On the snowy ground, the two armies faced each other, and Baibo's army could not retreat.

Surrounded by a group of generals, Liu Zhang rode his horse and slowly approached the enemy formation.

"Please come out and talk to the enemy general!"

"What are they going to do?" Yang Feng didn't know what the enemy general was going to do, so he asked Xiang Zuo.

"The last general guesses, I'm afraid he wants to persuade him to surrender!"

"To persuade you to surrender, is it so easy for my Baibo army to surrender?" Yang Feng was unmoved.

"I am!" Yang Feng replied loudly.

"I heard that after the death of the leader of the Baibo army, Guo Tai, the four generals of his troops, Yang Feng, Li Le, Han Xian, and Hu Cai, were the commanders-in-chief. Who are you?" Liu Zhang asked loudly.

"This general Yang Feng!"

"Oh, that's Yang Feng who took refuge in Dong thief?" Liu Zhang showed disdain.

"Bastard, if I surrender to Dong Xiangguo, I surrender to the imperial court. Why do you have such an expression on your face?" Yang Feng looked at the expression on Liu Zhang's face, feeling that he was being booed by the other party, and felt unhappy.

"Hahaha!" Liu Zhang first laughed a few times, and then said: "In the Baibo army, Mrs. Guo still has some skills. He is the Baibo army with [-] soldiers. He conquered Taiyuan in the east and Hanoi in the south, but he died." Afterwards, the Baibo army went from bad to worse, and among the four chiefs, only you, Yang Feng, are not bad."

Yang Feng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the other party to praise him before the battle, so he held back and didn't attack, but wanted to hear what the other party had to say.

"You know how to take refuge in the imperial court. Li Le, Han Xian, and Hu Cai didn't know the time to go against the imperial court. Now that the Baibo army has 4 people, you alone command 2 people, and the other three only have [-] people. "

"Liu Yizhou is too famous!" Yang Feng felt a little proud in his heart. When Mrs. Guo was still around, he had always looked down on Li Le, Han Xian, and Hu Cai. Liu Zhang's words really touched his heart.

"You judge the situation and know that when Li Jue and Guo Si are fighting among themselves, staying away from Luoyang will save the suffering of the fish in the pond."

"But." Suddenly, Liu Zhang changed the subject.

"But what?"

"But who gave you the courage to come and rob my rations!" Liu Zhang's voice suddenly rose.

"I sit in three counties and have more than [-] soldiers. You dare to fight against me, but don't worry, I never hold grudges. If I have grudges, I will avenge them immediately!"

Yang Feng understood what Liu Zhang meant, he was going to kill himself.

"Son Liu Zhang, Yang Feng's head is here, come and get it if you have the ability!"

As the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose. At this time, Yang Feng still refused to give in.

Liu Zhang laughed, looked around, and shouted, "Who can take down Yang Feng's head for me?"

"The end will be willing to go!"

Liu Zhang only heard a loud roar, and a burly general galloped out to kill the enemy.

Liu Zhang took a closer look and found that it was Yan Xing from Liangzhou.

This Yan Xing was originally a general under Han Sui's command. He had the courage of all men, and his martial arts skills were second to none in Liangzhou.

Liu Zhang saw him go out, so he didn't stop him.

Yan Xing rode his horse with a gun, and charged towards Yang Feng. Yang Feng, not to be outdone, greeted him with his gun.

After one round, Yang Feng broke out in a cold sweat. Seeing Yan Xing rushing towards him again, he immediately shouted: "Gongming, save me!"

I saw a general rushing out of the Baibo army formation. He held a double axe and ran towards Yang Fengce's horse, shouting: "Don't hurt my lord!"

Knowing that Xu Huang was coming, Yang Feng tried his best to block Yan Xing's second round, but he was no longer able to resist the third round.

Seeing that Yan Xing was about to perform meritorious deeds, he stabbed an axe with his spear, and his seven orifices were filled with smoke.

