Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0611 Let the old 4 preside over the "cutting the feudal clan"

Zhu Yuanzhang remembered a word mentioned in the voice of the third grandson just now: Satsuma Fan.

It was Satsuma who persecuted and invaded Ryukyu!
What is the relationship between Satsuma and Wo?
"Well, Yunxi, do you know anything about Wo State? Does Wo State also have a vassal state?"

This time, Zhu Yuanzhang went straight to the point and went straight to the point.

"Grandpa, there is no vassal state in Wo country, only vassal land. For example, the Satsuma domain is a vassal land, and its leader is called the lord."

"So that's the case. Is Wo Guo learning from Daming, and also engaged in the division of princes, and the kingdom of Fanping?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Yes, that's about it."

Zhu Yuanzhang was very satisfied: "Look, when we implemented the enfeoffment system, many people opposed it back then, especially Ye Boju from Shanxi, who dared to criticize our decision!"

Look, Woguo's territory is so small, they dare to send Wokou to harass Daming, and even want to invade Ryukyu, which shows that they have certain strength.

Sansun said that later Ryukyu surrendered to Wo State's military force, and it seems that they have developed very well.

This should have a lot to do with the vassal system they learned from us.

"Old Zhu seems very satisfied with the enfeoffment system."

"Don't you know that this is a kind of retrogression in history."

"The birth of the enfeoffment system stems from the contradiction between the monarch and the heroes."

"The new dynasties in history have all encountered such problems. Some have dealt with them peacefully, while others have massacred."

"Before the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Lao Zhu once discussed it with his courtiers. He criticized Liu Bang for being "suspicious and punishing the heroes of the barbarians", and affirmed that Li Shimin "can control the officials, and the great cause is established, and the soldiers can be preserved."

"In the very beginning, Lao Zhu did treat the meritorious officials preferentially, hoping that the monarch and his ministers could share peace."

"But later the nobles of Huaixi were rebellious and unruly. Getting close to them fueled their arrogance, and staying away from them caused their dissatisfaction."

"So Lao Zhu is neither near nor far away, so if you kill him, you'll be done."

"In the early Ming Dynasty, no matter in the interior or on the frontier, military towns were set up widely, and they were all guarded by generals."

"In the case of Hu Weiyong, Lee Shan-chang, the first hero of the founding of the country, and a large number of veteran veterans were imprisoned, implicated and killed more than [-] people."

"At the same time, Lao Zhu began to adjust the military system. Before the Hu case, there were King Qin and King Jin, and the vassals of Chang'an and Taiyuan."

"After the Hu case, Lao Zhu ordered Zhu Di, the king of Yan, to take over Beiping, and then successively let other princes take over."

"Using the princes to replace the generals and ministers, especially the frontier kings interfere with military affairs, especially Jin Wang and Yan Wang."

"Generals such as Song Guogong Feng Sheng, Ying Guo and Fu Youde are all controlled by the prince."

"Later, many generals were killed, and the fierce generals who opened the frontier were exhausted."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, this is our proud work, how can it be said to be a step backward?

There is also Sapphire, and the Chang family. If it weren't for the third grandson, we would have killed them a long time ago!

The reason why they didn't click on them is because the third grandson is very capable and they have a close relationship with the third grandson.

When the third grandson sits on the throne, there is no danger of his relatives becoming bigger.

"Later, there were only a few nobles in Huaixi, such as Xu Da's descendants, Tang He, Guo Ying, Geng Bingwen, Mu Ying, Li Jinglong, etc., their power was greatly weakened, and they were not successful."

"In the late Hongwu period, except for the adopted son Muying who guarded Yunnan, the situation where nobles guarded the military town ended."

"A lot of people have opinions about the enfeoffment system, but they dare not speak out."

"Ye Boju is nothing more than a Confucian teacher in Pingyao County, Shanxi Province. He has a teaching position at the eighth rank. But the official is small and courageous."

"Ye Boju mentioned the disadvantages of "too extravagant enfeoffment"."

