Three Kingdoms Strong Army System

Chapter 12 The Offensive and Defensive Battle of Dushan Village

Qin Ran's group had no education at all, they didn't understand the art of war, and the cottage was also crudely built.

The side of the cottage near the bottom of the mountain is surrounded by a two-person high wooden fence, and wild animals and people cannot enter.

At the gate, a gate is built, on which people can stand, and there are four archery towers on both sides, one on the left and one on the right, two on each side.

The archery tower is more than one foot high. Standing in the archery tower, bandits with bows and arrows can easily shoot arrows to the path outside the mountain gate, and have a wider field of vision.

Three hundred thieves had gathered one after another at the mountain gate and waited.

Some are holding knives, some are holding guns. They are all inside the gate, on the four archery towers, and on the top of the gate. There are more than 20 bandits standing with bows and arrows in their hands, waiting solemnly.

But the three scouts returned to the foot of the mountain and told Liu Zhang what they knew.

Liu Zhang immediately ordered the army to move out and enter Dushan.

Along the mountain road, rush to the main peak in the depths of Dushan.

Sure enough, half an hour later, they saw the cottage on the top of the mountain on the side of the main peak.

They saw the stronghold, and the bandits on the watchtower at the gate of the stronghold naturally spotted them too.

"The officers and soldiers have already appeared. Without my order, you are not allowed to leave the village. Hold the gate for me." Qin Ran stood on the top of the gate and shouted at the bandits.

To defend more with less, we must use favorable terrain in order to win.

On the mountainside, as Liu Zhang continued to move forward, the mountain road was rugged and difficult for horses.

He ordered fifty riders to dismount and wait on the mountainside. He took the rest of the infantry with him and continued to climb the mountain.

Nine hundred soldiers, holding weapons, followed Liu Zhang closely along the mountain road.

As they approached the stronghold, they finally saw the situation at the gate of the stronghold. There were dozens of bandits above the gate, and it seemed that the bandits were already prepared.

How to do!
The cottage is blocked by a mountain gate and a wooden fence, so it is impossible to see clearly from the outside what is inside, and it is not known how many bandits there are in the cottage.

Liu Zhang stopped suddenly, and Chen Junhou came over beside him. "Master Taishou, there is only one mountain road outside this stronghold. The mountain road is narrow and only allows three people to pass side by side. If our army attacks by force, we will not be able to use our strength."

"Send someone to check if there are other mountain roads leading to the cottage!"

"Here!" Chen Junhou immediately called out to his generals and ordered him to send 50 people to disperse in all directions to find out if there were any other mountain roads that could reach the village.

Outside the mountain gate, Liu Zhang was a hundred steps away from the cottage, half an hour passed, the sun was in the sky, and the temperature gradually became hotter.

They stood on the mountain path, feeling more and more uncomfortable, but the soldiers sent out to find other mountain paths still haven't returned.

Liu Zhang couldn't wait any longer, so he ordered: "Marquis Chen, take a hundred people to attack first, and try the quality of the bandits!"

Chen Junhou took the order, so he personally selected a group of people under his command, and then went down the mountain road, approaching the village.

This Chen Junhou was originally a general among the 500 soldiers of Jingzhaoyin. Because of his outstanding ability, he was promoted by Liu Zhang to be a military commander in command of [-] people.

After becoming a military marquis, he lived up to everyone's expectations and took good care of the people in this song.

Chen Junhou led a group of people, and quickly looked at the mountain along the mountain road, but only three people were allowed to pass in a row on the mountain road, and the team of hundreds of people was very wide.

"Brother, let's shoot the arrows!" Beside Qin Ran, a burly and fierce-looking bandit asked eagerly while holding a machete.

"What's the rush?" Qin Ran gave him an angry look, "Wait until they get closer!"

A good bow often takes several years to make.The big man can't help but fight, and the common people can hold swords, bows and arrows, but armor and crossbows must not be kept privately.

Although Qin Ran had a bow and arrow in his hand, they were all soft bows with a range of only [-] paces, and they would be useless any further.

He rested his hands on the wooden fence at the top of the gate, fixed his eyes on the officers and soldiers outside the gate, and silently calculated the distance in his heart.

When the officers and soldiers entered the range of the bow and arrow, he shouted loudly: "Fire the arrow!"

With an order, more than 20 bandits who had already set their arrows on the bowstring aimed at the officers and soldiers outside the mountain gate. As soon as they let go of their fingers, the arrows shot out with a whoosh.

In an instant, they were in front of the officers and soldiers outside the cottage.

Chen Junhou had been prepared for a long time, holding the Han sword in his hand, swipe it twice, and swung the two arrows that were shot. The soldiers behind him were not so lucky.

The soldiers he brought, because they were recruits, only wore armor made of bamboo slices. This armor can only defend the torso, but not the arms and calves.

Moreover, the defensive power of the armor made of bamboo slices can only be considered average, which is not something that all soldiers can enjoy.

One face to face, six or seven of the people in the village led by Chen Junhou were shot by arrows.

Fortunately, the torso is protected by armor, even if it is hit by an arrow for a while, it will not hurt.

Before reaching the mountain bandit gate, several people were injured, and Chen Junhou was suddenly upset. He quickened his pace and approached the mountain gate.

Outside the mountain gate, there is a small open space that can accommodate dozens of people standing. As long as they are close to the mountain gate, they can take advantage of the number of people.

However, when Chen Junhou led the team and went forward for more than ten steps, the bandit's second round of arrows came again.

Although they only had about twenty archers, the distance was so close that they could still do a lot of damage.

Soon, three soldiers were killed by arrows and ten soldiers were wounded.

When Chen Junhou led his men to the front of the mountain gate, one-third of his troops had been wounded by arrows.

"Break open the door for me!" Chen Junhou held the Han sword in his hand, and immediately called out to the soldiers under his command, hitting the door with his body.

The gate of this cottage is made of two wooden doors, the door is not thick, but Chen Junhou and the others did not carry a bumper, only dozens of people hit it with their bodies.

Behind the gate, dozens of bandits also put their bodies against the gate.

Every time Chen Junhou hit the gate, the bandits behind the gate could feel the vibration of the gate.

They desperately resisted the gate to prevent the officers and soldiers from knocking it open.

When the officers and soldiers hit the gate outside the cottage, the archers on the gate kept shooting arrows at them.

In just one cup of tea, more than half of the soldiers led by Chen Junhou were killed or injured.

Chen Junhou was wearing armor, and it was difficult for arrows to hurt him, but the rest of the soldiers couldn't defend against arrows at such a short distance.

Seeing the morale was low and the number of wounded increased, Chen Junhou had no choice but to order a retreat.

The officers and soldiers left more than a dozen corpses behind, and withdrew in desperation.

Chen Junhou came to Liu Zhang with a face of shame, "Master Taishou, the last general is incompetent and failed to break through the gate of the cottage!"

Just now Liu Zhang observed for a long time and knew that it was not Chen Junhou who was incompetent, but that the stronghold was too dangerous to deploy his troops, so he comforted him a few words and rested tomorrow.

The mountain road outside the cottage is too narrow to tolerate many people passing by. Although trees can be cut down to make long ladders, they cannot be transported to the front of the cottage.

What's more, there are more than 20 archers on the gate of the cottage.

As long as the gate can't be smashed open, these archers can stay on the gate and arrow tower and shoot their own side.

With such a strong attack, one's own losses are really too great.

After bowing his head and thinking for a moment, Liu Zhang finally came up with a solution.

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