An hour later, Liu Shitou woke up.

Seeing that my leg was clamped on the steel plate, I understood what was going on.

"Liu Shitou, your leg is connected!" Zheng He asked, "Does it hurt now?"

Liu Shitou said, "It hurts a little, it's okay."

Zhu Yunxi pointed to the pills on the table and said, "This is for pain relief, take a few pills when you can't stand it."

"The rest is to rest and wait for the bones to heal. After three months, you will be fine." Li Shizhen said.

"My leg will be fine in the future?" Liu Shitou couldn't believe it.

"Yes, after three months, your legs will be as good as ever!"

Li Shizhen said arrogantly: "You know, there are broken bones in your legs, and if there are broken bones that cannot be connected, then you are lame! It has always been like this."

"However, the king of Wu gave you a knife and took out the broken bones, so you won't be limping anymore!"

"Liu Shitou, you are the first to take out the broken bones!"

Liu Shitou's personality is the same as his name, a bit stubborn.

No matter how hard life is, Liu Shitou is as silent as a stone, never shedding tears.

Even if his leg was broken, he still held it back, at most he yelled to relieve the pain.

At this moment, Liu Shitou was crying, and was streaming.

"King Wu, your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten," Liu Shitou exchanged tears, choking with sobs.

It was only at this time that everyone was relieved.

The situation where King Wu used his knife to cut skin and flesh just now was really thrilling!
Liu Shitou was lying on the bed motionless, like a dead pig waiting to be slaughtered.

Although he understood that King Wu was treating illnesses, this situation was really appalling.

Now that Liu Shitou had spoken, everyone put their hearts back into their stomachs.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Ji Laosan were very excited.

Fighting against the enemy on the battlefield, broken arms and legs are very common.

After a battle, how many sergeants became disabled!

No matter how high the level of bone setting is, it cannot be guaranteed to be completely connected, mainly because there are broken bones, and no one dares to take them out.

Wu Wang dare!
This is called being bold!
As long as King Wu spreads this medical skill, the combat effectiveness of the Ming army will be doubled!
Isn't it just the army that benefits?

On the second day, Zheng He organized all the shipyard personnel and wolf soldiers to line up early.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yunxi see the whole picture of the treasure ship.

"Zheng He, that's right, it's this kind of boat!" Zhu Yuanzhang was very excited: "This boat is much bigger than Chen Youliang's boat!"

"Long live, long live, long live!!"

After a tidy shout, all shipyard personnel rushed to their respective posts.

The huge gate opened, and the rumbling sound was deafening.

A large amount of seawater poured into the cabin.

After a while, the sea water was filled.

The treasure ship floated up, and it was three feet higher than before.

The crew boarded the treasure ship, some hoisted the sail, some pulled the noose, and some pulled on both sides of the ship's harbor.

At this time, the gates on the sea were lowered, and the treasure ship slowly left the port.

Amid the neat and powerful chant, the entire hull of the treasure ship entered the sea!

Two sails, one in front and one in the back, were hoisted up!

The treasure ship sails forward!Smooth and steady!
Not far away, lowered the back sail, the treasure ship turned, and sailed back.

With the drop of the huge anchor, all the staff cheered, it was a success!
It worked!
The shipyard workers and crew threw up their hats and jackets with forgetfulness, and swayed the joy in their hearts to their heart's content.

This is the biggest sea boat ever built!
The boat stopped at the harbour.

Zheng He, who was standing at the bow of the ship, was extremely excited at this moment!
After two years, it finally worked!
In the past two years, he used his position in the Ministry of Industry to invite all the old craftsmen from the four major shipyards.

Gathered all the elites in the shipbuilding industry of Ming Dynasty, studied the drawings day and night, and strived for perfection in every part!
Finally built the treasure ship in his mind, and it is still a sharp bottom.

Chen Youliang's building boat has a flat bottom and can balance well on the water, but when it is at sea, the draft is not deep and it is easy to be overturned by wind and waves.

If you want to sail out to sea, you must use a sharp-bottomed boat!
This is also the train of thought that King Wu had explained to him.

This idea has been approved by the shipyard workers.

They made a model of a sharp-bottomed boat, which did not sink in the water.

So according to this model, it was scaled up and made into a treasure ship.

Easier said than done.

The hardships involved are hard to describe.

Finally, the sharp-bottomed treasure ship was successfully launched, sailed successfully, and returned successfully!
Standing on the bow of the treasure ship, Zheng He's heart was already full of wind and thunder.

At this moment, he is the owner of the treasure ship!

He will take this treasure ship, sail to the ocean, chase his dreams, and cast glory!
After the ship docked, Zheng He came out and invited Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Yunxie, Li Shizhen and all the wolf soldiers to the uppermost deck of the treasure ship.

Zhu Yuanzhang patted the railing of the deck excitedly!
This is not the same as the big boat that Zhu Yunxi connected many small boats two years ago.

This boat can easily accommodate 2000 people!
2000 people are nothing at all. Fighting on land is not enough for the enemy's teeth.

But this is at sea!
This treasure ship is invincible!

Just imagine, if 2000 people are equipped with muskets, enough bullets, and grenades, if they stop on the treasure ship, the gangsters will be paralyzed when they see it?
Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Zheng He, you did not disappoint us."

"Treasure ships, keep building! The more you build, the better!"

Zhu Yunxi disagreed.

"Treasure ships alone are not enough. They don't pose much threat to the enemy."

Zhu Yuanzhang was surprised, this treasure ship is powerful enough, in the eyes of the third grandson, it is not a threat to the enemy?
"A large ship has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Although a treasure ship is large, it is difficult to turn around and lacks flexibility."

"Treasure ships must be the core, and then some smaller ones, such as cargo ships, food ships, and combat ships, must be manufactured."

"The treasure ship is equivalent to the aircraft carrier of later generations, it is just a huge platform."

"To really fight, you have to rely on carrier-based aircraft."

"An aircraft carrier, without the escort and support of other ships, will be passively attacked."

"In Somalia, a few pirates can get close to a big ship with a small boat. It's not uncommon for a small boat to take out a big ship, or a small group of pirates to take out a lot of people."

"With treasure ships, warships will have a stable base and rear. With warships, they will increase their offensive capabilities."

"In Zheng He's fleet, there were five types of ships."

"Without the cooperation of these ships, Zheng He would not have been able to defeat those pirates!"

"Blindly build treasure ships, without supporting ships, there will be no combat effectiveness!"

Zhu Yuanzhang also understood when he heard this!
At that time, Chen Youliang's building boat was so tall and wide, and our boat was so small, it was simply incomparable.

But we won in the end!

Although there are factors such as the life of the three armed forces and the right time and place, our ship is agile!
Chen Youliang's Lou Chuan is like a big fat man, with a superficial appearance!
If Chen Youliang was equipped with some small combat ships back then, it would be hard to say what would happen.

"Zheng He, how to build a ship and what kind of ship to build, you follow the arrangement of King Wu."

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that his consideration was still too simple.

With the third grandson, everything becomes easier!

In the future, as long as the third grandson doesn't speak, we can't express our opinions at will!
Just now, he almost flicked his tongue.


Jinling, Imperial City, East Palace.

A pigeon flew over cooing and landed on the bucket arch.

"Is it the news from Hangzhou? Did you get the salt-making and treasure ship technology?" Zhu Di asked.

"Your Highness, Zheng He was rescued!"

The muscles on Zhu Di's face trembled: "It was rescued, who did it?"

"The one who rescued Zheng He was Huang Yaoshi from Peach Blossom Island!"

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