"Take the rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms in the Han Dynasty and the Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Jin Dynasty as examples. It is feared that after several generations, the tail will not be lost. Then the land will be cut and the power will be seized, and there will be hopelessness, and even chaos will arise, which cannot be prevented."

"Old Zhu was furious when he saw it, thinking that Ye Boju was alienating the royal family."

"In the end Ye Boju was arrested and died in prison."

"Old Zhu believes that with his ancestral precepts, the princes will definitely respect the ancestral law, and they will be more reliable than ministers of civil and military affairs."

"In order to prevent powerful officials from arrogating power, it is stipulated that the kings have the right to ask the central government for treacherous officials and to follow the emperor's secret edict to clear their side."

"Although Lao Zhu also stated that the princes should be "nobles but not subject to the people, and divided into vassals but not Xitu", he did not formulate specific measures to prevent the princes from becoming powerful."

"Therefore, later Yan Wang Zhu Di launched the slogan of "Qing emperor's side" and "punishing treacherous ministers" and launched the Jingnan campaign."

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Yes, the fourth child is a living example!
We thought the princes would respect the ancestral law, but we didn't know that they could do nothing for the sake of the throne.

In the final analysis, there is still a problem with our enfeoffment system.

Still haven't escaped the vicious circle like the Rebellion of Seven Kingdoms and the Rebellion of Eight Kings.

However, cancel all the vassal kings?

This doesn't seem realistic either.Because the princes are guarding various places, there are not many generals who can fight.

What's more, how do we know whether these generals will become bigger in the frontier by then?
Does Sansun have a solution?

"Lao Zhu just mentioned Wo State's vassal state, Wo State has also experienced a long historical period to solve this problem."

"One of their measures of the Meiji Restoration was to "abolish feudal clans and establish prefectures."

"Bring those small, privileged and independent kingdoms under central management."

"The abolition of the vassal state has concentrated the previously dispersed power, and the establishment of the county system is the establishment of counties organized by local organizations under the centralized system."

"The military and taxation rights retained by the vassal are also owned by the new government, so that all the rights of the country are returned to the central government."

"Since then, Woguo has resolved the long-standing problem."

"The Meiji Restoration is an epoch-making event in the history of Wo State, and an extremely important milestone in the transformation of Wo State from a feudal society to a capitalist society."

"This is the turning point in Wo State's transformation from a feudal and weak country to a capitalist power."

"The Meiji Restoration gave Wo State an institutional advantage over China, so much so that we were completely defeated in the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War."

"Later, Wo State invaded Zhonghua, bloodbathed Jinling City, and carried out a world-famous massacre, killing more than [-] Chinese people."

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was already full of anger.

Zhu Yuanzhang heard about this massacre for the second time from the voice of his third grandson.

It turned out that Wo Guo became so powerful later on!He actually ran to our capital to play wild!
Think about it again, needless to say hundreds of years later, just now, the gangsters dare to run rampant along the coast!

It seems that solving the problem of reducing the vassal and getting rid of Woguo are closely linked.

Thinking about the fourth son who is still in charge of the country, as long as people like the fourth son are under control, won't the other princes be fine?
"Yunxi, your fourth uncle is now in the capital. Although he is the supervisor of the country, he is still in Beiping. No matter what he thinks, he can't realize it." Zhu Yuanzhang said.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Yeah, it's all right now, grandpa doesn't need to worry."

"If I become emperor, the first thing I need to do is to solve the problem of the vassals."

"If this problem is not resolved, Daming will not become strong."

"No matter who becomes the emperor, it's actually the same. It's the same in Jianwen, and it's the same in Yongle."

"Zhu Di has conquered the world since he was a vassal king, and he is well aware of the danger that the vassal king's tail will never be lost, so he continues to implement the policy of "cutting the vassals"."

Zhu Yuanzhang got excited when he heard it. It turned out that the fourth son in history also cut down the vassal!
What did the fourth child do?

If the fourth child is doing well, let the fourth child preside over the "reduction of feudal clans"!
The third grandson treats us as coolies, and our fourth son as a spearman!

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