Just as Xu Huaijin was about to say something, Tang Sai'er said, "Xiao Tao, gag her!"

"When did you nod your head and agree to obey Mr. Chen, and when will you let her talk again!"

Before Xu Huaijin could object, Xiaotao gagged her mouth.

Xu Huaijin was so angry that tears flowed down her cheeks, hating herself for being so useless.

If Mu Yao had half the skill, there would be no need to stay here!

His hands and feet were bound, his body was naked, and his mouth was gagged.

If Uncle Fu or King Wu came to rescue him, he wouldn't even be able to send out a signal!
Under the leadership of Xiaotao, Tang Sai'er walked through the hall and corridor, winding and winding, to another small courtyard.

A tall monk was sitting cross-legged on the futon, while Mr. Chen was sitting on the Taishi chair reading a book.

Seeing Tang Sai'er coming in, Mr. Chen said, "Teacher Tang, let me introduce you."

Tang Sai'er pressed his left hand with his right hand, bowed his head, bowed his knees, looked down, and said a blessing to the tall monk: "Zhang Taiwei, I haven't seen you for many years, how have you been?"

The monk opened his eyelids, and proclaimed a Buddha's name: "Madam, the years have passed, and the style is still the same!"

"My wife is not my wife. A lonely and helpless woman is just looking for a way out for the poor." Tang Sai'er sighed after finishing speaking.

"The Taiwei is dead, and the poor monk has nothing to hear about it. After entering the Buddhist gate, all four things are empty, but there are still things that are unfinished. When this matter is over, I will be done with it."

After Monk Kongwen finished speaking, he glanced at Mr. Chen.

Mr. Chen said: "The leader of the Tang Dynasty, the king of Wu Zhu Yunxi has arrived in Jining."

"Master Kongwen, can you find Zhu Yunxi's trace?" Tang Sai'er asked.

"We went north on the same boat as King Wu. On board, we specially disclosed the news of Xu Huaijin to King Wu."

"My two apprentices have been following the King of Wu. That night they rested in Pingqiao Town, and the King of Wu sneaked away."

"Tu'er saw with his own eyes that King Wu rented a boat to go north that night while it was dark."

"We still took the big boat to go north the next day, but we didn't find any trace of King Wu. Judging from this, he has already arrived in Jining."

Master Kongwen just finished speaking, Tang Sai'er said: "Wu King must be in Jining? He may pass through Jining and go directly north, because he has to rush to Beiping to receive King Yan's [-] troops."

"Wu Wang is a man, don't underestimate him." Master Kongwen remembered the wine that Wu Wang brought out that day.

The wine was the strongest he had ever drank in his life, and he couldn't stop thinking about it until he woke up the next day.

However, the wine made him dizzy for a whole night.

Fortunately, his two apprentices were sober, revealed the news that Xu Huaijin was trapped in Jining, and found out the whereabouts of King Wu.

In fact, how did the old monk know that his two apprentices lied out of fear.

They went to follow Zhu Yunxi instead.

The two followed into the woods. It was too dark and the woods were too dense, so they didn't find Zhu Yunxi at all.

After the two discussed it, they said that "Huang Yaoshi" found another boat and left overnight.

How did Master Kongwen know that he was deceived by two apprentices?

Judging by the time, Master Kongwen felt that Zhu Yunxi had arrived in Jining first.

"Madam, King Wu is not as incompetent as everyone imagines. From Zhu Yuanzhang to Li Jinglong, their praise of King Wu is probably not groundless."

"Based on the circumstances of all parties, the Huang Yaoshi who rescued Zheng He from Niujiaowan should be Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi."

"He was able to rescue Zheng He with just one person, which would be difficult to do with other people."

"Wu Wang is willing to take the risk to save Zheng He, then he will definitely save Xu Huaijin!"

"Therefore, King Wu must be in Jining at this time!"

