After the spring plowing this year, Yuan Shao, who was stationed in Hanoi, used a strategy to capture Jizhou, where Mu Hanfu lived. Cao Cao stationed troops in Chenliu, and later went to Dongjun to serve as the prefect.

The other princes, the small one is a county, and the big one is a state, attacking each other to strengthen their own power.

Luoyang, Dong Zhuo's former troops, Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji, Fan Chou, Duan Yan, Xu Rong and others still attacked each other. Although they won and lost each other, they were unable to annex one side in a short time.

The soldiers and horses under their command not only died in battle, but also escaped a lot.

The number of soldiers in the three counties decreased by 10,000 from [-]+ in just half a year, and thousands of them fled to Guanzhong and were taken in by Liu Zhang.

However, apart from Tongguan, Guanzhong is a different situation.

Jingzhaoyin Duling County.

Ten miles north of the county seat, there is a small village with only about 200 households and more than [-] people.

Because the spring plowing was over, there were very few young and strong people in the village. They were either in the military camp in Chang'an City, or served as soldiers in Lantian County.

Just after ten o'clock in the morning, a group of 30 soldiers came over pushing three carriages.A horse is a poor horse, and a cart is an empty cart.

When the people at the entrance of the village saw this group of soldiers coming, some people came forward to inquire. "Master, why are you here?"

"Come and collect some chickens and ducks." The first team leader replied skillfully.Obviously, this is not the first time he has come to the village to buy chickens and ducks.

"Immediately ask the village head to notify the households. The county head will send people to buy chickens and ducks. If there are pigs and sheep, they will also be bought at the market price. There will be no shortage." The team leader looked at the villagers and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll notify the village chief immediately!" A young man rushed to the village, obviously they knew that these soldiers would not mess around.

Thirty soldiers looked at the young man running towards the village and immediately smiled.

These purchased chickens, ducks and other livestock will be paid by the prefect's mansion, and then transported to the military camp as food for the soldiers.

When I was a soldier, it was considered good to be able to eat white rice and steamed buns. It was rare to see meat once a year, and only when I was winning a battle could I eat meat.

Now that Liu Zhang is in power in Guanzhong, they can eat meat once every ten days and half a month. It is said that those elite troops can eat meat every few days.

Thinking of this, the captain involuntarily licked his lips with the tongue in his mouth.

He is only a guard in Lantian County, and belongs to the second-line army in Guanzhong. He can only eat meat once every ten days when he is promoted to the captain level, which is not as good as a soldier in the first-line army.

If you can enter the front-line army, not to mention eating meat every day, but eating meat every three to five days, then there is no problem.

But the first-line army doesn't mean you can enter if you want to. He thought about joining the first-line army before, but he failed the assessment.

The captain continued to walk towards the village with the people and the carriage. There was an open space in the village, and this open space was where the villagers gathered.

Thirty of them brought three carriages and waited for a cup of tea in the open space, and then villagers came one after another.

In the time of burning incense, more than 100 people came to the open space, and the village chief also came.

The captain said a few words to the village head, explaining why he came, and the village head conveyed it to the villagers.

In the village, there are about [-] households, which were notified by the government a few months ago to encourage the raising of chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, pigs and other livestock, and the government sent people to buy them regularly.

It's just that I haven't come before, and this is the first time.

The villagers were skeptical about the government's decree, but under Liu Zhang's three years of governance, the people in Guanzhong still believed in the government.

Ever since, more than 30 people in the village raised a lot of livestock.

Every household sold all grown-up chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, pigs and other livestock to the captain at the market price, except for the necessary breeding.

The captain and soldiers came with copper coins and returned to Lantian County with three carts full of livestock.

More than [-] households sold less than a hundred dollars and more than thousands of dollars, and went home happily.

Not to mention anything else, go to the city to buy some cloth, make some new clothes for the family, and buy some snacks for the children.

Those who don't raise livestock look at those fellow villagers who are happy to go home, and they are also envious in their hearts.

They didn't believe the government decree, and now they regret it.

Livestock such as chickens, ducks, etc. are rare items, and the village can afford them, but they can only be sold in the county town. In the past, not many people could afford them, so not many people kept them.

But now the government is really buying them, and those who haven't kept them are already planning to raise a few.

This trip back, the captain is very happy.

In one village, five sheep, three pigs, a hundred chickens and ducks, and thirty geese were purchased.

This is just one village in Lantian County, other villages also have other soldiers to buy these livestock at the same time.

Some of the purchased livestock stayed in the garrisons in various counties, and most of them were sent to Chang'an City.

Of Liu Zhang's 11 troops, only one-third are elite troops, and these elite troops are all stationed in Chang'an City.

Their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the second-line troops under Liu Zhang's command, and their consumption is also far greater than that of the second-line troops.

After these livestock were sent to Chang'an, some of them went into storage, and some were sent to the army in the city.

Liu Zhang's direct troops, Iron Wall Shield Guards, Sunset Archer Tiger Rifle Soldiers and Gale Wind Shield Guards, are the elite of his elite. It is no exaggeration to say that one enemy is ten, and their treatment is also the best.

Liu Zhang tried his best to put an end to food and cards, and rectified the administration of officials. He suppressed the aristocratic families while managing them reasonably.

In the Guanzhong area, although the aristocratic and powerful families have to behave with their tails between their legs and dare not be too presumptuous, they have gained a lot of benefits.

The meat supply alone is much more than other armies.

Liu Zhang's economic stimulus policy first showed results in commerce. The business environment in Guanzhong was much better than before. Many merchants were willing to do business in Guanzhong, and wealthy families also organized caravans in Guanzhong.

After Liu Zhang controlled half of Liangzhou, they could also transport goods to the Hu tribe in Liangzhou for sale.

Products of the Han people, such as salt, tea cakes, fine wine, etc., are especially loved by the Hu people, and the cattle, sheep and horses of the Hu people are also liked by the Han people.Back and forth, the caravans communicate with each other.

Moreover, Liu Zhang also used business to divide the Hu people, especially the Qiang people.

For those Qiang tribes who are willing to submit to him, the caravans will go more often, and the trade will also give certain discounts. If the Qiang tribes who are not willing to submit, even those who are against him, the caravans will go less, or even not go, and the trade will be less. No discounts are given.

Over time, more and more Qiang tribes were willing to surrender to Liu Zhang, and some tribes remained neutral and hostile to Liu Zhang, and there were fewer and fewer tribes.

The establishment of Liangzhou was originally intended to prevent the alliance between the Qiang and the Huns.

The Xiongnu were active in the north of Liangzhou, and the Qiang people mostly lived in the plateau south of Liangzhou. Liangzhou was established to prevent the two ethnic groups from jointly attacking the Han Dynasty.

It's a pity that the Han Dynasty is now weak, and it is difficult to deter the Xiongnu and Qiang. But now that Liu Zhang has come, the situation has slowly changed again.

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