Chat Group of Myriad Worlds of Tang Dynasty

Chapter 407 You Didn't Say That That Night

The king looked at Xuanzang in front of him with sympathy, and sighed in his heart.

Alas, it is really a pity that monks from other places cannot eat beef.

I originally wanted to give them a good meal before they died, but I didn't expect that this group of people would not even be able to seize this rare opportunity.

Xue Rengui looked at the table full of dishes, curled his lips, but had no choice but to pick up the wine glass in front of him.

He is not reserved, Xue Rengui even gnawed on the turf when he went out to fight in the army, but it was forced by the situation.

Now it is different from the past, why do you still eat this garbage when you are in the palace?
Luzon is also a country after all, why is it so shabby?How dare you take out this piece of broken beef?

Forget it, bear it.Suppressing the depression in my heart, I continued to listen to their bragging.

"The beef in our Luzon country is the best beef!"

"If our Luzon beef can be called the second, no beef can be called the first."

"Look at our beef, and then look at theirs, don't you think about their matching?"

"It takes a lot of energy to raise such high-quality beef..."

The king talked eloquently, but a small plate of beef felt like talking flowers.

The national teacher at the side had a displeased expression and kept giving the king winks, those eyes almost made a hole in the king's face.

Even burning eyes can't save a drunk alcoholic.

After a few glasses of wine, the king didn't know what night it was, and the Xuanzang in front of him turned into two heads.

"Hey, you don't know, I haven't seen a living person for a long time. It's a pity, you can't live..."


After a loud noise, Xue Rengui, who was a little drunk, raised his head and looked in front of him.

The king's head hit the table hard, as if he had fallen asleep.

Compared with Xue Rengui's doubts, Xuanzang had clearly seen the situation just now.

The national teacher in a black robe heard the king's words getting more and more wrong, so he forced the king to stop them in front of the two of them.

With a heavy palm, it hit the back of the king's neck directly.

This stopped the king's chattering words, but the king may not be very comfortable.

The national teacher pulled the embarrassing expression on his face and showed a wry smile.

This king is really difficult to become a master.Drink a little wine, and the words in your mouth will become denser.

It's fine to say a few words about his cattle, but he almost revealed all their plans.

If at first...

Thinking of the scene at that time, the national teacher felt bitter in his heart.

Now that such a decision has been made, what else can we do?

"Sorry you two, my majesty is not feeling well, so I won't send you off."

As soon as the words fell, the national teacher helped the king get up and walked into the palace.

Xuanzang and Xue Rengui felt that the meal was very strange.

After leaving the palace, the two looked at each other.

Xue Rengui stood on the empty street, looking at Xuanzang in confusion.

"Monk, what's going on?"

Xuanzang was also at a loss. Originally, the two came to respond to the invitation of the royal family, but he only thought that he and Xue Rengui were both civil and military, and they were killing all directions.

Who knew, he was kicked out of the house after eating a meal of rubbish in the end.

Looking at Xue Rengui's puzzled expression, Xuanzang was also quite helpless.

"How can the poor monk understand? The poor monk doesn't understand. The poor monk is just a monk. He is really not proficient in things in the world."

Xue Rengui waited for so long with eyes full of anticipation, and when Xuanzang showed a dignified appearance, his heart suddenly became angry.

"You? Are you still a monk? In this world, have you ever seen a monk who eats meat?"

"It's just a poor monk's hobby, don't mention it again."

Seeing Xuanzang shaking his head helplessly, Xue Rengui snorted disdainfully in his heart.

This monk can really put on airs.

However, Xue Rengui didn't go down the car with him again, but instead thought about the situation just now, and expressed emotion.

"Why do I feel that they are trying to welcome us?"

Thinking about the king's demeanor, Xue Rengui also felt that such a foolish king was really touching.

In such a barren land, it is so difficult to prepare these things to entertain them.

There are really a lot of people who are genuine and unpretentious.

"Hey, it's a pity, people in this place have never seen the world. A little bit of broken beef can blow the air."

The more Xue Rengui thought about it, the more he felt a little sympathy for these people.

"The poor monk thinks the same way, why don't we talk to them about it?"

Xuanzang also showed approval when he heard the words.

But who is Xuanzang, after thinking about the proud expression on the king's face at that time, he couldn't help feeling a little compassion.

Such a country, such a king, is happy at ease.

Before Xue Rengui could respond, Xuanzang let out a long sigh.

"never mind"

But is it just a treat?When you get it, forget it.

What's more, for Xuanzang, appetite is a trivial matter, and the most important thing in his eyes is real money.

Thinking of the scene he saw just now, Xuanzang's eyes lit up instantly.

"Don't talk about supper, buddy. I just found some good stuff."

As soon as Xue Rengui heard the good news, the depression just now disappeared.

"What what? What good stuff?"

In this world, if there is any long-term way to maintain friendship.

That must be the time to dig out the good things together and do the bad things together.

Xuanzang was deeply impressed.

Among the disciples heading to the palace, Xuanzang could only feel some familiar smell coming into his nostrils.

It's the smell of wood.

This is a wood commonly used in Buddhism, and Xuanzang often has this smell on him.

That's sandalwood.

In such a desolate small country, I did not expect to have such a strong sandalwood fragrance.

Seeing Xue Rengui's excited expression, Xuanzang immediately led him to the dense forest.

Just as Xuanzang picked up the ax and wanted to chop the sandalwood in front of him, he heard a loud and clear shout from behind.

"Monk! Put that thing down in your hand!"

Cheng Yaojin hurried over with a shiny ax in hand.

"This is Lao Tzu's site, I was the first to discover it!"

Cheng Yaojin was so aggressive that he completely forgot that it was because he slept with Xuanzang that he was so sensitive to sandalwood, so he found this forest.

Now in his eyes, anyone who robs him is an enemy no matter who he is.

I just drove away those boys from the Qinlong Army, this forest with the best quality can only be my own!
Xuanzang glanced at Cheng Yaojin, but he was also helpless.

Everyone is in a foreign country, who gave you the courage to say that this forest is yours?
Cheng Yaojin is an ordinary person, Xuanzang knows what he did to find this forest.

"General Cheng, what you said is so heartless. You were not like that when you slept together in your arms that night."

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