Chapter 49 The Widow's Death
Muramasa didn't dare to look at the corpse at all, after all, the appearance of the corpse was too ugly.

Even Liu Sheng and the others were frightened by the corpse. Fortunately, the woman hadn't died for a long time, and the corpse hadn't decayed yet, and there was no corpse smell.

After all, Liu Sheng had seen the world, so he didn't panic, but asked someone to put the body down first, and then asked Wu Zuo to go for an autopsy.

When the body was put down, everyone was shocked when they looked at her face.

The woman's tongue stretched out very long, her eyes turned white, her neck was bruised and purple, and her body had slight corpse spots.

If you saw this scene in the middle of the night, you might be scared to death.

Judging from the body, it has been dead for at least several hours, but the time of death is definitely within twelve hours.

During the autopsy, Liu Sheng was not idle, but carefully looked around to see if there were any other clues.

He stepped forward and looked around the crooked neck tree. There were slight scratches on the bark, which were obviously left by placing a ladder.

Although the crooked-neck tree is not tall, it is still about two feet high. Without a ladder, the corpse would not be able to hang three feet above the ground.

But what about ladders?

There are no traces of ladders around, only two small pits on the ground.

Liu Sheng had a question mark on his face, this is too rough!

Anyway, you are also pretending to be a suicide illusion!

Immediately, Liu Sheng locked the murderer's possible range in the village, and the family was obviously "thrifty" and even reluctant to give up the ladder.

Of course, this is still his preliminary conclusion.

After observing for a while beside the crooked neck tree, there were no other clues, so Liu Sheng looked at the corpse.

Although the clothes worn by the corpse were ordinary, they were obviously better dressed than ordinary peasant women, and there was less dirt on the nails.

Special groups in the village?

Moreover, no family members have come to identify the body until now, that is to say, she may have no family members.

In order to verify the conjecture in his heart, Liu Sheng looked at Muramasa, who was standing restlessly, and asked:
"Cunzheng, is this person from your village? What's her name?"

When Cunzheng was called out by Liu Sheng, his old body trembled slightly, and he cupped his hands respectfully and said:

"Lord County Magistrate, I recognize her. Her name is Luo Sanfeng, and she is a widow in our village."

Sure enough, widows are the most trouble-prone in the village.

Liu Sheng nodded. Just as he was about to ask a question, the autopsy officer beside him spoke.

He's done an autopsy and apparently got some preliminary results.

"My lord!" Wu Zuo said while putting away the tools:
"The body turned out."

Liu Sheng glanced at the villager, and immediately ordered to the yamen servant at the side:
"Two people, come to Luo Sanfeng's house and see if there are any other clues!"

"Yes, my lord!" The two left quickly, the village was not big, and they could find the deceased's home by asking around.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng said lightly:

"When did the deceased die?"

Wu Zuo was taken aback for a moment, he thought that Liu Sheng was concerned about the murderer's real cause of death, but he didn't hesitate in his heart, and said respectfully: "The deceased died between five hours and seven hours!"

Hearing this, Liu Sheng turned his head and told the villager beside him:
"Go and ask the villagers if they saw any suspicious people appearing before last night."

"Or, let's see who else is missing in the village!"

Anything can happen before the outcome of the case comes out.

The possibility that the murderer came from elsewhere is not ruled out, but it is less likely.

Muramasa did not hesitate, nodded repeatedly, and was about to leave.

Liu Sheng winked at the two yamen servants on the side, "You two assist the village official to investigate the records!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The two should be, and then left with a confused face.

After they left, Liu Sheng looked at the corpse on the ground, waved his hand and said:
"Take away the corpse, let's go back to the yamen!"

Everyone obeyed and did not dare to neglect.

On the way back, Liu Sheng asked Wu Zuo aloud, "Are there any other clues on the body?"

Wu Zuo nodded and said solemnly:

"My lord, there is a small strangulation mark on the neck of the deceased. It is suspected that he was strangled by a thin wire, and he was indeed suffocated to death."

"There were dragging marks on the clothing, but no other traces of the murderer were found on the nails, and there were no other injuries on the body of the deceased, and there were no signs of poisoning."

Liu Sheng nodded slightly. It was obvious that the deceased was first strangled to death by the murderer, and then brought to the woods, where he pretended to hang himself to death.

But is there any difference between the two?

Those who pretended to be dead to commit suicide did not leave a ladder behind.

Isn't it not much different from being strangled to be hanged pretending to be the dead?
What was the murderer trying to cover up?
Or, what other purpose does the murderer have?

These are the questions Liu Sheng wants to figure out next.

Now, the body needs to be brought back to the Yamen for the next autopsy, and there is another person, Liu Sheng wants to ask.

A person who looks flustered, but still speaks calmly.

"Zhang Dabao, do you still remember the appearance of the deceased?"

Liu Sheng sat across from Zhang Dabao, not behind the desk, the master book took the records beside him.

Zhang Dabao still looked shocked, shook his head, and replied:

"Master Guan, I was too panicked at the time, and I didn't see the appearance of the corpse clearly!"

Liu Sheng showed a clear expression, took the teacup from the servant at the side, took a sip, and then asked:

"Zhang Dabao, recall carefully again, are there any other details on Sun Siniang's body at that time?"

Zhang Dabao was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Master Guan, that's not Luo San..."

Before he finished speaking, he paused, and immediately cold sweat broke out on his dark face.

With a smile on the corner of Liu Sheng's mouth, he handed the teacup back to the servant, and asked aloud:

"How do you know that the deceased is Luo Sanfeng? Didn't you not see the body clearly?"

Liu Sheng stood up, approached him, and looked directly at him, "Did you see the appearance of the corpse clearly?"

"Or, you know who the murderer is!"

"Or, you are the murderer!"

After Liu Sheng uttered the last sentence, Zhang Dabao's eyes became more flustered, and he was about to stand up immediately, but Liu Sheng held him back.

And Liu Sheng looked down at him with cold eyes:

"Say, are you a murderer?"

The surrounding yamen servants had already picked up their killing sticks, and the chief bookkeeper even planned to seal the case closed.

However, to their surprise, Zhang Dabao, who was in the center of the lobby, directly knelt down with regret on his face.

Since you won't let me stand up, why don't I kneel down!

"Master Guan, you have misunderstood me!"

"I didn't say it out because I was afraid that my daughter-in-law would know about it. I really didn't kill her!"

Afterwards, Zhang Dabao told the details of the matter.

It turned out that there was an affair between Zhang Dabao and Luo Sanfeng.

To be precise, Luo Sanfeng had an affair with many men in the village.

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