Tang Sai'er said: "There is a saying: three years old is old. Zhu Yunxi has been in a daze for more than ten years, how could he suddenly be so powerful? It must be the result of the flattery of the faint emperor and courtiers!"

Master Kongwen smiled slightly: "Ma'am, Bodhi has nature, and he becomes a Buddha suddenly. It's all right to be enlightened."

"Why does the master admire Zhu Yunxi so much? Could it be that he is persuading me to let go? Let him be used by you?" Tang Sai'er looked displeased.

Seeing this, Master Space uttered another Buddha's name: "Madam, this statement is wrong, it is for our use."

Tang Sai'er immediately put on a smiling face: "The master is absolutely right, our goals are the same!"

"Ma'am, you have many subordinates, yet you deliberately spread the news to lure King Wu to come. As long as you capture King Wu and let him use all his wits, there is nothing you can do."

"What the master said is true! Isn't Xu Huaijin just like that?"

"Ma'am, don't treat Xu Huaijin too much. Although you have many subordinates, Xu Huaijin alone can defeat tens of thousands of soldiers!"

Tang Sai'er looked at Mr. Chen and said, "Whether Xu Huaijin can be used by us depends mainly on Mr. Chen's methods! Mr. Chen, you must not have any pity for Xu Huaijin!"

"As for Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie, after I catch him, I will make him submit!!"

Mr. Chen said: "Teacher Tang, you have tens of thousands of people, and Zhu Yunxi's [-] soldiers and horses in Beiping. How about we command them then?"

Tang Sai'er said: "Mr. Chen, as long as you get revenge, it doesn't matter whoever leads you."

"Now, the most important thing is to catch Zhu Yunxi."

"I will deliberately release the news to let Zhu Yunxi find this place. As long as he comes, he will definitely not be able to escape!"

"Master, please ask your two disciples to take my men to patrol the city, because they have seen King Wu."

Thus, a large net was spread in Jining city.

Tang Sai'er personally arranged the Miaohua Bieyuan, and waited quietly for the arrival of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi.


A day later, Tang Sai'er became anxious.

Master Kongwen's two apprentices led people around the whole of Jining, but did not find any trace of "Huang Yaoshi".

Could it be that King Wu was not in the city at all, but went directly north?
Uncle Fu who escaped also disappeared.

What worries Tang Sai'er the most is the inexplicable disappearance of his daughter Kuang Xiaowan.

Xiaowan probably wasn't taken away by Uncle Fu.

If Fu Bo had taken him away, he would have sent a message long ago, requesting Xiaowan to exchange Xu Huaijin back.

Knowing Xiaowan's disappearance, Xiaowan's master also searched everywhere, but has not seen her come back so far.

After meeting Mr. Chen and Kong Wen, Tang Sai'er felt that King Wu could use more value.

As long as he captures this person, he can get [-] soldiers and horses under King Yan, and even other kings of Sai!

Because the king of Wu has the power to control the soldiers and horses of the major kings of Sai.

How to make Wu Wang completely return to his heart?
Counting on Kongwen and Mr. Chen is simply not enough!

The only thing that can make King Wu completely return to his heart is the trump card in his hand - Kuang Xiaowan!

For so many years, through the careful teaching of many masters, Xiaowan not only looks charming, but also has a charm that men cannot refuse.

With Xu Huaijin, Xiao Wan doesn't have to give it to Mr. Chen!
By observing Young Master Chen, as long as Xu Huaijin is given to him, Young Master Chen can be used for himself!
Giving Xiaowan to Mr. Chen is a waste of resources.

Then, as long as Xiao Wan captures King Wu, great things will happen!

At that time, with the soldiers and horses of King Wu and his own tribe, with the old subordinates of Mr. Chen, the financial support of the Jiangnan family, and the military command of Xu Huaijin, Daming will definitely be turned upside down.

At that time, it must be wonderful for King Wu to meet his grandfather!
At that time, it must be very touching for Xiaowan to meet her relatives!
However, Xiao Wan must be found now!

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