Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0600 seeking the wealth of a family, or the blessing of the common people

Dai Sigong said: ""Compendium of Materia Medica" is really a great book of medicine! A wonderful book through the ages!"

Because "Compendium of Materia Medica" is a set, there are many copies, so everyone looks through each copy.

"Ah, isn't this oxtail?" Dai Sigong pulled Li Yanwen over and asked, pointing to a picture in "Compendium of Materia Medica".

"Yes, this is oxtail. Why is this book called Shenjincao?"

Dai Sigong continued to read: "Shenjincao, formerly known as Oxtail Grass, dispels wind and cold, dehumidifies and reduces swelling, relaxes tendons and activates collaterals."

"For anemofrigid-damp arthralgia, stagnation of limbs, constriction of tendons and arteries and carbuncles."

"Because it helps to relax tendons and tendons, it was renamed Shenjincao."

Dai Sigong said: "Master, master, change the name according to the efficacy, this name is changed well!"

"Look, there are also prescriptions in the back: 9 grams of Shenjincao, 9 grams of Eucommia, 6 grams of Astragalus, 6 grams of Notopterygium..."

"If this book spreads, even ordinary rural doctors or traveling doctors will be able to follow the prescription!"

"This is equivalent to each doctor mastering the effects of more than 800 medicinal materials at the same time, and obtaining more than 1000 prescriptions!"

"How many people have been saved from disease!"

"This book should become a must-have book for doctors!"

"With this book, the level of my Ming physician has been improved several times!"

"This treasure book is really the luck of my dynasty and the blessing of the common people!"

Everyone present agreed with Dai Sigong's words.

Having such a medical treasure book will save many people the time and energy of studying herbal medicine, and it can be used immediately!
The number of drugs used to treat diseases has directly increased from the original more than 300 to more than 800!
Dai Sigong bowed deeply three times towards "Compendium of Materia Medica".

Turning around, he said, "King Wu, what is your relationship with this expert? Can this book be published to the world?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "This reclusive expert is also my teacher and friend. Apart from medicine, he also taught me a lot, such as making weapons and so on. However, he has always warned me not to reveal it to the outside world."

Everyone's attitude immediately became respectful.

It turns out that Zhu Yunxi has great talents, not just medicine!

Li Yanwen heard about Zhu Yunxi's deeds in the Western Regions. He didn't believe it in the past, but now he believes it!
It turned out that Zhu Yunxi had an expert professor!
Fang Xiaoru suddenly realized.

It's no wonder King Wu's level is so high, he dares to have a hidden world expert as his teacher!

Looking at everyone's expressions, Zhu Yuanzhang held back his laughter, his intestines almost knotted.

The third grandson speaks nonsense, his face doesn't blush, his heart doesn't beat, he just opens his mouth!

These people actually believed it!
The fundamental purpose of the third grandson is still to hang on!

I can't hide some skills anymore, so I start looking for reasons!
Dai Sigong's breath also became short of breath: "King Wu, did that expert ever say whether this book can be published to the world?"

Dai Sigong just looked up a lot of medicinal materials he already knew, and the characteristics and indications in the book are not bad at all.

There are also some medicinal materials that he discovered by himself, and they are actually recorded in the book.

And there are some functions that even I don't know.

It can be seen that this book is definitely not a random patchwork!
If ordinary people get such a medical book, they will regard it as a treasure and will never reveal it.

Money is not revealed!

With this medical treasure book, ordinary people will gather huge wealth!

If this treasure is passed down, generations after generations will have enough to eat and drink.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" is a cash cow and a cornucopia in anyone's hands!

Li Yan thought, Dai Sigong is too rude!

Everyone has seen the great value of "Compendium of Materia Medica". Anyone who gets this set of books will find a safe place to hide it!
Do you still want Prince Wu to be known to the world? !

The hermit expert passed this book on to the King of Wu, did he let him disclose it to the people?

Hidden World, Hidden World, you Dai Sigong don't know what King Wu meant by that?
It is already very interesting for King Wu to take out this book and let everyone take a look!

The reason why King Wu took out this book is to let my son, who is worthless, know how to go astray.

King Wu asked Jin Yiwei to come forward to bring Li Shizhen back, and wanted to teach him other skills, such as how to make the anesthetic.

Fang Xiaoru also felt that Dai Sigong was a little reckless.

The king of Wu made this book public to the world, which is a lofty realm!

It is human nature for King Wu to hide this book in his private house!
Dai Sigong actually asked the two of them if they could make it public to the world, which is a bit difficult for others.

Li Shizhen had already regained her strength at this time, and there was no need to study herbal medicine anymore.

