Chapter 133 Shall We Eat This?
When the food was rushed to the front line, the situation on the front line was not too optimistic.

After a period of transportation, it is still unknown whether the front-line grain road has been opened up, or even where the first batch of grain has been delivered.

The [-] troops whose retreat was cut off had no food supply at all, the supply line was completely cut off, and the army was panicked.

At this time, Li Daozong and others were full of sorrow.

"Everyone, you have already guessed about the situation, what should you do now?"

After he finished speaking, Hou Junji also stood up and said helplessly:
"Because our back road was cut off by the flood, the supplies were not sufficient. There was news from the imperial court that they were still stepping up to replenish. Let us wait patiently."

"The food we have left can only last us up to five days."

When everyone heard that there was not much food and grass, enough food for five days at most, they panicked all of a sudden.

If there is not enough food and grass in the war, it will easily lead to mutiny. Not only will the combat power be damaged, but the enemy may even take advantage of it.

"General, if not, we will use the last of our food to fight to the death with the Tuyuhun cavalry. If the speed is fast enough, we can hit them hard in half a month!"

Someone spoke up and said such a solution that is not a solution.

If they could really hit them hard within half a month, the army wouldn't shrink back in such a place, waiting for the supply road to pass through.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? If we can really track down the traces of Tuyuhun, we won't be standing still." Another general stood up and said:
"It's not difficult to defeat them, but their speed is too fast, and they are too cunning. They don't confront us head-on at all, otherwise, we will definitely hit them hard!"

Li Daozong stopped the arguments of his subordinates at the right time, "Okay, everyone be quiet."

"The general summoned you here not to listen to your quarrel, but to think of countermeasures."

"Right now, Tuyuhun has long been eyeing our army, and Longyou Dao has little help to us. If we can't break the deadlock, even if we form a restraint with Longyou Dao, this expedition may fail."

He told the most realistic situation, and the generals were not aware of the situation, but they had no way to break the situation.

Not only that, but now that the food crisis is in front of them again, they realize that the time when they have enough food is the most comfortable time for them.

"Let's talk about it, what are your ways to retreat from the enemy?" Li Daozong sat upright, "Our war horses have been improved by Prince Consort Liu, there is no reason why we can't catch up with them, but the results of the recent battles are not satisfactory."

"Have you ever found the reason?"

Everyone was silent. The weather is not good recently. It rains frequently and the road is muddy. Their war horses are not used to it.

To be precise, the soldiers were not used to this kind of weather.

This is the main reason. Of course, the more important reason is that the morale of the army is a little unstable. After all, when the news of the cut-off of the food road came, the whole army knew it.

Thinking about it, there must be Tuyuhun as a hindrance.

Although everyone can think of it, and they all know that their only way now is to withdraw their troops.

But no one dared to stand up and put forward this proposal first. Whoever made the proposal first would be a sinner, and there would be no good end for the court.

Li Daozong looked at the changes in the faces of the people below, and he already had the answer in his heart. He exhaled a long breath and said:
"Since you have nothing to say, let me say a few more words, General!"

"In this expedition to Tuyuhun, both His Majesty and the imperial court have too much confidence in us. We can only return to the imperial court with dignity by injuring Tuyuhun hard and driving them out!"

"You all came out with this general for the sake of making meritorious deeds, and you must not want to withdraw your troops in embarrassment."

"But you all know the situation. We don't have enough food at all. The sky flooded and destroyed the food road. This is the wrong time!"

"The road is muddy and the army is difficult to march. This is the discomfort of the location! The morale of the army is slack, and the generals cannot be of one mind. This is the discomfort of people!"

"In this way, we have only one way, and that is to withdraw our troops."

When he said these words, he felt that all the strength in his body was drained.

He said so much, but to be precise, there is only one problem, the lack of food.As long as there is enough food, how can there be so many problems, the right time and place are all floating clouds, and the [-] army can still be tricked by Tuyuhun?
The key lies in the lack of food and grass, which has led to the lack of morale in the army. In a few days, I am afraid that there will be a mutiny. Only by withdrawing the army can the main force be preserved.

Li Daozong felt extremely humiliated when he thought that Li Shimin had great trust in him when he came here, but now he was forced to withdraw his troops.

But he couldn't ignore the [-] army for his own selfishness, so he had to withdraw.

"You don't have to worry about it, this general will take it all down, and it has nothing to do with you."

His voice fell, and the entire camp was silent.

A feeling of aggrieved filled their hearts. Since they were able to take the initiative to invite Ying to follow Li Daozong's expedition, they were not timid, but the fact was true, and they had no way to produce food.

Of course, there were also people who secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Hou Junji was one of them. The food he gave just now was only enough to support the army for three days. The time he reported just now was Li Daozong's order to him.

Five days of food and grass, the soldiers have no fighting spirit, let alone three days.

If you are lucky, the way back will be smoother, but those Tuyuhun cavalry will never let it go.

Just as the atmosphere of desperation and aggrieved spread in the camp, the excited voice of the orderly came from outside to report:

"General, general, the food delivered by the imperial court has arrived!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the sound, and immediately looked at the messenger who had just entered, Li Daozong couldn't hide his excitement:
"Is what you said true? Has the court's food really arrived?"

The messenger was watched by so many big bosses all of a sudden, and he said very nervously:

"Reporting to the general, the court's food has really arrived, and it's outside!"

Li Daozong didn't dare to delay, and walked out first.

Not only him, but a group of other generals also hurriedly followed behind and followed out.

Not long after Li Daozong walked out, he saw a horse-drawn convoy surrounded by countless soldiers, with a cart full of instant noodles tied to it.

Seeing Li Daozong, the accompanying officials from the household department wiped off their sweat and hurried forward:
"General Li, luckily, the food and grass have been delivered."

Li Daozong stepped forward to look at those instant noodles, and looked at each other in blank dismay with all the generals, they didn't know what it was at all.

Finally he asked aloud:

"Shall we eat this?"

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