The Poor Son-in-Law of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 42 Arrive early, enter Diezhou City

"Captain, Captain, it's dangerous inside!!"

Liu Heizi was in a hurry.

But Ye Chen turned a deaf ear and strode in without any pause.


Liu Heizi stomped his feet angrily, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow, and shouted as he walked, "Don't be dazed, hurry up, we are all brothers in the same team, we are fighting together to survive. It's a dead end to lie down together!"

After speaking, Liu Heizi also rushed in.

The other brothers looked at me and I looked at you, but in the end they followed into the mist.

After entering the fog, everyone was close to each other. The fog was so thick that if you stretched out your arms farther, you couldn't see your fingers.

"Hurry up, don't stop, this mist is poisonous, if you inhale too much and go home, you will easily disappoint your wife!"

Ye Chen looked very relaxed in front of him, and joked with a smile.

Everyone understood immediately, and burst into laughter, and the tense atmosphere was eliminated a lot at once.

Although they knew that Ye Chen was joking, everyone unconsciously quickened their pace.

After walking for about a stick of incense, suddenly, a golden light shot from not far away.

"Wow! The Golden Legend!"

Ye Chen exclaimed, and immediately quickened his pace and rushed forward, jumping out of the mist.

Immediately afterwards, others followed slowly.

After coming out, everyone was stunned instantly.

“There is such beauty in the world!!!”

Liu Heizi was amazed immediately, looking a little silly.

In front of everyone's eyes was a picturesque landscape, so beautiful that it couldn't be described in words.

The small river at the foot of the mountain is like an emerald ribbon, clear, green, quiet and fascinating.

The green mountains on both sides of the strait are opposite, surrounded by thousands of peaks, and the reed forest stands in the mountains, which is absolutely wonderful!
"Keep going."

Ye Chen interrupted everyone's thoughts, and then slowly descended the mountain towards a path.

After everyone sighed, they quickly followed Ye Chen.

For Ye Chen, although the scenery a thousand years ago was slightly different, it was just like that. He was used to seeing these clear waters and green mountains since he was a child, and he didn't feel it at all.

Everyone was surprised that Ye Chen was so familiar with the route here, but no one asked much.

Just like what Ye Chen said, his captain will not lead them to death.

In the following days, Ye Chen led two hundred people and rushed on the road crazily, almost non-stop except for the rest time.


Five days later, Diezhou.

Now that the drought is coming in Diezhou, the barren land is hundreds of miles away. Although the crops have grown very well before this, the sudden drought has caused the people of Diezhou to have no harvest this year.

When Ye Chen and the others came along the way, they asked people to fill up their water bottles and drink sparingly, otherwise they would die of thirst on the road before reaching Diezhou.

Stepping on the land of Diezhou, Ye Chen couldn't help sighing secretly.

Studying hard is really useful!

Otherwise, if you time travel in the future, you will not be able to predict the future.

Looking at it now, my history class representative for the six years of junior high school and high school was really not for nothing!
Since Ye Chen's troops arrived in Diezhou three days ahead of schedule, the big troops hadn't arrived yet, so Ye Chen could only lead his own troops first, planning to go to Diezhou City to rest and wait for the big troops to arrive.

When they came to the north gate of Diezhou City, the soldiers here stopped them.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

The city gate guards were extremely vigilant, and their expressions were a little strange, as if they were very nervous.

"We belong to the Fifth Regiment of the Regiment Guards. This is my official seal. My name is Ye Chen, and I am the captain of the Fifth Regiment. Because we walked too fast, we arrived three days earlier, so the main force is still behind. "

Ye Chen handed over his official seal and spoke truthfully.

After listening to Ye Chen's words, several soldiers started talking in a low voice, and looked at Ye Chen even more strangely.

Ye Chen couldn't help feeling confused for a moment.

"Wait a minute, we have to make an announcement."


Ye Chen nodded and didn't say much.

This place in Diezhou can be said to be in turmoil, with the remnants of Tuyuhun and the harassment of the Dangxiang clan. It can be said that it is in dire straits, and it is normal to be vigilant.

Ye Chen was not in a hurry either.

Soon, the soldier who went to report turned back again.

"Lieutenant Ye, we have verified your identity, welcome to Diezhou City!"

The soldiers were so enthusiastic that they immediately removed all obstacles and welcomed Ye Chen's troops into the city.

Ye Chen also smiled politely, and then led the people into Diezhou City.

The moment Ye Chen entered Diezhou City, Ye Chen felt more and more wrong. When he looked back, the gate had already been closed.

Although the soldiers on the city wall were all wearing Tang military uniforms, they all looked this way from time to time.

"Be smart."

Ye Chen ordered quietly.

Jindu has come in, if there is a problem, it is impossible to think about going out.

Now all they can do is adapt.

Afterwards, Ye Chen's more than [-] people, led by some soldiers, came to an empty temporary station.

"Lieutenant Ye, you and your soldiers can live here temporarily. If you need anything, just talk to the guard at the door!"

The soldier who brought Ye Chen and others in made a final confession, then turned and left.

"Captain, why do I feel something is wrong?"

Liu Heizi said a little uncomfortable.

"They are not Han Chinese!"

Zhang Ma suddenly spoke at this moment.

Ye Chen and Liu Heizi looked over curiously.

"What do you mean? What do you mean you are not a Han Chinese? Make it clear!"

Liu Heizi hurriedly asked.

"I know the characteristics of the Dangxiang people. The Dangxiang people never grow beards. They think beards are a blasphemy to the gods! When I first came in, I observed that each of them had very clean chins. The Han people don't pay attention to this!"

After listening to Zhang Ma's words, Ye Chen and Liu Heizi immediately sighed.

"You boy, you are usually a boring gourd, but at critical moments, you are also a careful person!"

Ye Chen smiled.

"No, since you've seen it all, why didn't you say it just now? Now that we've entered the city, haven't we fallen into a wolf's den?"

Liu Heizi was in a hurry, and said with some complaints.

"As I said, you won't come in. If you don't come in, I won't be able to kill the enemy and avenge my parents!"

Zhang Ma said lightly.

"You bastard!"

Liu Heizi gritted his teeth angrily: "Do you know how many people there are in this city? How many of us? Once we come in, we can't get out. Aren't you leading the big guy to his death?"


Ye Chen tugged at Liu Heizi's clothes, and persuaded: "Although Zhang Ma is wrong, but Jin has already come in, what's the use of talking so much? You stay here, I will go out for a stroll to see the situation."

After finishing speaking, Ye Chen pretended to be doing nothing, left the camp, and wandered around the city.

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