Suddenly, a door opened on the white courtyard wall!

A group of people drilled out of the door!

Immediately afterwards, another group of people came out!

Then, another door appeared, and another group of people poured out!

The white courtyard wall is full of secret doors!
Zhu Yunxi understood, Tang Sai'er and Kuang Xiaowan suddenly disappeared, they must have got through a secret door!

There should be other secret passages inside and below the courtyard wall!
Just now Chen Li appeared in the corner, now there is a reasonable explanation.

Miaohua Bieyuan, there is a hole in the sky!
Suddenly, dozens of people with red faces rushed over.

tom tom tom!
A man with a hideous face bumped into the glass room.

With a bang, he fell to the ground.

This person got up and bumped again!
Down again!

The others all rushed over, ramming up without hesitation!

"Vacuum hometown, no biological parents."

"All the suffering in the world will return to the dust!"

Everyone shouted slogans calmly, with a trace of peace, which formed a sharp contrast with the bloody scene.

Several people were knocked unconscious, with big bumps on their heads.

It looked like it had been smashed to the bone.

These guys are like moths to a flame, they are dying!

"Gao Xu, these guys are trying to compete with you."

People bumped into each other one after another, and they bumped into each other from different directions!
Someone was knocked unconscious and was carried down, but it didn't affect the speed of the next hitter at all.

They seem to have been cast a kind of magic, and they bumped up without hesitation.

As if the body and head are not their own!
Zhu Yunxi suddenly thought of some group in the movies of later generations, chanted a spell, and pasted a yellow talisman, thinking that it was a magical body protection, invulnerable to swords and guns!
"Husband, they call Tang Sai'er: Teacher."

Zhu Yunxi understood that this was a famous secret association organization in history, but now it should be called the Blue Lotus Sect!

Tang Sai'er is the leader of the Blue Lotus Sect!

The Blue Lotus Sect should also have a saint!
So, Kuang Xiaowan is a saint?
Beside the glass house, dozens of stunned people fell down, with red liquid flowing on their faces, and it was hard to tell whether it was blood or paint.

Xu Huaijin was terrified. Could this group of people be crazy?
The face is bloody and bloody, very terrifying!
Xu Huaijin tightly grasped Zhu Yunxi's hand.

Zhu Yunxi was also confused at this time, could these people really be bewitched?

Does Tang Sai'er really have special spells?For example, paper-cutting becomes horses, and scatter beans into soldiers?

At this time, the people outside the glass house dispersed, and another part of them rushed out from the hidden door in the courtyard wall.

They all piled firewood around the glass house, and after a while, the firewood covered the whole house.

"Splash oil!"


With a bang, the firewood pile ignited a fire.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the smoke was getting stronger and stronger, so that everyone was a few feet away from the fire.

"Vacuum hometown, no biological parents."

"All the suffering in the world will return to the dust!"

Kuang Xiaowan, who was hiding in the secret door, wanted to rush out several times, but stopped in her tracks.

Bi Gong, the martial arts are so strong and the speed is so fast, run out quickly!

He may not dare to run out!

Because at such a short distance, no one can escape the firecracker's attack.

If Bi Gong could run, he would have already run.

There is no need to create a transparent room at all.

Now, he was buried in the pile of firewood, choked by the fireworks, and he hasn't come out for such a long time!
Where is life left?

At this moment, Kuang Xiaowan didn't feel heartbroken, only a kind of inexplicable sadness.

So far, Kuang Xiaowan has not figured out who this man is.

Lao Gong has already confirmed that it is a fake, but Bi Gong, is it possible that it is Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi?
Standing there blankly, Kuang Xiaowan's eyes vaguely flashed the running figure and flickering flames.

Kuang Xiaowan's sky became darker, as if stars were falling, and a breeze from the dense forest that night was blowing.

Tang Sai noticed Kuang Xiaowan's strangeness: "Xiaowan, if you want to take revenge, you must be ruthless! You still see too little blood!"

Suddenly, a group of people stood on the courtyard wall, all dressed in the same clothes, all in short clothes, holding standard sabers!

