Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0666 Daming "Three Heavy Fires"

At this moment, the eunuch Yan Ji said: "Your Majesty, Zhang Dingbian and Chen Li deserve to die! They talk nonsense in the imperial prison, which is detrimental to the state. The little ones make their own decisions and let them kill themselves by swallowing medicine."

Zhu Di's heart skipped a beat, Yan Ji was going to give up his pawns to protect his handsome man.

At this time, Zhu Di thought of Yao Guangxiao and Wu Bozong, Zhu Di said: "Father, Yan Ji did this, and I nodded. It is also a disaster to keep these two people. The father gave the minister full power to deal with Zhang Dingbian and Chen Li One matter, so my son made his own decision."

Zhu Yuanzhang was in a hurry to see his third grandson and wanted to know about the situation in Jining, so he asked his fourth grandson to take care of it.

But poisoning them to death would be a big deal, so why don't you let us know?
Yan Ji suddenly knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, there was no one else around at the time, so you don't know anything about it."

"They are yelling at you. These words are really rebellious!"

"If they are not executed immediately, it will greatly damage the national system and the reputation of the royal family."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "What did they scold us for?"

Yan Ji kowtowed again: "Little one, I dare not say it."


Yan Ji said: "Zhang Dingbian said that His Majesty married the Ja family..."

Zhu Di was horrified, oh my god, Yan Ji even dared to say this!

Jae's is Chen Youliang's wife!

After Zhu Yuanzhang won the Poyang Lake War, he took Chen Youliang's wife, the family name, as his own, and also said a lot of famous words.

Zhu Yuanzhang said that Chen Youliang invaded our territory repeatedly, which made us hate him very much. In fact, we didn't want to occupy his wife, but Chen Youliang went too far, so we decided to punish him and take his wife into our harem.

No one would stand up and expose him in this kind of matter, after all, it has nothing to do with him.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't won the world yet, but he already had the air of being the lord of a country.

So no one dared to come forward to offend him. In this way, Chen Youliang's wife was filled into the harem by Zhu Yuanzhang.

After becoming emperor, in order to find a way for himself, Zhu Yuanzhang added a content in the "Law of the Ming Dynasty": "If the people are over forty years old and have no children, they will be allowed to marry concubines, and those who violate it will be punished forty."

In fact, at the beginning, the Jade family was unwilling to surrender to Zhu Yuanzhang, but at that time she was already pregnant with Chen Youliang's flesh and blood, and she was simply ready to let the child avenge her father, so she chose to bear the humiliation and submit.

A few months later, the Jade family gave birth to a son. Zhu Yuanzhang was overjoyed and named him Zhu Zi.

Unofficial history all say that Zhu Zi is Chen Youliang's posthumous son.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang didn't know it at the time, and even made Zhu Zi the king of Tan, and the land was Changsha, Hunan.

After Zhu Zi grew up, he was about to set off for the fiefdom. Before leaving, the Ji family told him Zhu Zi's life experience directly: "My child, your father is Chen Youliang, who was killed by Zhu Yuanzhang. I lived in vain for you. , now that you have grown up, you must avenge your father!"

After Zhu Zi went to Changsha to take office, he always remembered what his mother said to him. Killing Zhu Yuanzhang to avenge his father was his greatest wish in this life. He has been raising his troops in his own kingdom.

In order to show his determination, Zhu Zi made a bronze plaque and engraved 8 shocking characters on it: "I would rather see the king of Hades than the king of thieves."

Zhu Zi trained his troops day and night to prepare for rebellion.It's a pity that someone reported it. Zhu Yuanzhang was furious when he learned about it, and immediately sent Xu Da's son to lead an army to besiege Changsha.

At this time, Zhu Zi knew that it was difficult to fight against, but he also didn't want to recognize the thief as his father.He immediately threw the engraved bronze medal out of the city, and then jumped off the city wall with his son and wife.

