The most important pass in the world is Hangu in Qin Dynasty.

Hangu Pass is located in Yaohan Passage, with the Yellow River on one side and Yaoshan Mountain on the other.

The entire Yaohan Passage stretches for hundreds of miles, and Hangu Pass is just set up at the most dangerous place on the south bank of the Yellow River, where the terrain is narrow and the troops cannot be deployed.

In the 200th year of the Warring States Period, the coalition forces of the six kingdoms of Shandong attacked Hangu Pass many times, but they were all kept out because the logistics failed.

However, after hundreds of years, the water of the Yellow River rushed to both banks of the embankment, closing Hangu Pass to the side of the Yellow River, and a flat and wide embankment was washed out because of the silt.

People no longer need to pass through Hangu Pass to enter the pass from its side. Qin Hangu Pass lost its function, and the Han Dynasty established Tongguan in another place.

Qin Hangu Pass was abandoned, but the Han Dynasty still established Hangu Pass, but this Hanhangu Pass was moved to another place in Yaohan Passage, which was far less dangerous than Qin Hangu Pass.

Tongguan replaced Qin Hangu Pass and became an important town in Guanzhong's defense of Shandong.

Tongguan is located in Huayin County, Hongnong County, and is not under the management of Liu Zhang.

If it was normal, Liu Zhang would definitely not be able to send troops to occupy Tongguan, because neither Hongnong County nor the court would allow him to do so.

But now, the court will soon be unable to protect itself.

But now, he's getting ready.

In the Ming Dynasty, he sent his confidants to enter Tongguan to conduct a military investigation on the grounds of military affairs.

In secret, scouts were sent out in disguise to draw a topographic map around Tongguan.

Prefect's Mansion, in the meeting hall.

"Increasing troops?" Ji Cao, who was in charge of a county's finances, questioned Liu Zhang before the county magistrate spoke.

"Master Taishou, four months ago, our county recruited [-] new recruits, and now we are going to expand our army. How much food will it cost?"

"How much food do we have?" Liu Zhang was not angry, and looked at Ji Cao with a smile.

"My lord," these data had long been in Ji Cao's mind, and he immediately replied: "In the treasury of Chang'an, there are still 500 million yuan in money, 15 jin of gold, and [-] shi of grain and grass."

Liu Zhang thought for a while, and then said: "With such money and food, we can still recruit [-] troops."

"My lord, my subordinates oppose the expansion of the army!"

Jun Cheng stood up.

"Oh, why do you object?"

"Jing Zhaoyin has a total population of 28, and we have [-] soldiers, enough to protect Jing Zhaoyin, and then recruit troops, fearing that there will be insufficient youth and strength among the people, which will delay farming!"

The Han Dynasty emphasized agriculture, especially Jing Zhaoyin, who belonged to the core area of ​​Guanzhong.

The Wei River, a branch of the Yellow River, runs through Jingzhaoyin, and many branches of the Weishui run through ten counties from north to south. It can be said that the ten counties in Jingzhaoyin are large agricultural counties, with countless good farmland and abundant water sources.

The entire Jing Zhaoyin, not to mention supporting 28 people, even 100 million people, is no problem.

Of course Liu Zhang knew what Jun Cheng said was true. Jingzhaoyin only had 28 people, but because the imperial court moved to Luoyang, the population moved there.

"Juncheng's words are good, but I am determined to expand the army!"

"The final general agrees with your lord's expansion of the army!" Several other Sima and captains who had been promoted by Liu Zhang shouted in unison.

When Jing Zhaoyin originally had only 3000 people, they were just insignificant officials, but when Zeng Bing reached [-], they were all promoted and their rights increased a lot.

Without that general, he would feel that he has fewer soldiers under his command.

Having tasted the sweetness of many soldiers, they will of course support it.

Although they all know that the number of troops they lead is very likely not to increase much, but they also like to increase the number of troops again.

I have long heard the caravans and the common people talking about how many soldiers there are in the counties of Shandong, but the counties in the pass have few soldiers and horses, so they have long been jealous.

"Master Taishou, please think carefully, and you must not resort to military force!" Several civil officials panicked when they saw the generals coming out to make trouble.

They also began to hold together collectively, hoping that Liu Zhang would give up the idea of ​​expanding the army.

Liu Zhang observed the expressions of everyone.

He knew that many of the generals were promoted by themselves, and the expansion of the army was also good for them. They must support him, so he had to convince these civil servants.

At least, until they do not clearly oppose themselves, only persuasion.

"Everyone, don't be too busy opposing me. I have a reason to expand the army." Liu Zhang began his performance.

"Please show me, my lord!" Jun Cheng asked immediately.

"Just now, Ji Cao has said that the Chang'an government treasury has enough food and money to recruit 3000 recruits, and I, Jing Zhaoyin, can fully maintain an army of [-] for a year."

"Jingzhaoyin has a population of 28, of whom [-] to [-] are young and strong. Although [-] young and strong have been recruited, another [-] young and strong will be recruited, and there will be more than [-] young and strong folks, enough to maintain farming."

"For the [-] new troops, I plan to use the combination of soldiers and farmers. They will gather in various counties for training when they are free, and return to their villages to work on farming when they are busy, so that farming will not be delayed!"

In this way, although the combat effectiveness of the recruits is a bit weak, they can still guarantee farming, which just blocked the mouths of these civil servants.

Hearing this, the faces of Jun Cheng and others improved a little.

In the eyes of these scribes, the most important thing is to maintain the people's livelihood and ensure the people's agricultural life.

"My lord, this combination of soldiers and farmers is like the pre-Qin period, but it does not delay the farming work. But why recruit [-] new troops?"

Liu Zhang's words just now showed that Jing Zhaoyin could recruit another [-] troops, but he couldn't tell his real reason.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Nowadays in the counties of Shandong, the large county has more than [-] soldiers, and the small county has [-] soldiers, just to guard against the Yellow Turbans. Although the Yellow Turbans are wiped out, there are still remnants of the Yellow Turbans everywhere, wandering around and disturbing the people. common people.

Although Jing Zhaoyin has [-] soldiers, but they are divided into various places, the strength of the troops is stretched. I added [-] troops, also for the safety of Jing Zhaoyin. "

After all, Liu Zhang was the prefect of Jingzhaoyin appointed by the imperial court, and he had the support of the army. Even though the civil officials headed by the governor of the county still objected, the matter was still settled.

The county lieutenant, school lieutenant, and Sima immediately split up and started the first step of increasing troops-recruiting young and strong.

They also set up recruiting points in the ten counties of Jingzhaoyin, and the young and strong in each county signed up one after another.

In the arsenal, weapons such as swords were not enough to arm [-] new troops, so Chang'an City began to forge weapons.

However, the most difficult thing is the armor.

The making of armor is the most complicated and slowest.

The scarcity of armor is far higher than that of weapons.

Ordinary soldiers are not qualified to wear armor, only elite soldiers can wear bamboo armor, and only those who reach the general level are eligible to wear leather armor.

Only those high-ranking generals can wear iron armor.

In two months, [-] new recruits have been recruited. Although the weapons are not complete yet, training has already begun.

The autumn harvest came unknowingly.

In Luoyang City, He Jin finally adopted Yuan Shao's strategy as in history, recruiting princes from all directions, leading troops into Beijing, and killing eunuchs.

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