Tang Sai'er's heart shuddered, it's not good!

These people's eyes are fierce and murderous!
"Save the county king! Kill!"

More than a hundred people jumped off the wall!

At the same time run to the great burning pyre!

The person who came was the person Xu Miaoyun sent to rescue Xu Huaijin, and the leader was Qiu Fu.

Qiu Fu led 500 people and marched in several routes.

100 people arrived first, and after hearing the news, a man dressed as Huang Yaoshi shouted in front of the gate of "Miaohua Bieyuan", asking them to hand over Xu Huaijin.

Qiu Fu heard from the people in the city that this man dressed as Huang Yaoshi claimed to be the king of Wu Zhu Yunxi.

As soon as Qiu Fu heard it, he understood that this person was so blatant and didn't take him seriously, who else could be Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Gaoyang County!
Zhu Gaoxu was fascinated by the novels serialized in "Ming Pao", and he admired King Wu very much.

It is normal for him to pretend to be King Wu.

Qiu Fu led 100 people quietly to Miaohua Bieyuan.

Because it was broad daylight, Qiu Fu didn't dare to dive too close, only knowing that the fierce battle was going on inside.

Unexpectedly, a fire broke out in the courtyard soon after.

I thought that the fire was set by Zhu Gaoxu, but someone shouted in the courtyard that King Wu and Xu Huaijin were burned to death!
Qiu Fu was horrified, this is worth it!
The King of Wu is Zhu Gaoxu!
Zhu Gaoxu is the son of King Yan, just like Zhu Gaochi, the biological son of Princess Yan!
If something happens to Zhu Gaoxu, Qiu Fu and the five hundred soldiers will die!
So, Qiu Fu didn't care too much, and rushed in to save people!

Qiu Fu sent out 50 people to fight the enemy soldiers, and the other 50 people rushed into the fire and snatched Zhu Gaoxu out!

At this time, all the sergeants knew the stakes.

If Zhu Gaoxu is not rescued, none of them will live!
100 people rushed over!

Breaking in abruptly from the encirclement!

The 100 people immediately divided into two teams, one team rushed into the fire to save people, and the other team prevented the bandits from interfering.

Suddenly, the thief's crossbow arrows and firecrackers fired together!
Qiu Fu and others were caught off guard, and almost everyone was injured!
"Brothers, kill, kill, kill!"

Although Qiu Fu was injured, he would not retreat!

Another round of crossbow arrows and firecrackers!

A few people around Qiu Fu fell down, but immediately stood up again.

They dare not pounce!

Because there are few people!
As long as one pounces forward, a gap will be exposed, and the bandit army will rush in to interfere with the rescue.

Qiu Fu didn't know how many wounds he had on his body, but he still gritted his teeth and took out his bow and arrow, and shot several thieves carrying wooden barrels to death!
They also want to add fuel to the fire!

There are too few people at this time!
Qiu Fu only thought, those 50 people quickly pulled the county king and Xu Huaijin out of the fire!

"Brothers, stay in formation and stand firm!"

Qiu Fu roared, holding a bow in one hand and a knife in the other.

The thief approached and chopped with a knife!
The thief is far away, put away the knife and use the bow and arrow!

Although the thieves were killed and injured a lot, they are still fearless of death!
Two thieves carrying wooden buckets successfully poured oil onto the fire, sizzling, beeping, beeping, and the fire was much higher.

Those who rushed into the fire were pulling logs and firewood with knives.

Some of them were already on fire, so they just took off their clothes and continued!

Someone rolled out of the ring of fire, and continued to rush in after the fire on his body was extinguished!

Finally, the fire site was waded out of a way, revealing the glass house.

In the middle of the house, there are three people!
At this moment, the wall was densely packed with people!

These people were wearing clothes they had never seen before, colorful, black, yellow, and white, as if they were randomly dyed.

It seems that there are at least 300 people!

The thief's reinforcements have arrived!
Qiu Fu's scalp was numb, it's over!

Even if the county king and Xu Huaijin were rescued, they would not be able to escape today!

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