Three Kingdoms Strong Army System

Chapter 8 The Second Wave Response

Liu Zhang entered the prefect's mansion first, and the rest of the officials followed immediately.

However, when he was introduced into the prefect's mansion and the meeting hall, he didn't hear the sound of mission completion from the system.

What is this?
Does it mean that I haven't completed the task yet!

Liu Zhang was a little puzzled.

However, after he stepped into the meeting hall, he walked to the seat of the eunuch and sat down, quietly watching the officials who followed.

On the side of the meeting hall facing the main entrance, there is a section of steps with a cushion and a desk on the steps, which is the position of the eunuch.

On both sides, there are tables and cushions on each side. These are the positions where officials and guests of the prefect's mansion sit on their knees.

A group of officials came in and sat down one after another according to their positions.

"Report to the prefect!" Not long after sitting down, an official with a few strands of white hair spoke immediately.

Liu Zhang finally understood that this was the second round, and it was just outside the prefect's mansion that it was the first round.

"What's the matter?" Without waiting for the white-haired official to continue, Liu Zhang first put on the posture that a superior should have, and asked in a deep voice.

"Jingzhaoyin is a large county with many officials. Not all of them are present in the meeting hall. I ask the next official to introduce them one by one for the prefect."

"Oh, all the people here are not here?" Liu Zhang looked at the meeting hall suspiciously. There were more than [-] officials in the hall, but they hadn't all come yet.

"Not all!" The burly official on the other side responded.

"According to the imperial court system, under the prefect of a county, the county lieutenant and the county magistrate are in charge of military and political affairs, the long history is responsible for making suggestions, the meritorious official is responsible for recording the merits and demerits of officials, the five officials are responsible for carrying out specific affairs, and supervising postal traffic.

Among them, the subordinate officials of the prefect's mansion have the chief recorder's history, the recorder's history, the play's history, the Shaofu's history, the door's governor thief Cao, the door's thief Cao, the mansion's pavilion chief, the door's discussion of Cao's history, the door's history, the door's history, The secretary under the door, the small official under the door.

Among the five sense organs, under Hu Cao, there are Hu Cao's history, Tian Cao's history, Shui Cao's history, Shi Cao's history, and Bi Cao's history.

Under Ji Cao, there are the history of Cang Cao, the history of Jin Cao, the history of Ji Cao, and the history of Shi.

Under the Bing Cao, there is the history of Bing Cao and the history of Wei Cao.

Under the bandit Cao there is the history of the bandit Cao Jun, the bandit captures the thief, decides the history of Cao Jun, and resigns from the history of Cao Jun.

Under the study of Cao, there are officials who study the history of officials, county officials who offer sacrifices to wine, teachers who study classics, history of literature, and history of doctors.

The governor post has the official governor post post, the history of the Cao Cao post, and the history of the Cao Cao post. "

Liu Zhang slowly finished talking about the officials of a county in one breath. His comprehensiveness made the officials in the hall dumbfounded.

Even if it was one of them, although he remembered, he couldn't tell all of them.

This prefect, although young and not handsome, is quite powerful.

It seems that he came prepared, and some officials in the imperial court have made up their minds to find out the background of the prefect.

After Liu Zhang finished speaking, he glanced at the crowd again, his tone suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply: "I think everyone has a lot of opinions on me!"

"Why did the eunuch say such a thing!" Everyone asked in confusion.

"There should be more than 42 people in total. Although the rank of those officials is low, they should welcome me into the mansion. There are only 21 people in the meeting hall. Where are the rest?"

Liu Zhang asked loudly.

His confidence comes from the two hundred soldiers, who have surrounded the entire meeting hall to protect Liu Zhang.

The strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, and it is talking about the relationship between the big man and the enemy's wealthy family, but he Liu Zhang just wants to touch it today.

"This." Everyone didn't know how to respond.

In fact, Liu Zhang's words were flawed. The imperial court appointed officials and directly asked them to take up their posts with seals and imperial decrees. When Liu Zhang came, he did not send someone to notify them in advance.

He just wanted to defraud them. Everyone in his heart was just frightened by his preemptive aura, and some people would wake up soon.

But without waiting for their reaction, Liu Zhang shouted again: "All the officials in the prefect's mansion, even if they don't know that I'm going to Chang'an today, I'm not prepared, but now I've entered the prefect's mansion for a while, but they haven't arrived yet. Could it be that they're not on duty in the prefect's mansion?"

This problem is even more serious.

Officials who are not in their posts are dereliction of duty.

Of course, among the officials of the prefect's mansion, such as the governor post, the office is not in the prefect's mansion, but in other places.

Some of them were about to refute, but Liu Zhang immediately said: "Even if officials like the postal supervisor are not on duty in the prefect's mansion and cannot come in time, these 21 people are not the only ones."

At this point, the officials of Jing Zhaoyin's prefect's mansion completely put away their contempt for Liu Zhang.

They didn't expect that they wanted to make things difficult for the new prefect when they were welcoming them, but instead they were scolded by him instead.

"The task is completed, reward two hundred Hanhu riflemen. In the identity matching, match two hundred ordinary spearmen with the Chang'an garrison, and become a Hanhu tiger rifleman. The match is successful and the loyalty is 90%."

In Liu Zhang's ear, finally came the long-awaited reminder.

It seems that I have more confidence.

However, Liu Zhang also knew that he would accept as soon as it was good, and was suppressing it, fearing that there would be a rebound.

He changed his previous aggressive demeanor into a smile again.

"This prefect is easy to talk to, everyone, don't be so nervous!"

I believe you a ghost!
Everyone looked at Liu Zhang, although they didn't believe it in their hearts, but they had enough expressions on their faces.

"Everyone, I'm new to Chang'an, and I don't know much about Jing Zhaoyin's situation. I still need everyone's help to manage Jing Zhaoyin in the future!"

"We will definitely help you with all our strength!" Everyone responded in unison, and the posture was very good.

Because in the Han Dynasty, the prefect had great power and could directly appoint subordinate officials, even the county lieutenant, county magistrate, long history and county magistrates had the right to recommend.

It can be said that he has the power of life and death over the officials of the whole county.

As long as you find a suitable excuse after killing him, the imperial court will never do anything to the prefect.

"Since this is the case, I, the prefect, would like to thank you all first. You should settle down to your duties and do your own thing. After I have a thorough understanding of Jing Zhaoyin, I will make adjustments."

Liu Zhang continued to quote the classics and talk eloquently. "Governing a big country is like cooking small fish. Jing Zhaoyin is not only a big county, but also the accompanying capital of my big man, so it can't be sloppy."

"The prefect's words are very true!" Seeing Liu Zhang citing scriptures, everyone recognized him to a certain extent.

Because, although the sentence just now was said by Lao Tzu, it is also regarded as a classic by Confucianism, and several officials born in Confucianism all regard Liu Zhang as a confidant.

Now that knowledge is monopolized by aristocratic families, nine out of ten people who can master this core Confucian classics are Confucianists.

Liu Zhang continued to chat with them for a while before letting them go.

In the next few days, Liu Zhang kept meeting with the various officials to understand the affairs under their jurisdiction, but he did not interfere too much.

All the officials in Chang'an slowly put down their guard.

Liu Zhang did not act, but he knew that he had not obtained two rights, one was military power and the other was financial power.

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