Chapter 25 Perfect?

Liu Sheng left the county government and returned to the mansion under the speechless eyes of the people in the county government.

He casually took out a fishing rod from the storage room, then sat in the original place again, and started fishing.

Since he said he wanted to go fishing, Liu Sheng would naturally not lie.

Master Liu, who had been fishing for a day, returned to his usual laziness, and finally started the real fishing.

During the fishing process, Liu Sheng also felt that his plan was perfect.

It's just that one of them made him feel very strange. Why did the process of persuading his wife go so smoothly?
He couldn't figure it out, but he just felt that he might be a snake hitting seven inches, which happened to touch the soft part of Princess Changle's heart, and then she really missed Empress Changsun.

Otherwise, could it be that Princess Changle knew that her plan would fail?

Liu Sheng laughed and shook his head, "It's impossible, my son-in-law's plan is perfect!"

He was too confident, so Princess Changle really guessed his plan, but Princess Changle watched him play, and then took the opportunity to wait for Liu Sheng to go to the county government, and then stole the house behind.

This plan is really perfect, seamless.

When Liu Sheng bid farewell to the three carriages, he didn't know that all his actions were seen by the servants who secretly hid not far from the back door.

She was ordered by Princess Changle before she left, so she specially waited at the back door. Generally speaking, the back door is the only place that attracts the least attention.

So, she turned sideways and happened to see her son-in-law directing the people on the three carriages to unload boxes of things.

"Sure enough, the princess's suspicion is right, the son-in-law is indeed hiding something from the princess!"

The servant muttered to himself, hiding this secret in his heart, waiting for Princess Changle to come back.

In the evening, Princess Changle finally came back.

She had suspected Liu Sheng a long time ago. Naturally, Liu Sheng's plan was not perfect, it was full of loopholes.

Of course, Princess Changle did not expose the other party either.

"Miss, you are back." Liu Sheng expressed his happiness for Princess Changle's return, pointing to the bamboo basket beside him and said:
"Lady, I just caught a fat carp for my husband, and I will cook soup for my wife at night."

Princess Changle had a gentle smile on her face, nothing unusual.

"Oh, by the way, is the Queen Mother still in good health?"

Liu Sheng asked suddenly.

Princess Changle sat down beside him, watched Liu Sheng hand over the fat carp to his servant, her eyes were full of tenderness, and she said:

"The queen mother is in good health, but some gas illnesses have relapsed."

Liu Sheng's body froze slightly, but Princess Changle didn't notice it.

"Is the queen mother okay?" Liu Sheng asked with concern on his face. He remembered that Princess Changle inherited the Qi disease of Empress Changsun, but she hasn't shown it yet.

Princess Changle said with a slightly sad face:
"Of course it's all right, with the imperial doctors here, the queen mother is fine."

Liu Sheng nodded, I can see the sadness on your face clearly, why are you all right?
Afterwards, Liu Sheng took out a pharmacy from his bosom, handed it to Princess Changle, and said:

"Miss, this is a prescription that my husband got by accident from the shop. I heard that it has a beneficial effect on curing Qi diseases, so next time you bring it to the palace, try to see if it works."

"It's a pity that I haven't found the doctor who wrote this prescription. It's a pity."

Princess Changle took the prescription, and she naturally knew that the things her husband brought out were extraordinary.

She looked at the prescription in her hand and the handwriting on it, and she felt very moved in her heart.

Did you really get this prescription by accident?
Don't think you write with your left hand, I won't be able to see that it's your handwriting!

Although Princess Changle was a little dumbfounded, she was more moved.

She even had the urge to directly confess everything to Liu Sheng, but she suddenly remembered that she never seemed to reveal to Liu Sheng what disease her mother had.

Where did Xianggong know about it?
Did you ask someone else?

No, even a person who knows what kind of disease the queen mother has, it seems that his husband-in-law is not someone who can talk to him.

Or in other words, is there someone in the palace?

She quickly ruled out this possibility, how could it be possible, the palace can put people in, this is not something that can be solved with money in hand.

She has been unable to figure it out, so she can only attribute this doubt to the mystery of her husband.

Now in the eyes of Princess Changle, Liu Sheng is full of secrets. Although she has been familiar with it for the past two years, she has never known Liu Sheng's real secret.

So, she suppressed the urge to confess everything to Liu Sheng, and continued to explore the secrets of Liu Sheng according to the plan.

Naturally, Liu Sheng didn't know, just giving Princess Changle a prescription by himself made Princess Changle's thoughts turn back and forth.

The day went by like this.

The next day, Liu Sheng went out to the county government again to get busy (fishing).

Princess Changle summoned the servants who stayed yesterday, and hurriedly asked:

"Did you find any clues yesterday?"

The servant quickly replied:

"Princess, yesterday you asked the servant to stay, and the servant did find something suspicious about the son-in-law."

Princess Changle's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked:

"Quickly tell me, what did my husband do after the princess left?"

The servants did not dare to hide it, so they hurriedly reported:
"Yesterday, the servants were specially guarding the back door, just to see if the son-in-law really did anything."

"Sure enough, when the princess left less than half a stick of incense, three carriages came by the back door."

Princess Changle frowned slightly, and said with doubts on her face:
"Did you see any signs on the carriages, or do you know where these three carriages came from?"

The servant scratched his head and said embarrassedly:

"My lord princess, the servants were standing too far away, so they couldn't see clearly, but the three carriages are no different from the normal carriages."

On the point of details, Liu Sheng was very careful.

Liu Sheng: Naturally, it is impossible for me to put the logos of Jubao Pavilion, Baiweilou and Linglongfang on the horse-drawn carriage that transports proceeds openly, just because I am worried about the attention of interested people.

Princess Changle felt a little disappointed, and then asked:

"Go on."

The next person reported again:

"Afterwards, the maidservant saw the son-in-law commanding the men who got on and off the carriage, and moved a dozen large boxes from the carriage, which seemed to be very heavy."

"The servants can tell from their expressions that they are lifting heavy things."

The servant clenched his fist and said with determination.

Princess Changle looked at this servant in front of her, feeling a little unreliable.

You can't see the details and signs on the carriage, but you can see the expression on the face of the guy?

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