Three Kingdoms Strong Army System

Chapter 106 Liu Zhang kills Diao Chan

Liu Zhang thought it would be too straightforward to kill them just after they met, so he asked them to live in his mansion first and slowly cultivate their relationship.

After getting along with a few people for a few days, Liu Zhang couldn't wait any longer, and for nothing else, he was indifferent to the 2000 Han Longxiang heavy cavalry.

So, one day, Liu Zhang went to Diao Chan's residence and ordered his servants to leave and not stay nearby.

Afterwards, Liu Zhang entered Diao Chan's room.

Seeing Diao Chan again, Liu Zhang was still shocked.

Diao Chan's beauty is different from Wu Wan and Ma Yunlu's. Her delicious food is charming, and she has no possible actions or words, often just a look, which shocks Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang chatted with Diao Chan for a few words, but couldn't stay anymore, then picked Diao Chan up and walked quickly to the couch inside.

Afterwards, she gently placed Diao Chan on the couch, then took off her clothes and started to dry without saying a word.

Diao Chan knew that she couldn't escape, and resistance was useless, so she could only let Liu Zhang do it.

Diao Chan is worthy of being one of the four beauties, and she gave Liu Zhang a very strong visual sense.

Soon, Liu Zhang got a reminder from the system that the task was half completed.

At this time, Lu Qiling was playing in the mansion, but when she returned to Diao Chan's courtyard, she found that there was no servant, she felt a little strange.

However, practicing martial arts all the year round made her hear and see sharply, and she vaguely heard an unusual sound coming from the room.

She quietly walked outside Diao Chan's room, and heard the voice more clearly, it seemed to be Diao Chan's voice calling for help.

She was taken aback, thinking that Diao Chan was in danger, she immediately kicked open the door with her foot, and then ran in.

Unexpectedly, when she crossed the screen, she saw two snow-white bodies rolling on the couch, she walked quickly to the side of the couch, and happened to see the two clearly, one was Diao Chan and the other was Liu Zhang.

Lu Qiling understood the behavior of the two of them. She had peeked at her father Lu Bu and Wei Shi before, and now she could not take her eyes away from such a close-up look.

When Liu Zhang heard someone beside him, he turned around and saw that it was Lu Qiling. Thinking that the task was still half completed, he immediately jumped up and hugged Lu Qiling in his arms, and then pushed him down.

Lu Qiling's force was far superior to Liu Zhang's, but she was excited for a moment and forgot to struggle.

When she came back to her senses, she found that there was no thread left on her body.

Then, she felt great joy.

When it was over, Liu Zhang finally heard the sound of the task being completed.

Great Han Longxiang Heavy Cavalry
Weapon: Longxiang Yanyue Knife
Description: Made of refined iron, it is nine feet long, weighs fifty catties, and has a blade length of five feet three inches, suitable for chopping!

Weapon: Refined Iron Plain Knife
Description: Made of refined iron, it weighs [-] jin, suitable for short-distance attacks.

Armor: Iron Armor

Description: Except for the back, the rest of the armor is made of iron armor. The joints of each armor piece are made of iron chains and rhinoceros leather. The defense is extremely strong!

Mount: Dawan horse
Description: An elite horse, with high load capacity, long endurance, and great strength. Except for the hooves, the whole body is covered with armor.

When Liu Zhang saw the description of the Longxiang heavy cavalry, he was extremely rare. This is a cavalry with super lethality and defense.

Such an army, I am afraid that among the princes, I am the only one who has it.

Liu Zhang lingered in Diaochan's room for three days, and didn't leave until he felt his waist and legs were sore.

After resting for a day, he went to the barracks outside the city under the escort of his own soldiers.

Longxiang heavy cavalry is generated by the system in the cavalry camp outside the city.

He inspected the army on the spot, and found that it was really impressive. There were only two thousand cavalry, but they acted like thousands of horses.

Only in 191, Liu Zhang was appointed the prefect of Jingzhaoyin by Hanling Emperor Liu Hong to the present, five years have passed. In five years, his territory and influence have increased tenfold. Although he took advantage of his father, But he also has his own merits.

Now that the birth reward order has lasted for several years, it has slowly begun to bear fruit. The number of newborns born to the people in Guanzhong is constantly increasing. Many people's lives have improved and they are willing to give birth.

Everything is developing in a good direction. As long as it takes another 13 years, when these children grow up, there will be a steady stream of soldiers.

Nowadays, there are few wars in Guanzhong, and the living conditions are also very good. Many people under the rule of other princes secretly flee to Guanzhong.

This is also one of the reasons why the population in Guanzhong has increased in recent years.

Today's Liu Zhang acts in the three prefectures of Yizhou, Liangzhou, and Bingzhou, plus Fufeng County, Fengyi County, Jingzhaoyin, Hanoi County, Hedong County, and Hongnong County of the Sili Xiaowei Department, with a registered population of 900 million.

In addition, he also controlled a population of several 10 Hu tribes such as the Qiang and the Southern Huns.

It can be said that his current strength is already number one among the princes in the world.

Yuan Shao ranked second, followed by Yuan Shu, Liu Biao, Cao Cao, Tao Qian and others.

Needless to say, other small princes.

Spring has begun, and spring plowing will begin in one month. Liu Zhang is busy processing official documents at the mansion.

With the increase of territory, the number of official documents that Liu Zhang needs to handle also increased, and these official documents were reviewed and screened by Liu Ye, Fa Yan and others.

However, even so, Liu Zhang is very busy every day.

Some civil servants can only be approved by him.

Fortunately, Liu Zhang formulated a series of rules, as well as a supervision system for officials. Guanzhong's officials are better governed than other places.

However, in the 200th year of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the aristocratic and wealthy families have long been spoiled, and it is very difficult to reverse it all at once.

The system of the Western Han Dynasty was much better than that of the Eastern Han Dynasty, so the centralization of power in the Western Han Dynasty was more severe, and the court's words were more rigid.

So Liu Zhang is slowly restoring the system of the Western Han Dynasty, such as the selection of officials, with the academy as a method, such as the promotion of officials, a three-year performance appraisal.

In terms of supreme power, Liu Zhang chose to separate the three powers of civil administration, military administration, and supervision, but the army is still separated, and the right to deploy troops, lead troops, train troops, and logistics are all separated.

In this way, it is avoided that the people under his hands dominate the family and cause the harm that cannot be lost.

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