What made Zhu Yuanzhang angry was that these Tatars were so rampant that they didn't take Daming seriously.

Do you really think that the Ming Frontier Army is paper?Come as you say, leave as soon as you say?

Xu Miaoyun did it right!Responsive, timely, very appropriate!
Zhu Yuanzhang was angry and praised Xu Miaoyun.

"It's broken. Although history has changed a lot and time has changed, specific events are still happening."

"It's Qiufu again, and it's Tatar again, it's right together!"

"This time, the Ming army will definitely be defeated, and Qiu Fu will definitely die!"

Ah, Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback. Could it be that Qiu Fu must die?

Doesn't it mean that the [-] Ming troops who went with Qiu Fu are also finished?
The death of one hundred thousand Ming soldiers is equivalent to the sky falling down!
"Zhu Di sent his envoy Guo Ji to congratulate Benya Shili on his enthronement as Great Khan of Tatar, hoping to ease the relationship with Tatar, but Benya Shili refused, and his envoy Guo Ji was also killed by him."

"Zhu Di was furious when he learned about it. He sent his general Qiu Fu to lead an army of [-] to attack the Tatars. The generals who accompanied the army included Wang Cong, Huo Zhen, Wang Zhong, Li Yuan and others."

"When Zhu Di was King Yan, Qiu Fu served as a military officer in the Palace of King Yan, and later made great contributions in the battle of Jingnan."

"Zhu Di respected Qiu Fu so much that he entrusted him with the task of conquering the Tatars."

"Before the expedition, Zhu Di was afraid that Qiu Fu would underestimate the enemy, so he specifically told him to be cautious in deploying troops."

"After Qiu Fu led the troops to set off, Zhu Di still felt uneasy, so he sent someone to deliver an edict to Qiu Fu, reminding him not to believe anyone in the army who says the enemy is easy to defeat."

"After Qiu Fu led the army out of the frontier, he led more than [-] people to the Luqu River and defeated a small number of Tatar soldiers."

"Then, Qiu Fu led his troops across the river and captured a Tatar minister."

"Qiu Fu asked the Shang Shu where Ben Ya Shili was. The Shang Shu replied: "Ben Ya Shili heard that the army was coming, and he was so frightened that he fled to the north. It is thirty miles away from here. ""

"Qiu Fu thought he could quickly catch Benya, so he ordered to set off immediately and attack north."

"All the generals advised Qiu Fu to wait for the troops from all walks of life to gather before attacking, but Qiu Fu refused to listen."

"He asked the Tatar minister to be his guide. After walking for two days, he didn't find the main force of the Tatars. He only encountered some small groups of enemy troops. Every time they fought, the enemy troops retreated."

"Some of the generals in the army have already noticed something strange. The Shangshu confessed so easily the main force of the enemy army without torture. This road is too much like a trap set by the enemy army. The Ming army may have already entered the encirclement of the enemy army."

"Li Yuan persuaded Qiu Fu that this was a trap set by the enemy and that he shouldn't go in like this again. He also reminded him to remember what Cheng Zu said. Wang Cong also warned him not to underestimate the enemy and make rash advances."

"Qiu Fu considered himself a veteran of Cheng Zu's subordinates, and could not tolerate young generals in the army challenging his authority. Qiu Fu refused to listen to their advice, and even warned them that those who did not obey orders would be executed."

"Qiu Fu rode on his horse and rushed forward. The rest of the soldiers had to follow."

"Sure enough, the defeat of Shang Shu's guide and the Tatar army all the way was a trap set by Ben Ya."

"A large number of Tatar troops quickly appeared in front of the Ming army and quickly surrounded them."

"Li Yuan and Wang Cong failed to break through with [-] cavalry. Wang Cong died in battle. Qiu Fu, Li Yuan and other generals were captured and killed by the enemy."

"After the death of the five main generals, the main force of the Ming army fell into a leaderless situation."

"Facing the attack of the Tatar army, the [-] Ming army was powerless to resist and was quickly defeated. So far, the Ming army's expedition ended in complete failure."

"This is the famous Battle of Luqu River in history."

Zhu Yuanzhang almost cried out, "Third grandson, since you know the result, then quickly chase Qiu Fu back!"
But Zhu Yuanzhang didn't dare to say it, he couldn't say it.

"Stop Qiu Fu's army now?"

"What reason?"

"Can I say that this is a historical necessity?"

"Why are you confused?"

"It's absolutely possible to hit Huanglong directly! Catch Benya and lose his face!"

"Isn't this going to save Qiu Fu?"

"Be safe, divide the troops into two groups!"

"Lead me all the way, Qingqi Jiancong, rush to Mount Kent!"

"Let Xu Huaijin catch up with Qiu Fu all the way, and advise him not to rush forward! At the same time, he must cooperate with me."

"Xu Huaijin can completely pass information between me and Qiu Fu."

"With a small amount of troops, I was able to capture Benya, but I couldn't take the main force of the Tatars."

"Qiu Fu's [-] Yan troops must arrive on time."

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded secretly and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

This method is good.

"Benya Shili wanted to lure the enemy into deep, to surround the Ming army and annihilate them?"

"You don't have such good teeth yet!"

"As long as I get to Mount Kent, hey, let's see who surrounds who!"

"This is the only battle to pacify the desert!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he had a plan.

At this time, we must support our third grandson, and everyone has to listen to our third grandson!

"Fourth daughter-in-law, pass on the order, and everyone must obey King Wu!"

"Wu Wang, as the general officer of the army, is not just a show!"

"Yunxi, tell me, how should the Tatars fight!"

Zhu Yunxi said sternly, "Qiu Fu is very conceited and he doesn't want to listen to dissuasion. This is his biggest shortcoming. You must send someone to catch up with him to dissuade him. You must not fall into the Tatar's trick of luring the enemy deep."

Xu Miaoyun didn't take it seriously, and was even a little annoyed.

Qiu Fu is more than 60 years old and has rich experience in the battlefield. How can you, King Wu, evaluate it?

Conceited?It was Qiu Fu who was talking about, and the one who slapped Prince Yan's mansion in the face!
Is Your Majesty foolish enough to make everything listen to Zhu Yunxie? !

"Mr. Xu, you are known as Zhuge in the female middle school. Qiu Fu and the others will listen to what you say."

"Wait a while, I'll write you a letter, you take it with you."

Xu Huaijin realized the seriousness of the matter.

Zhu Yunxi said that he could not fall into Tatar's trick of luring the enemy to go deep, that is, the enemy is already using the trick!

These thousand Tatars came in swaggeringly, which was the beginning of the plan!
"Wu Wang, what about you?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Mr. Xu, don't worry about me for now! I have my own arrangements."

"Li Shizhen, you are in charge of taking care of the patients in the Yan Palace."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Old fourth daughter-in-law, you just look at Yan Wang's mansion, and leave the rest to Wu Wang. We will be there wherever Wu Wang goes."

"Let's go! Third grandson, let's go!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang finished speaking, he strode out of the courtyard.

Xu Miaoyun is really baffled, His Majesty will leave as soon as he says so!

When Xu Miaoyun hurriedly chased them out, she saw that His Majesty and Zhu Yunxie had gone far away.

"Housekeeper, hurry up, find ten good horses, catch up with His Majesty and send them over."

Xu Huaijin knew Zhu Yunxi's methods, so he didn't need a horse at all.

At this time, sending it right away is tantamount to adding chaos.

"Auntie, leave them alone. Give me ten horses!" Xu Huaijin said anxiously.

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