
The weapon in the general's hand was also a sword, but it was smaller than the simple sword in Qin Ran's hand.

He rushed towards Qin Ran, ignoring the bandits around him, and came straight.

Those bandits didn't even stop them, and they all moved out of the way.

In this way, there is no barrier between him and Qin Ran.

After a few breaths, he rushed in front of Qin Ran, and shouted loudly while speaking: "That thief, take your life!"

After finishing speaking, he swung the knife away.

"Hahaha!" Qin Ran laughed three times when he saw the person coming, before he could make a move.

"Grandpa's head is here, but you can't get it."

Qin Ran grasped the hilt of the knife with both hands, and slashed Pu Dao towards the opponent.

The two knives collided in the air, making a loud noise, and the huge force was transmitted along the blades to their arms.

Qin Ran's body just paused for a moment, then stabilized.

But the footsteps of the village general took half a step back.

Oops, this thief has a lot of strength.

It's just the first move, and the general knows that the opponent's strength is greater than his own.

After the two knives collided, he immediately withdrew, and then slashed out again.

The two of you stab each other, and I stab each other, attacking each other.

Tun Jiang's knife is fast and fierce.

Qin Ran's knives were messy and disorderly, but they always blocked the opponent's attack.

Within a few breaths, the two fought each other for about ten swords before they stopped to take a break.

Tun Jiang stared at Qin Ran, his hands trembling a little, he suffered a loss in the fight just now.

He said sharply: "Well, you thief, you have some skills!"

"Really!" Qin Ran smiled coldly and said with a grin, "Then you'll be optimistic!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ran swung his saber to attack. This saber was definitely faster than before.

Although Tun Jiang had been prepared for a long time, but the opponent's sword was too fast, and just reacted, the opponent's blade slashed across the armor on his chest.

The sharp blade easily sliced ​​through the leather armor on the general's chest. Fortunately, his body moved back a little, otherwise the knife would slice through his chest.

As a general, he wears an ordinary leather armor.

But this leather armor is made of rhinoceros leather and painted black.Because of his level, his leather armor was not reinforced with iron plates, and his defensive power was average.

If he didn't have this leather armor, the knife just now would have really hit him.

The general was still in shock, but Qin Ran came forward again, slashing one after another.

In desperation, he could only wave his knife to resist.

However, he has fallen into a disadvantage.

After five rounds, he was stabbed in the neck by Qin Ran and lost his life.

The general was killed, and the morale of the bandits immediately soared.

Led by Qin Ran, they launched a fierce counterattack against the officers and soldiers in the cottage.

In their view, as long as leader Qin Ran is still there, they will definitely be able to repel the officers and soldiers.

Outside the cottage, the officers and soldiers continued to climb the mountain along the narrow mountain path, approaching the cottage, and entered the cottage along the gate.

Although Qin Ran killed the general, but in the process of killing him, more than 100 officers and soldiers entered the village.

In this way, there are four hundred officers and soldiers in the cottage.

Liu Zhang knew how much he weighed, but he didn't rush to the front, and took the lead to boost morale.

He stayed in the rear commanding the army, when he suddenly heard shouts in the stronghold, he immediately shouted: "What's going on inside, why are the bandits so excited?"

At the gate of the cottage, Yi Shichang turned his head to face Liu Zhang, and replied loudly: "Master Taishou, Xue Tun will be beheaded by the bandits. The bandits' morale has been greatly boosted, and they are fighting back against our army."

"Pass my military order, all the shield soldiers go up and hold the front line, and the spearmen hide behind the shields and advance layer by layer."

Liu Zhang's military order was conveyed, and the soldiers who entered the cottage immediately made adjustments.

The iron wall shield guards held a standard large iron shield, and they stood in the front row in dense crowds.

The Tiger Rifleman, holding a long spear, hid behind it, stabbed the tip of the spear out, and pointed it at the bandit.

They moved forward slowly, constantly expanding the space near the gate to make room for the soldiers behind.

Some bandits didn't believe in this evil, and insisted on hitting the shield defense line, but they just approached, and before they had time to charge, they were stabbed by the tip of the gun.

The standard large iron shield was very thick, and the shield guard inserted it into the ground, put his hands against the back, and let the bandits attack, they couldn't break it.

Many bandits were assassinated by the tip of the gun before the impact came. A few bandits put the tip of the gun with a knife and hit the big iron shield, but it had no effect.

After more than a dozen deaths, these mountain thieves learned how to behave. Instead of rushing towards the big iron shield foolishly, they held knives and wanted to break through the big shield, but the big shield was difficult to break through.

They immediately thought of another way.

If the shield cannot be broken, the person holding the shield will be killed.

They held knives one after another, trying to stab the iron wall shield guard behind the big shield.

The gun is long and the knife is short.

Before their knives could stab, the officers and soldiers stabbed with their spears, and more than a dozen bandits couldn't dodge in time and were stabbed.

These bandits have no defensive equipment on their bodies, and they will be injured if they are stabbed.

Those tiger riflemen, after stabbing the bandit, immediately withdrew their spears forcefully, and the tip of the spear hit the bandit's body, immediately covered with blood.

A gun head is a blood hole.

The bandits who had been stabbed fell to the ground powerlessly as soon as the spearheads left their bodies.

"go ahead!"

Seeing that the bandits were not attacking the front line, a captain of the Iron Wall Shield Guards shouted an order, and they picked up the big iron shield and pushed forward.

The bandits could only retreat, not daring to charge.

"What should I do, big brother?" A bandit with a big beard looked anxiously at Qin Ran.

At this moment, Qin Ran didn't know what to do.

The tortoise array in front of him still has thorns.

You can't attack from a distance, you can only attack from a distance.

"Shoot them with a spear!" Kieran thought of a way while backing away.

The bearded man immediately repeated Qin Ran's order loudly.

Soon, I had bandits with spears, and they gathered in front.

Seeing that the bandits were about to attack again, the officers and soldiers stopped advancing immediately, and the iron wall shield guards inserted the standard large iron shield on the ground, and put their hands behind them.

Behind them, Tiger Riflemen held long spears and stood ready.

However, they were too naive. Most of the spears used by bandits were self-made, and the quality was not as good as that of officers and soldiers. However, what they were facing was not ordinary officers and soldiers.

They are the big Han tiger riflemen.

This was strengthened by ordinary spearmen. The long spears in their hands were more refined, and the length was several feet longer than those held by bandits.

The two sides stabbed each other, and the bandit immediately suffered.

Their guns cannot stab the officers and soldiers, but the officers and soldiers' guns can stab them.

In a round of confrontation, more than 30 bandits were killed or injured.

As a result, one hundred bandits were killed or injured.

During this time, officers and soldiers from outside continued to enter the cottage.

Seeing more and more officers and soldiers, and one-third of their own casualties, the bandits began to collapse.

Qin Ran shouted orders, but he couldn't stabilize the situation. The bandits' defense line collapsed, and many bandits no longer listened to Qin Ran's orders, but fled in all directions.

In a chain reaction, the remaining bandits gathered around Qin Ran became less and less, and they were even more irresistible.

Soon, Qin Ran was captured, his confidants were killed, and those bandits who fled were also captured.

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