So subconsciously, he unconsciously liked being with a woman like Liu Yuxin.

Because Liu Yuxin is a model of husband and son, and has truly achieved the female standards of three obediences and four virtues.

As a woman, even Princess Changle knows better than Li Yingzi what three obediences and four virtues are.

So apart from Li Yingzi, Ye Chen felt that none of the women he met was bad.

Even Li Yurou, the mischievous princess of Chengyang, is thousands of times better than Li Yingzi.

It is precisely because of the comparison that Ye Chen cherishes the current Liu Yuxin even more. He will not have too much prejudice and arrogance towards him, and it is even more unlikely that he will feel that she is not worthy of him just because he has a status now.

"By the way, Ye Chen!"

Suddenly, Liu Yuxin looked a little serious: "When Li Yingzi came to me yesterday, she asked me to tell you that she went to Youzhou to find your parents, and said that if she found them, she would commit suicide and use her life , in exchange for the lives of her parents, I just beg you to let her parents go..."

"That's what she told you? You didn't speak for her?"

Ye Chen frowned.

"of course not!"

Liu Yuxin shook her head quickly, and said affirmatively: "This is what she said. Maybe she really knew she was wrong. Although I hate her, she is actually quite pitiful. I think that even if you are destined to If you want to reconcile, maybe you can give her a chance to reform herself..."


Ye Chen sighed, and said seriously: "Let me ask you, if I hadn't joined the army, hadn't saved the queen, and hadn't made meritorious deeds..."

"What do you think my life will look like now?"

After listening to Ye Chen's words, Liu Yuxin couldn't help but tremble all over, and her eyes suddenly became complicated.

If Ye Chen hadn't joined the army to change his destiny, maybe he would have been a son-in-law in Li's family, who would have been criticized, looked down upon, and even humiliated.

This life has passed like this.

It is also impossible for the Li family to change their attitude towards him.

After all, the Li family's current attitude towards Ye Chen depends entirely on Ye Chen's use value.

It was precisely because of Ye Chen's use value that the Li family changed their attitude towards Ye Chen. Thinking about it this way, Liu Yuxin couldn't help but feel a little chilled for Ye Chen.

What a sarcasm!
Liu Yuxin was new to the world and didn't understand so many complicated emotions. Hearing what Ye Chen said, she suddenly felt very distressed.

What has Ye Chen experienced?
He is only 16 years old this year, but he looks like an old man who has gone through decades of vicissitudes, and there is a trace of sophistication in his eyes that cannot be concealed.

"Ye Chen, I'm sorry, I won't mention Li Yingzi in front of you again."

Liu Yuxin suddenly grabbed Ye Chen's hand and said seriously, "I will take good care of you."

"Actually, you mentioned her today, but I didn't hide it."

Ye Chen chuckled lightly: "You know, during the few months when I first joined the Li family, Li Jing was still a good person, not as cautious and small-minded as he was later... Since he returned from fighting Tuyuhun, he seems to have changed. .”

"Be careful at all times, be cautious at all times, beware of others at all times..."

"The original Li Jing had an extraordinary mind, and his military strategy was peerless. His superb military skills even made me marvel!"

"But this is the kind of person who becomes very hesitant after being framed by Gao Zengsheng. He has to look forward and backward in everything he does, and is indecisive!"

"It's really sad that such a person has become what he is now."

After speaking, Ye Chen sighed deeply.

Who do you think Li Jing is?
That was the real founding hero, but now he was framed by traitors, struggling in the court, and had to pretend to be stupid in order to protect himself.

It's a pity that Li Jing put on a bit too much.

Even if he is extremely smart, he cannot escape the contest between political forces.

The worst path Li Jing took was not to recruit himself as his son-in-law. If not, even if he couldn't handle those high-ranking officials in the court, he could follow the historical track and have a normal old age.

Although Li Jing was still sick and miserable in his later years, compared to his current situation, it must be much better. At least no one targeted him.

But Ye Chen didn't feel sorry for Li Jing, it was all done by himself.

Now that you have recruited yourself as your son-in-law, why don't you know how to respect yourself?If he could respect himself, he would not have been able to stand in the united front with his family against those traitors who wanted to target Li Jing.

But for now, let him be.

Ye Chen now only wants to focus on developing his own power, and when he has the strength to stand up to many aristocratic families, then if he wants to crush Li Jing to death, it will be as easy as crushing an ant.

Next, Ye Chen and Liu Yuxin talked a lot about his life in the Li family.

He didn't want to win sympathy, but just wanted to share his own experience, so that Liu Yuxin, a little girl who was not deeply involved in the world, would have a better understanding.

In case Li Yingzi came over to sell her miserably again, she would think: Wow!You are so poor, I want to help you.

That would be so mindless.

Liu Yuxin is still young now, she hasn't grown up yet, she is just a silly little girl.

Ye Chen talked to her more about the dangers of the human heart, and next time she faced a similar situation, she would naturally not be fooled.

As we talked, it was getting dark before we knew it.

Maybe Liu Yuxin was too tired and didn't have time to eat dinner, so she just fell asleep in Ye Chen's arms.

Looking at the peerless face that was sleeping peacefully, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel itchy, but he also knew that Liu Yuxin had just fallen ill, and it was not suitable for her to mess around, otherwise her condition might aggravate.

So Ye Chen suppressed that slight impulse, covered her with a quilt, and let her fall asleep peacefully on his bed.


The next day, Ye Chen woke up from the study.

I was taken aback when I went out.

I saw Dian Wei standing upright at the door, like a door god.

"Damn, Dian Wei, you haven't slept all night, have you?"

Ye Chen poked the muscle on Dianwei's biceps with his hand, it was hard, as if it had been cast.

"My lord, it's enough for the general to only sleep for an hour a day, the safety of the lord is the most important thing!"

Dian Wei said seriously.

Ye Chen couldn't help sighing secretly when he heard the words.

What's the worry about getting this titan?

At this time, Ye Lei suddenly fell from the roof and knelt down in front of Ye Chen.

"I just got the news that Zanpu Songtsen Gampo of Tubo sent someone to the court to propose a marriage with Datang, but was rejected by the Emperor of Tang..."


When Ye Chen heard the news, his eyes widened immediately: "Where did you get this news?"

"One of our brothers was looking for news outside the city and overheard the conversation between the Tubo envoy and his companions."

Ye Lei replied truthfully.

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