Zhu Yuanzhang also saw the bronze medal at the end, and only then did he realize that Zhu Zi was not his son. He was very angry. The son he had worked so hard to raise for decades turned out to be the son of his deadly enemy.

Therefore, the furious Zhu Yuanzhang immediately ordered the massacre of Changsha City, and the entire Changsha City was bloody.

This incident also made Zhu Yuanzhang regret it for half of his life, leaving a great psychological shadow for a time, and even summed up the lessons from his own personal experience: "As long as you are addicted to sensuality and money, you will inevitably fail in the end."

Zhu Di and Yan Ji looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's face so dark that it was about to drip water, and their hearts were agitated.

In the hall, there were only three people's heavy breathing.


Zhu Yuanzhang stood up suddenly, dropped two words, and left angrily.

Zhu Di finally breathed a sigh of relief, this test has finally passed.

Yan Ji turned pale, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

Several young eunuchs came over and pinched Yan Ji awake, and Zhu Di thought of going out to chase Zhu Yuanzhang.

I didn't catch up until I arrived at a flower garden.

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his head and slowed down his pace: "Fourth brother, your two sons must be disciplined!"

Zhu Di was shocked again, could it be that the two sons caused some trouble again?

Boss won't!

The boss was originally in poor health, and it was not convenient for him to walk. After going out, he hurt the dignity of the royal family, so he seldom showed his face.

Could it be the second child?

Second child!

Zhu Di's heart throbbed with pain!The second child pretended to be the King of Wu, but was burned to death by the Lanlian Sect!

Even if the second child does something big, we can't discipline him if we want to!
In the past few days, how much Zhu Di hoped that there would be news from Yan Ji again. The news that Lan Lianjiao burned the second child was false!

However, Zhu Di did not dare to say that the second child was dead!

Once said, father will definitely link this matter with the poisoning of Zhang Dingbian and Chen Li!

"Your second child is an uneasy kid!"

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that Zhu Gaoxu's tragedy would not happen again, but if Zhu Di's education deviated again, he might go on other evil paths.

"As a father, you have to be a good example, and treat your son with a bowl of water! Never forget what you promised them, let alone fool others!"

Zhu Di was baffled, how could I be unfair to them?
If it is unfair, father is the biggest unfair!

For example, it is so unfair that the father favors Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi so much!

At this time, Zhu Di thought of his unlucky second-nephew Zhu Yunqi. If it wasn't for his father's partiality, how could he have come to the point of self-immolation?
"Da Ming is Ming, Gongsheng Ming! It means fairness! Otherwise, you will get angry."

Zhu Yuanzhang remembered what the third grandson said about Zhu Gaoxu being burned to death.

A great virtuous and eminent monk once pointed out that Daming belongs to fire, and it is a "triple fire".

First, Ming is the virtue of fire, and this is a fire.

Second, the surname of Da Mingzi is Zhu, Zhu is red, and red belongs to fire.

Thirdly, when Ming characters are disassembled, they are the sun and the moon, and the sun is the pole of yang.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang thought of another interpretation of the "three layers of fire": the first layer of fire was the thunder and fire from the sky, which burned down our Jinshen Hall.

The second fire is the fire that the second grandson of the tilted head set himself on fire, burning down the East Palace and Anxi Palace.

The third fire should be the fire that Zhu Zhanji burned Zhu Gaoxu to death as revealed by the third grandson.

I don't know if Zhu Gaoxu will avoid the fate of being Huo Ke with the guidance of the third grandson.

"Fourth, your second, you have to be more careful, he's going to charge with the fire criminal! Don't be like your second nephew." Zhu Yuanzhang reminded.

After Zhu Di heard this, he trembled all over and cried out, "Father, Gao Xu was burned to death."

"Fourth, are you dreaming? Or is someone giving you a dream?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was very strange. The tenth grandson was roasted to death by fire. That was the future thing that passed through the third grandson's heart. Could it be possible that Zhu Di could also eavesdrop on the third grandson's heartfelt voice?

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