One of them wields a gun, the other wields a double axe.

Yan Xing was in his prime of life, not only superb in martial arts, but also in physical strength.

The two fought in front of the general's formation, and everyone was shocked to see them coming and going.

After only [-] rounds of fighting between the two sides, Xu Huang gradually couldn't resist. When the two horses missed each other, he swung his ax at Yan Xingxu and ran towards his own formation.

At this time, Yang Feng had already returned to the main formation, surrounded and protected by his own soldiers.

Yan Xing was annoyed that the opponent blocked him from making meritorious deeds, so he rode his horse behind him and chased after him.

Only then did Liu Zhang react, and he immediately shouted loudly: "Yan Xing, capture Xu Huang alive!"

At the same time, he ordered the army to attack the Baibo army formation.

Yan Xing was angry when he heard Liu Zhang's order, but he dared not disobey.

His war horse was a Xiliang BMW, but he caught up with Xu Huang in a short while, Xu Huang couldn't get away, so he could only turn around and fight.

However, after three rounds, Yan Xing shot Xu Huang off the horse, and the soldiers who rushed over immediately captured Xu Huang and tied him with a rope.

In the snow field, tens of thousands of soldiers launched a charge, and immediately trampled the snow on the ground until it looked ugly.

Seeing that the number one fierce general under his command was captured, Yang Feng felt frightened and lost his position.

He wanted to run for his life, but he forgot to command, so the Baibo army could only fight in panic.

After a round of charge, the Baibo army was crushed. Although they tried their best to resist, in the battle of tens of thousands of people, the organized side had an absolute advantage.

Half an hour later, the Baibo army was defeated across the board.

Among the rebellious army, Zhang Ren saw Yang Feng's figure, immediately chased after him, and stabbed him from behind with a shot.

In a panic, Yang Feng resisted for several rounds before being stabbed off his horse and trampled to death by the horse's hoof.

Zhang Ren got off his horse, stuck his spear on the ground, drew out his saber from his waist, cut off Yang Feng's head, and held it high with the tip of his spear.

"The head of Yang Feng is here, why don't you surrender?"

The officers and men of the Baibo army, seeing Yang Fengshou, immediately lost their will to resist, and they all lowered their weapons and gave up resisting.

In less than a stick of incense, the Baibo army who were still alive all surrendered.

His own generals collected the prisoners and cleaned the battlefield. Zhang Ren sent Yang Feng's head to Liu Zhang, and Yan Xing also escorted Xu Huang.

"Good, good, good!" Liu Zhang looked at Zhang Ren and Yan Xing with satisfaction, "You two generals have worked hard, I will designate you two as partial generals, and we will reward you and return to Chang'an!"

The two immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you, my lord!"

Zhang Ren didn't know, but Yan Xing knew that the most important official in Liu Zhang's army was the school lieutenant, and he and Zhang Ren were the first officials to be named partial generals.

"Are you Xu Huang, Xu Gongming from Hedong?" Liu Zhang encouraged the two of them, and then walked in front of Xu Huang. The wound on his body was not bandaged, and there was still blood on his abdomen.

"Yes, I am!"

"Yang Feng is not the lord of the Ming Dynasty. The Baibo army is nothing more than a rebel army. The general is full of martial arts and has nowhere to display them. If you are willing to surrender me, I will let the world know your name Xu Huang. Do you want to surrender?"

"Sin will come down!"

Liu Zhang was overjoyed, this is one of the five good generals.

"I don't like the surrender of [-] troops, but I like the general."

"Come here, quickly untie General Xu!"

Then Liu Zhang asked the accompanying military doctor to apply medicine and bandage for Xu Huang. A series of actions of courteous corporals continued, which made Xu Huang very moved.

Xu Huang had just come down, and Liu Zhang couldn't afford to give him a high position, so he appointed him as Sima of another department, in charge of a group of soldiers and horses.

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