Three Kingdoms Strong Army System

Chapter 61 The Power of the Catapult

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll use these catapults tomorrow."

Liu Zhang nodded in satisfaction.

On the second day, Liu Zhang led 8000 troops out of the camp, and then ordered another Sima Xu Lai to lead [-] troops to station on the mountain road to guard the rear of the army, while he himself led [-] people to Fuping County.

Near Fuping County, there are many hills, and it is difficult for a large army to attack the city.

Liu Zhang had [-] soldiers and stopped [-] paces outside the south gate of Fuping County.

Any closer and the soldiers crowded.

When Wudang learned that the enemy army was coming from outside the city, he immediately led his men to the top of the city.

Seeing that the other party did not immediately attack the city, many soldiers came over with ten strange-shaped carts.

He looked to the left and right, "What is that, can you recognize it later?"

The left and right generals carefully observed the catapults outside the city, and shook their heads, "I don't know!"

"Let's see what these Han people are doing!" Wudang put one hand on the female wall and looked out of the city from a distance.

Ten catapults, pushed by hundreds of soldiers, moved forward slowly, and stopped when they were three hundred steps away from Fuping County.

Ten catapults lined up.

The soldiers found stones and pushed each wheel of the catapult back and forth.

Afterwards, the five-hundred-sword shield soldiers quickly passed the catapults, stopped in front of them, and arranged a line of defense.

Almost round stones were transported from the cart to the side of the catapult.

Next to each catapult, dozens of stones were stored, and the soldiers continued to transport them forward.

Liu Zhang led the army and watched from behind.

This time, he did not send anyone to persuade him to surrender, nor did he attack the city with ants.

"My lord, it's ready!" A military lord in charge of the catapult rode over.

"Attack!" Liu Zhang shouted the order softly, and the military marquis immediately returned to the front line. After the start, the soldiers controlled the catapult.

Two soldiers, turn the catapult winch and let the lever come down.

Two soldiers grabbed the lever, and the two soldiers lifted a roughly round stone to the pallet at the end of the lever.

Then the soldier released the winch and the lever slammed upwards.

The stones on the end pallet were thrown out violently.

After the stone drew an arc in the air, it slammed heavily in front of it.

Some of the ten stones fell on the ground, and some fell on the city wall.

However, none of the stones hit anyone.

"Hahaha!" The behavior of the Han army made the defenders on the Fuping city wall laugh.

Two of the stones were smashed on the city wall, and the stone bricks at the two places were smashed to pieces, and there was a big hole missing.

However, compared with the thick city wall, this opening is still bearable.

Time is still long.

The soldiers of the Han army outside Fuping City, after observing the location where the stones thrown by their catapult fell, immediately made local adjustments to the catapult to determine the direction, angle and strength.

Then, they started the second round of throwing.

This round, because of the adjustment, more stones fell on the Fuping city wall.

Among them, two stones hit the defenders on the top of the city.

At the moment of the impact, one of the two defenders' head was shattered on the spot, and the other's body turned into a pulp.

The surrounding soldiers trembled in fright when they saw the miserable state of the two of them.

However, this is just the beginning.

After several rounds of test firing, the Han army finally determined the parameters of the direction and angle of the catapult, and then started a crazy projectile.

A piece of round stones were carried on a pallet and then thrown out by a lever.

Each catapult is controlled in an orderly manner by several soldiers.

In the time it takes for a cup of tea, hundreds of stones have smashed into the city wall, and more than 30 people under Wudang's command have been crushed to death.

In this way, the number of enemies killed by the catapult is not very high.

But looking at the top of the city wall, many soldiers are hiding behind the female wall, not daring to show their heads.

They saw with their own eyes the person who was still alive just now, standing in front of them, suddenly disappeared.

Then, a pile of meat paste was left on the top of the city.

Pushing the meat paste, still dripping with blood, the scene is indescribable.

All the soldiers who saw this scene thought of the porridge they ate this morning, and then they felt a twitch in their stomach.

Then, they vomited.

The originally flat city wall was cracked by these stones, and the gravel cracked, and the surrounding defenders were injured one by one.

Ten catapults continued to throw stones towards Fuping City. One by one, the carts brought up the stones from the rear, and then the soldiers unloaded them and piled them next to each catapult.

On the top of the city, Wudang finally realized the horror of the weapons of the Han army outside the city. He immediately ordered the city gate to be opened and sent a team of soldiers to destroy it.

But the Han army had been prepared for a long time. When the city gate opened, they knew what the other party wanted to do.

The five hundred soldiers standing in front of the catapult were none other than Liu Zhang's trump card - the big Han iron wall shield guard.

This super-defensive unit also lived up to its reputation this time. With 500 of them, they actually blocked the [-] soldiers Wudang sent out of the city.

These thousand cavalry were unable to advance an inch in front of the five hundred iron shield guards.

At this time, Liu Zhang dispatched the archers from the rear of the army to come forward, and then hid behind the iron wall shield guards, and shot and killed the enemy cavalry with bows and arrows.

In just one stick of incense, half of the thousand enemy cavalry who left the city were shot and killed. Seeing that the attack was fruitless, they could only return to the city.

However, Liu Zhang did not order to follow them.

Instead, let the catapult continue to attack.

Fuping City is small and the city gates are not big, so it is actually very difficult to follow the defeated army into the city.

Three hours had passed, and Liu Zhang's army was standing [-] steps away from the county seat, watching the catapults smashing the city wall [-] steps ahead.

Xicheng, a small town ten miles east of Fuping County, had discovered Liu Zhang's army long ago, but they only had 2000 people in the city, so they dared not send troops easily.

An hour later, when they discovered that Liu Zhang's army was attacking the city, they sent [-] soldiers to Fuping.

They appeared on the right flank of Liu Zhang's army and were about to order an attack, but they found an army blocking their way ahead.

The Qiang soldiers originally wanted to attack Liu Zhang's right flank, but when they realized that there was an army ahead, they ordered an attack anyway.

In their view, the Han army was vulnerable.

Luo Fu waited here for three hours, but no enemy troops came over, so he was already impatient.

Now seeing the enemy army approaching, not only was he not afraid, but excited.

He was originally just one of the three thousand generals in Jingzhao Yin, but later Liu Zhang came and promoted him to be a military marquis.

He made meritorious service in attacking the two counties of Fufeng, and was promoted to Sima of another department. He led the army for a thousand times and attacked Liangzhou this time.

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