Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0604 Niujia Village, Iron Spear Temple, Ouyang Ke

"Secondly, you still have [-] soldiers in Beiping, and they are all loyal and loyal."

"Thirdly, the 28 dead men trained by Master Yao are not only behind thousands of troops?"

Zhu Di's confidence increased greatly, and he stood up: "Yan Ji, you have suffered!"

"Your Highness, in order to fulfill Master Yao's uncompetitive wish and to ensure the continuation of our Great Ming Dynasty, what is the body of a minister?"

"Master Yao and Senior Brother Wu can sacrifice their lives, but I just received a knife. Your Highness doesn't need to worry about it."

Zhu Di was very moved: "Yan Ji, what you lost, I will give you double compensation."


A village by the Wuxi River in eastern Zhejiang is called Niujiaowan.

Both Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen were dressed as doctors.

Li Shizhen carried a pannier on her back and held a medicine hoe in her hand.

This is where the ancestral hall of the royal family is located.

There are quite a few members of the royal family who are officials in the court and other places, among which Wang Qingxuan, the minister of the Ministry of Rites, has the largest official position.

The Wang family also has many shops and properties in Hangzhou City.

But Zhu Yunxi judged that it was impossible for them to capture Zheng He and put him in a bustling city, because there are so many people here that they will inevitably recognize him.

People must be kept in a sparsely populated place.

Ji Laosan originally wanted to send someone to come with him, but Zhu Yunxi refused.

Because the shipyard and the salt factory need people to protect them, and no more accidents can happen.

The fewer people, the easier it is to act, and it is less likely to arouse suspicion.

Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen decided to visit several villages and towns where the Wang family lived.

To be on the safe side, Zhu Yunxi exchanged two human skin masks.

After wearing it, Li Shizhen could no longer recognize Zhu Yunxie, so she couldn't help but play with it.

"Shizhen, when you meet someone, tell us that our junior brother has gone out to gather medicine and has not returned, and you and I were ordered by the master to find him back."

Three villages were searched, but nothing was found.

On the contrary, a villager told them that he saw several people carrying a wounded man on their backs and followed them quietly, and found that they had entered Niujiao Bay.

The injured people looked like foreigners, and the others were a few abnormal people in Niujiao Bay.

At that time, he felt that this person might have done something wrong to the family and was taken into the royal ancestral hall.

Did not run away, this person should be Zheng He.

Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen rushed to Niujiaowan.

As soon as we arrived at the entrance of the village, we found a tavern.

There were a few tables outside the tavern, and a few men were sitting at the tables.

Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen walked over, picked a table and sat down.

A young man walked out of the tavern, and he was actually limping: "You two guests, what do you need? Do you want wine or tea?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "If you want wine, what kind of wine do you have?"

"I'm sorry, guest officer, we don't have wine, only tea."

"Well, let's have tea then."

There is no wine in the store, but do you want wine or tea?

This young man not only has a leg problem, but also a brain problem.

When the tea was brought, Zhu Yunxi took a sip and said, "Brother, my junior brother and I came from other places—"

The young man immediately said: "Don't talk about foreigners, who is not a stranger nowadays? Next, Qu San, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Treasurer Qu is right, who is not a scattered person nowadays?"

Said the boy sitting at another table.

The boy was wearing a blue cloth robe that had faded to blue-gray long ago.

He took two pieces of pear wood boards and touched them a few times, and beat the bamboo stick in his left hand on a small Jiegu repeatedly: "In the next Zhang Shiwu, I make a living by storytelling on weekdays."

"The little peach blossoms on its own, and the tobacco is full of late crows. Several old wells have been surrounded by ruins, and they have always been people's homes."

Isn't this guy called Zhang Shiwu?

Is this a storyteller?

Isn't the few lines of poems you read just now the beginning of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Li Shizhen asked: "Excuse me, Shopkeeper Qu, is this Niujiaowan?"

Zhang Shiwu said: "No, no, there is no Niujiao Bay here. This is Niujia Village!"

Niujia Village?
Song three?

Storyteller Zhang Shiwu?

Isn't this the beginning of "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?

Qu San and Zhang Shiwu looked alike, but they were younger.

Looking at the next table, there are two people under the age of 30, with fake mustaches on their lips and chins.

Play role-playing, RPG games?

"I'm Guo Xiaotian, do you dare to ask the two names?"

"Here, Yang Tiexin, can the two of you come over and have a drink to warm up?"

Zhu Yunxi was speechless, these two guys really look alike!
The clothes he wears and his expression and tone are very similar to Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin in Jin Yong's works.

Have a drink to warm up your body?

In the novel, it was late autumn when Guo Xiaotian and Yang Tiexin appeared in Niujia Village.

It's summer now, why warm up your body?
These guys are really martial arts fans!
A fan of Jin Yong.

Actually changed Niujiaowan into Niujia Village!

Look at this hotel again, the environment is really similar!

A few guys staged a drama and created an immersive performance!

"Nowadays the world is not peaceful, I waited until Lin'an, and captured the thief dog officer here, unexpectedly—"

"To shut up!"

The guy playing Guo Xiaotian was talking, when suddenly a person came out from the back of the tavern and shouted.

This person was about 40 years old, with a goatee, and he glared at him and said, "I told you to look out for any suspicious people! What are you doing? Talk nonsense, and I will tear your mouth apart."

Suddenly, everyone fell silent.

Goatee glanced deliberately at Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen, then turned and walked towards the village.

Zhu Yunxi laughed and said, "Brothers, you are really like-minded."

"I'm familiar with "Legend of the Condor Heroes", I didn't expect to meet a bosom friend here."

"If it wasn't for that person just now, I really thought I was in Niujia Village. Haha, do you have Guo Jing here, and where is Huang Rong?"

"By the way, do you have an Iron Spear Temple here?"

"Is there Ouyang Ke in the Iron Spear Temple?"

The person playing Yang Tiexin said: "The Iron Spear Temple is in the east of the village. Ouyang Ke broke his leg and hid in the Iron Spear Temple."

Zhu Yunxi's heart moved, the Iron Spear Temple is the Wang's Ancestral Hall!
At the same time, he was surprised again, Ouyang Ke with a broken leg?

Was Zheng He's leg broken?

Zhu Yunxi decided to go directly to the village, and bowed his hands to several people: "Everyone, we are going to find our junior brother, so we will leave."

"The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Go well, go well."

At this time, the goatee came over and said, "Are you two doctors?"

Li Shizhen said: "Exactly."

"Please come with me."

Zhu Yunxi and Li Shizhen followed the goatee, and they really saw the "Wang's Ancestral Hall".

Entering the yard, I found a person slumped on the ground.

"Patriarch, the doctor is here."

The person known as the head of the family was in his thirties, but he was very polite and cupped his hands: "Misters, this person has a broken bone, I don't know if it can be connected."

The people on the ground turned their faces, it was not Zheng He!
Li Shizhen touched it and said, "It can be connected."

"Master Zheng, I have already found a doctor, as long as his leg is connected, you have to fulfill your promise."

Lord Zheng?

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