"Master, who do you send to lead the army?" Fa Yan asked again.

"The end will fight!"

Before Liu Zhang could speak, several generals under his command immediately looked at him eagerly.

This is an opportunity to lead the army independently. As long as he wins this opportunity, his status in Liu Zhang's camp will be greatly improved.

Liu Zhang looked at the civil servants and military generals in the conference hall, they were all together, far more than the year when he first came to Jingzhaoyin.

Not to mention civil servants, there are dozens of military generals such as Zhang Ren, Yan Xing, Gan Ning, Xu Huang, Zhang Li, Xu Rong, Zhang Kui, Zhang Qin, Ma Teng, Wu Yi, and Wu Ban.

In addition to these famous generals, there are a large number of generals guarding military camps in various places, not near Chang'an.

Well, not in vain of my status as a clan member of Liu Zhang's Han family, this time traveler is enough.

Liu Zhang glanced at the generals, thinking for a moment.

"Xu Rong, Li Fang."

"The end is here!" The two immediately stepped out.

"With Xu Rong as the main general, lead an army of [-], and immediately reinforce Hedong!"

Xu Rong was taken aback. Although he also called for the battle before, he knew in his heart that as a general, the chance of him immediately leading the army alone was very small.

Unexpectedly, the lord would let him be the main general, and Li Fang would be the deputy general.He knew that Li Fang was Liu Zhang's old subordinate. Although his combat power was only that of a third-rate general, his battlefield experience was extremely rich.

"The last general takes orders!" After Xu Rong and Li Fang bowed their hands and saluted, they turned around and left the State Shepherd's Mansion. They took Liu Zhang's order to dispatch [-] soldiers to the barracks, and then went to Hedong.

The situation in Hedong is critical and no delay is allowed. They can only march while resupplying at the cities along the way.

Zhang Qin, the defender of Hedong, was promoted to lieutenant because of his military achievements, and concurrently served as lieutenant of Hedong County.

Hedong County is a large county, which was developed earlier and has a large population. After Liu Zhang left an army of [-], he also ordered Zhang Qin to recruit [-] soldiers in Hedong. The entire Hedong County has a total of [-] soldiers.

After Zhang Qin took office as the lieutenant of Hedong County, he immediately recruited [-] recruits and started training.

It's just that it's only been three months, and the training time for recruits is short, and they haven't seen blood, so their combat effectiveness is not very high.

Even so, he has always set up outposts at the ferry along the Yellow River to strictly guard against sneak attacks by Xiliang soldiers on the other side, but ignored the east.

Nalu Bu attacked from Diguan, broke through Dongyuan County in one day, and occupied the entire Dongyuan County in three days.

The marching speed is really too fast.

Only when Dongheng's remnant soldiers reported to Zhang Qin did he know that Dongheng County was lost.

When Zhang Qin reacted, Lu Bu had already sent Zhang Liao to lead the [-]st Route Army north along the western foot of Wangwu Mountain to attack Duanshi and Xize counties.

Anyi is close to Dongheng, only tens of miles away. After Zhang Qin reacted, he immediately set up a defense line between the two counties, set up barriers, and guarded the pass.

Lv Bu personally led the army, and stormed the pass barriers everywhere, winning successive victories.

Although the defenders in the east of the river occupy a favorable position, there are too many strong generals in Lu Bu's army.

But within a few days, Zhang Qin couldn't hold back. Fortunately, the defense line he set up outside Anyi held back Lu Bu's troops.

When Xu Rong brought [-] troops over, Anyi was still there.

Xu Rong sent scouts to investigate the surrounding situation and found that Lu Bu's army was only more than 30 miles away from Anyi.

After careful consideration, he decided to camp on the hillside ten miles outside Anyi City.In this way, it can form an angle with Anyi, and if one side is attacked, the other side can quickly reinforce.

The hillside Xu Rong chose faces water in the south, and there is no shelter around the other three sides.

After choosing the location, he immediately ordered the army to cut down trees in the distance and make fences for the camp. Considering that Lu Bu had a large number of cavalry in Bingzhou, he ordered the soldiers to build more horses and dig deep ditches outside the camp to guard against the cavalry of the opponent.

In Anyi City, Zhang Qin was discussing with the generals how to retreat from the enemy. Suddenly, the guards outside the gate reported that reinforcements had arrived outside the city. Zhang Qin was overjoyed and immediately ordered the envoys to come in.

"Where are the reinforcements?" Zhang Qin asked immediately when he saw Xu Rong's envoy.

The messenger said: "But Captain Zhang in person?"

"It's the general!"

"I'm General Xu Rong's general. General Xu led [-] troops to reinforce us under the command of my lord. Now I'm camping on the hillside ten miles outside the city." The messenger replied kneeling on one knee.

"Ten thousand?" Zhang Qin looked a little ugly, and he sighed. "I ordered my scouts to inquire in many ways, and I learned that Lu Bu's army has a total of 1 soldiers. There will be more than ten people including Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Wei Yue, and Cheng Lian. At present, there are only more than [-] people in Hedong, including General Xu. Even [-] people are no match for it.”

The messenger was a little surprised, thinking that Zhang Qin seemed a little pessimistic.

However, Zhang Qin is really not to blame for this. Although he has not confronted Lu Bu in the past few days, the defense line arranged outside was broken by him in just a few days, which shows the strength of Lu Bu's army.

"With Lu Bu's current advance speed, I think he will be able to reach the city of Anyi tomorrow. Please go back and inform General Xu to rest early today." Zhang Qin ordered the envoy to have a full meal before sending him out of the city.

After the envoy left the city, he returned to the barracks immediately, and then told Xu Rong what Zhang Qin had said.

Xu Rong ordered the barracks to be on guard. After dinner, he left the necessary night guard soldiers behind and went to bed early.

On the other side, Lu Bu's barracks, Lu Bu asked Wei Xu, "How long will it take for our army to reach the city of Anyi?"

Wei Xu thought for a while, and then said: "Our army is only 35 miles away from Anyi. As long as we pull out three more barriers, we can go straight to Anyi."

"Okay, immediately order Song Xian, Hou Cheng, and Hao Meng to lead two thousand troops each, and must contribute to this barrier before sunset tomorrow."

"No!" The three took orders.

These three barriers are the last barriers outside the city of Anyi. They are built on the hills. Each barrier has three troops and horses, and there are many crossbowmen inside.

However, although these three barriers were easy to defend and difficult to attack, Song Xian, Hou Cheng, and Hao Meng were battle-tested and fierce generals. They attacked the city with 2000 people, and the three barriers were breached one after another.

Outside the city of Anyi, there is no longer a line of defense.

Lu Bu immediately pulled out his camp, advanced ten li, and set up his camp twenty li east of Anyi.

During the camping process, he sent a large number of Bingzhou cavalry around to investigate the surrounding environment, so as to avoid sudden enemy attacks during the camping process.

The next day, Lu Bu ordered Gao Shun, Hao Meng, and Song Xian to guard the camp. He led Cheng Lian, Cao Xing, Wei Xu, Gao Ya, and Hou Cheng with [-] generals out of the camp, looking for the city of Anyi.

Lu Bu knew that Anyi's Hedong County was a high city and a deep pool, so it would be extremely difficult to break through it quickly.

On the first day of attacking the city, he only did a test, to find out the strength of Anyi's defenders, and then make plans.

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