: "Don't worry, since he came to see me, if there is any trouble, I will definitely tell you."
Wang Jian and Li Si just nodded without speaking.

Thinking of the current ending due to his own mistakes, Shusuntong felt very guilty.

He sighed again and again and said: "It's just a pity that this Three Character Classic is really a good book."
To be impersonated by someone like Chun Yuyue is an insult to this book.

Wang Jian also agreed: "I hope Zhao Yang can let the world know that this book was not written by Chunyu Yue at all."
The three guessed in their hearts the method Zhao Yang would use.

They really couldn't wait to see Chunyu Yue being insulted by the world.

At this time, at the bulletin board of the city gate.

A group of people are gathering together and discussing something.

"What is this I've never seen before?"
"I don't know, it was posted here before noon today, and everyone didn't notice this thing at first."
Looking carefully, I saw a thin piece of yellow paper pasted on the bulletin board.

There are dense words written on the yellow paper.

Everyone has never seen that this thin thing can write on it.

Everyone surrounded them curiously.

Even the patrolling people in the city came to maintain order.

Everyone doesn't know who made this thing.

Everyone spread word of mouth, and soon the bulletin board was blocked.

Those who have good deeds hurriedly invited some literate people.

Several prestigious Confucian scholars rushed over.

"What is written on this paper?"
The Daru looked at each other a few times, then lowered their heads in embarrassment.

What's more, they turned around and left directly.

But the more this happened, the more curious everyone felt, so they invited other literate people.

The man held the yellow paper and read aloud: "Chun Yuyue, a great Confucian scholar, plagiarized other people's books as his own publication, and used money to win others behind his back..."
The crowd was in an uproar.

Naturally, they also knew Chunyu Yue's reputation.

Such a highly respected person actually did such a thing behind his back.

And the credibility of this matter is very high, because everyone has also heard of the Three Character Classic that Chunyu Yue himself issued before.

I think the plagiarism incident mentioned here should be the three-character classic that everyone has passed down by word of mouth.

The man read out some of Chunyu Yue's secret activities before.

Everyone listened with gusto.

Some radicals even stood up and cursed Chunyu Yue directly.

Those who hate Confucianism have taken advantage of this and have continued to attack Confucianism.

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