Datang: Changle, I really don’t have any private money for my husband

Chapter 102 Wu Meiniang wants to start a business?

Chapter 102 Wu Meiniang wants to start a business?

Wu Meiniang's entry into the mansion made Liu Sheng's mansion a lot more angry.

After all, the previous owners of the Liu Mansion were Liu Sheng and Princess Changle, but now there is another Wu Meiniang.

It's just that the servants have one more person to serve, and other than that, it's the increase in the number of people.

If the Liu family wants to change qualitatively, they need children, and the new life can bring some changes to the family.

After breakfast, Liu Sheng went to the Yamen. After all, he still remembered his identity as the county magistrate of Chang'an County, so he needed to show his face anyway.

After seeing Liu Sheng's arrival, both the county magistrate and the head secretary were relieved, and they were finally able to explain their daily records.

As for the home, Princess Changle told Wu Meiniang some of the rules of the Liu Mansion, and of course, there were more places where Liu Sheng was not allowed to go.

However, only Wu Meiniang didn't know the special features of these rooms.

Although Liu Sheng and Princess Changle didn't say they knew each other well, they did understand it vaguely, but they hadn't clarified it yet.

Time seemed to pass by like this.

But today is a special day, because today is the day when the three stores of Baiweilou, Linglongfang and Jubaoge hand in their proceeds.

I don't know when it started, Princess Changle seemed to miss the eldest grandson queen in the palace more this day, as expected, she went to the palace early again.

But Wu Meiniang didn't go out, but stayed in the mansion.

Naturally, Liu Sheng did not hide the treasures of the three carriages from Wu Meiniang, and Wu Meiniang didn't know that these were Liu Sheng's private property.

Even though there were emblems on the wooden boxes, Wu Meiniang rarely had the opportunity to leave the palace before, and when she entered the palace, these three shops were not so famous.

Therefore, she naturally didn't know which three shops the above emblems belonged to.

Even if she knew, she didn't know. In fact, the fact that Liu Sheng was the owner of these three shops was not made public.

Ever since, Wu Meiniang thought that Liu Sheng had a few ordinary shops outside, and these were the income for this year.

Seeing box after box of treasure being moved into the room that Princess Changle told her not to enter at will, Wu Meiniang seemed to understand.

Liu Sheng watched the guys carry it, his face was calm, only his brow slightly frowned, it can be seen that he was actually not satisfied with the income during this period of time.

Wu Meiniang is very interested in making money, so she stepped forward and asked aloud:

"Husband, these shops seem to be making good profits recently, can you let Meiniang take care of these businesses?"

Hearing the words, the guys carrying the boxes on the side were all puzzled, with surprise in their eyes.

Good income?However, there seems to be something wrong with the income during this period, but it is not as high as the previous quarter.

Can this be regarded as good income?

Didn't you see that the head of the house is obviously dissatisfied?
Of course, when they saw Wu Meiniang's face, they knew why she said that.

Hearing this, Liu Sheng frowned, looked at Wu Meiniang, and asked curiously, "Are you interested in doing business?"

Wu Meiniang nodded, raised her head and said:

"Actually, my concubine had access to it at home before, but later my family did not allow my concubine to touch those books, so..."

Liu Sheng was surprised, he didn't expect Wu Meiniang to be interested in doing business.

"You know, in fact, during this period of time, the income of these shops for my husband has decreased a lot." Liu Sheng told her.

When Wu Meiniang heard this, her eyebrows and eyes were full of surprise, she obviously saw that these boxes were very heavy, otherwise the guys who carried the boxes wouldn't be so strenuous.

"Maybe this year's income will not be enough, but as soon as the battle of Tuyuhun is over, the income will increase dramatically." Wu Meiniang clenched her fists tightly, whether it was comfort or reassurance in her heart.

Liu Sheng looked at Wu Meiniang in surprise, he did not expect that Wu Meiniang would also link the recent poor earnings with the Tuyuhun Battle.

She has such a keen eye, she actually just saw the recent decrease in Liu Sheng's income, and she actually connected it with the recent major national events.

And the situation is exactly as she said, because of the war between Datang and Tuyuhun, the number of people going to Baiweilou and Jubao Pavilion has indeed decreased a lot.

It seems that the person who can claim the title of emperor in history is indeed extraordinary, let alone a woman.

When Liu Sheng was surprised in her heart, Wu Meiniang was even more shocked. She originally thought that what she just moved here was a year's income, but unexpectedly, it was only a quarter's income.

What kind of shop did Xianggong run? Could it be that it was reselling the treasury?

Otherwise, could it be possible that the heavy boxes contained copper coins?
Except for the current emperor asking Xianggong to resell the treasury, I really can't think of what Xianggong is doing?
"Don't worry about it so much." Liu Sheng avoided the seriousness and waved her to follow, "Let's go, let's see the golden mountain I laid for my husband!"

Anyway, she had already discovered it, and Princess Changle obviously already knew about it, otherwise she would not have chosen this time to go to the palace to catch up with Empress Changsun every time.

Wu Meiniang followed Liu Sheng to the place where he had put his fishing rods. The corners of the originally huge room had been filled with a pile of boxes.

"Master, everything has already been moved in!" The man said to Liu Sheng respectfully after wiping off his sweat.

Liu Sheng nodded, "You go back first, and ask your shopkeeper to give you an increase in salary later, just say what the head of the family said."

The guys smiled instantly, and after a thousand thanks, they turned and left.

Wu Meiniang looked at the corners piled up high, her small mouth slightly opened, especially after Liu Sheng opened the box on the surface, the surprise in her eyes was even greater.

The inside is glittering with gold, but it is all real gold and silver, without any fraud.

Thinking about it this way, if the accumulation is so high, there must be at least dozens of boxes of gold and silver. Although it cannot be said that the wealth is incomparable, there are definitely only a handful of people in the Tang Dynasty who are so rich.

Of course, she hasn't seen Liu Sheng's study and secret room yet, otherwise, she would get rid of the feeling in her heart, leaving only affirmation.

"Sir, can I participate in these businesses?" Wu Meiniang turned her head and said with interest in her eyes:
"I want to help you, Mr. Meiniang. Meiniang still knows a little about business matters."

"Meiniang also wants to help Xianggong." Speaking of this, Wu Meiniang lowered her head and whispered.

Liu Sheng was very surprised. He originally thought that Wu Meiniang's interest was just a sudden burst of interest, but he didn't expect that she really wanted to participate in it.

Seeing Wu Meiniang's appearance like this, Liu Sheng felt hesitant, and he couldn't treat Wu Meiniang as an ordinary woman.

Maybe she will play an unusual role in business management, Liu Sheng thought.

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