With "Compendium of Materia Medica", my own research is a waste of time.

It seems that Wu Wang wants to teach himself other skills!
At this time, Li Shizhen admired Dai Sigong a little.

Obviously knowing that this is unlikely, but Dai Sigong asked twice, obviously wanting King Wu to make the "Compendium of Materia Medica" public for the benefit of the world.

If the "Compendium of Materia Medica" is hidden, it will only make the family rich, not the blessing of the common people!

The wealth of the family, the blessing of the common people, which one should the King of Wu choose?
In Li Shizhen's view, the virtue of a doctor is universal!

The reason why the ancient healers are remembered by the world is because they wrote their lifelong research results and experience into books and passed them on to the world!

However, most doctors regard several folk prescriptions as treasures and pass them on to future generations!

Li Shizhen aspires to be a great doctor like Zhang Zhongjing, so she vowed to travel all over famous mountains and rivers and write a book of medicines!
He wants to pass on the written book to future generations, make it public to the world, and benefit the people!
As for King Wu, he probably won't show it.

If King Wu wanted to make it public, he would not have waited until today!

Didn't you see that the cover and back cover of this set of books are ripped apart?

"Dai Yuan's sentence is not because I don't want to make it public." Zhu Yunxi said.

Dai Sigong's eyes darkened, sure enough, King Wu didn't want to make it public.

But King Wu still wanted to find a reason!

Needless to say, the reason for the reluctance to disclose is pushed to those reclusive masters.

The hidden expert and the king of Wu are both teachers and friends!
The hidden masters don't let the king of Wu spread the word, so the king of Wu has to listen!

On the one hand, there is suffering in the world, and on the other hand, it is the teaching of the master. No matter which choice you choose, you can't say it is wrong.

You have no reason to accuse him.

"It's because I'm afraid that many people won't understand it." Zhu Yunxi said again.

Ah, it turned out that those hidden masters didn't confess!
Afraid that many people will not understand?
Is there any difficulty with these contents?

Don't all the people present understand?
"Wu Wang, what do you mean?" Dai Sigong asked.

Zhu Yunxi picked up a book, opened it and said, "Don't you think the font of this book is different?"

Dai Sigong looked at it: "Hey, this word is so strange, it's extremely simple, but it doesn't affect the meaning!"

"Dai Yuanjuan, I am afraid that if this book is published, those civil officials and literati will wantonly attack me."

Li Yan asked, "King Wu, can you just change these words?"

"No, this simplified character was created by my master. If it is changed to traditional, wouldn't it be against his original intention?" Zhu Yunxi explained.

Zhu Yuanzhang has long laughed into a unity in his heart, third grandson, you make up, continue to make up, we will quietly watch you make up!

Dai Sigong said: "King Wu don't worry, I can understand simplified characters, and doctors can understand them too."

"As long as it is published, all doctors will regard it as a treasure book!"

"Someone questioned the font of this book, hey, I'm afraid he is sick, no one wants to show him!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "I can rest assured that this set of books will be published by Daming Newspaper and made public to the world!"

Dai Sigong was overjoyed, and immediately saluted Zhu Yunxi repeatedly: "King Wu, Daren, righteous and virtuous, I thank you for the people of the world!"

Everyone was very pleased and praised.

Fang Xiaoru asked: "King Wu, who is the author of this book?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "My master has explained that if it is published, his name cannot be mentioned, but it can be signed as: Li Shizhen."

what? !

Li Shizhen?Why is Li Shizhen's name signed?
Once this book comes out, there will be no more medicine books in the world!

Li Shizhen, a young man, can he afford it?

Li Shizhen was in a daze.

"My master told me long ago that when I find a young man named Li Shizhen, I will publish this book and sign his name."

Zhu Yunxi said: "I asked why, and the master said that this person has a very high medical talent. The reason for this is to motivate him, so that he can reach the height of Hua Tuo and Bian Que as soon as possible, and even surpass them."

Li Yanwen suddenly realized!
No wonder King Wu asked Jin Yiwei to find Li Shizhen!
The ancestral grave of my old Li's family is smoking!

"So, I can't recognize Li Shizhen as an apprentice, I can only call him a teacher and brother." Zhu Yunxi said.

When Li Shizhen heard that the King of Wu was willing to print and distribute the "Compendium of Materia Medica" publicly, she had long admired her.

It was a pure accident to get the authorship right of "Compendium of Materia Medica" again.

The surprises came one after another. Li Shizhen's ears were buzzing, and her eyes were staring.

Seeing that Li Shizhen was still in a daze, Li Yanwen sent another burst of chestnuts: "What kind of hysteria?! Why don't you meet your senior?!"

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