The Poor Son-in-Law of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 9 Three fires when the new official took office

Chai Lingwu stared at Ye Chen leaving, and finally showed a sneer: "This kid, he doesn't know that his death is imminent."

"My lord, do you want me to send a few people over to trouble him?"

Liang Guang came over and looked at Chai Lingwu with a charming smile.

To teach Ye Chen a lesson is to stand out for Chai Lingwu. How could he easily miss this opportunity to curry favor with the Chai family?
"It's no use."

Chai Lingwu rubbed his burning cheeks, shook his head and said: "At most one month, the army will go out. Before that, please don't cause trouble for my father!"

"Within this month, the superior's replenishment of soldiers and horses will definitely not be in place. When the time comes, you will cut off the soldiers and horses assigned to the third team, and give priority to replenishing the first and second teams!"

"If Ye Chen only has this kind of people on the battlefield, then he will die without a place to bury him."

Chai Lingwu's words also showed that he was different from those brain-dead sons.

He had a clear mind and was able to endure humiliation. Although he was slapped in public by Ye Chen, he knew that if he lost his mind and took revenge on Ye Chen, it would definitely bring unnecessary trouble to his father.

Father's trip, but uncle specially picked a good job for him.

When the time comes to make military exploits and return to the dynasty, they will naturally reap a lot of benefits.

Why do you need to disturb your father's great achievements for personal grievances?


Liang Guang chuckled and said nothing at the moment.

The matter has come to this point, it can be regarded as an end for the time being.

Li Shimin glanced at Chai Shao meaningfully: "Look at him, and then look at Ling Wu, even if he is here for gold plating, you can't let him be so arrogant, right?"

When Chai Shao heard the words, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and hurriedly bowed slightly: "Yes, yes, Your Majesty, I will definitely tell you about him..."

"Okay, prepare a soldier's uniform for me, I'm going to see Li Jing's son-in-law..."

Li Shimin waved his hand, his heart was itchy, he was very curious about Ye Chen, he really wanted to see what kind of talent Li Jing's son-in-law had.

Such a cruel and merciless person should not be some idiot.


Ye Chen led the people back to the third team's garrison, and asked Liu Heizi to be his deputy for the time being, responsible for counting the number of people.

"Ye Feiqi, the number is right!"

Now there are only a few people, and Liu Heizi is the leader of the old team, so he counted the number of people in the team.

There were 110 people in total, ten of them were seriously injured, 25 were slightly injured, and seven were disabled.

These seven people are no longer soldiers. They will be returned to their hometowns to recuperate in the near future, so they are not included in the statistics for the time being.

"Li Jing, Li Jing, you are really my good father-in-law, I think you have arranged some good errands for me..."

Seeing this situation, Ye Chen couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

But despite the difficult conditions, he decided to face the difficulties.

The biggest problem now is morale. If the morale is too low, the mental outlook of the troops will be lifeless.

At that time, recruiting troops will be a big problem.

So Ye Chen immediately yelled and announced: "Everyone is there, those who are not sick or injured and are not missing arms or legs, gather at the school grounds!"

This loud shout was so powerful that everyone could hear it clearly. Although they didn't know what Ye Chen was going to do, everyone obediently ran to the school field and assembled the whole team.

Through what happened just now, they got to know the newly appointed Flying Cavalry Captain thoroughly.

This is called the three fires for the new official to take office!
The first fire killed a team.

The second fire was even more arrogant, directly beating up the second son of Chai Shao, the general of the regiment guards.

The third fire, if they are not obedient, it is estimated that they will have to burn on them.

So they stood up immediately, without any slight delay.

"Brothers, although we return from an expedition and are physically and mentally exhausted, we are soldiers, and soldiers should look like soldiers. After all, we are different from those local ruffians!"

"If you want to play, let's have fun. I will be the host tonight, and we will gather at Baihualou at night. I will pay for all the expenses!"

"But if you are in the barracks, you have to abide by the rules of the barracks. Now is our drill time. I hope everyone can gather their hearts. After the training, let's go to the city immediately!"

"I agree, give me a shout!! Vent out your anger, gloom, and all negative emotions that you have had for the past few days! I, Ye Chen, will take the lead!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen took a deep breath, and then burst into a beast-like roar: "Ah——!"

The huge roar, like the roar of a wild beast, immediately resounded through the sky and echoed over the school grounds.

This kind of roar was very contagious, and the soldiers below seemed to feel the long-lost blood. Their expressions immediately became serious, and they also roared wildly.


Everyone started screaming to the sky.

The sound gradually became denser and more powerful.

Gradually, their voices could be heard clearly ten miles away.

Everyone was heart-piercing, exhausting all their strength to spit out all the unhappiness, exposing the blue veins on their foreheads and necks.

People who have experienced real battlefield shopping have more or less certain psychological problems.

Seeing the comrades who depended on life and death die in front of their eyes, the despair and unwillingness before death, the scene of mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the extremely tragic scene make it very easy for people with poor psychological endurance to cause psychological collapse.

After returning to the court, facing the desolation in the barracks, the environment where everything is different from people, and the vacancy around them, the sadness and loss in their hearts reached the peak. hammer.

So they need catharsis.

But even if it is venting, it cannot be without a bottom line. If you manage the troops like Chai Lingwu, sooner or later something big will happen.

In charge of soldiers, there must be a degree of relaxation.

It can't be too rigid, and it can't be too indulgent.

More than 100 people screamed with all their strength, full of explosive and contagious force, causing the soldiers in the surrounding camps to stand up unconsciously, and looked at the direction of the third camp with serious expressions.

The roaring lasted for a few minutes, and everyone was almost hoarse.

After yelling, everyone's mouth was dry, but they felt that they still had more to say.

Their old faces were flushed from shouting, but they only felt refreshed physically and mentally.

The gloom of the past few days was all vomited out along with this foul breath.

At this time, Li Shimin had already changed into an ordinary soldier's costume and stood aside, looking at Ye Chen, he was very shocked.

According to the data, Ye Chen is only 16 years old this year, but at such a young age, he can be ruthless and ruthless. It doesn't matter if he can distinguish right from wrong. Now he is so skilled in mobilizing the emotions of soldiers.

Is he really just as simple as an incompetent son-in-law?

"Is everything happy?"

Seeing that everyone silenced their voices, Ye Chen's eyes were red, and he looked at him panting heavily, his eyes could not help but sweep over everyone, and asked excitedly.

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