Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0594 Yan Wang supervises the country, Wu Wang goes out

There's war again in the north!

The Tatar tribe actually defeated the Wara tribe, and the leader of the Wara tribe, Mahamu, fled in embarrassment!

Mahamu was conferred by Daming!
Not only that, the Tatar Ministry actually elected Ben Yashili as Khan!

And brazenly challenge King Ning!
Unprepared, King Ning fell into the trick and lost more than a thousand dollars!

When the news came out, Jinling was boiling!
The northern barbarians are here to make trouble again!

Tolerance is impossible!
Many literati gathered in front of the palace gate to write a letter, demanding that the Tatars be attacked in the north, and they would never tolerate it.

Some people even wrote blood books on the spot, cast their pens to serve in the army, and served on the battlefield!
The news came from the palace!
what does this mean?
Many ministers also figured out the taste!
The news was released from the palace, this is what His Majesty deliberately did!
Just to see the reaction of all parties in the society!

Obviously, according to His Majesty's character, he must give the Tatar Ministry a head-on blow!
Sure enough, a few days later, in Fengtian Temple, Zhu Yuanzhang raised this issue: For the Tatars, to fight or not to fight?

The officials were further divided into two factions: the faction of urgent war and the faction of slow war.

The anxious faction believes that it is necessary to counterattack as quickly as possible and annihilate them with a destructive force.

The other faction is the de-escalation faction. It's not about not fighting, but about de-escalating the war, and fighting after being fully prepared.

The representative of the Despite faction is Wang Qingxuan, Minister of Rites.

"Your Majesty, the Tatars invaded in a hurry. If we rush to fight, I'm afraid we will fall into their trap."

"Why don't you send a mission first, and issue an edict, reprimand and warning!"

"This is done because the Ming Dynasty was built in the early days and the national treasury was insufficient. All the fortresses in the north must follow the policy of building walls and storing grain proposed by His Majesty, and do not take the initiative to attack. Weary the enemy's patience and let them go."

What Wang Qingxuan said is reasonable.

Zhu Yuanzhang's No. 19 son was granted the title of King of the Valley and established a feudal domain in Xuanfu.

Before taking over the feudal domain, Zhu Yuanzhang specifically proposed to King Gu the policy of building walls and storing grain.

According to this policy, King Gu built the Great Wall from Changyukou to Dajingmen for more than 60 kilometers, and expanded the small frontier city Xuanfu into the largest frontier city with a circumference of 24 miles.

Gu Wang's approach was highly affirmed by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Wang Qingxuan moved out of Zhu Yuanzhang's policy, which further strengthened his persuasion.

It is a good way to consume the enemy's patience and wait for him to go.

Therefore, many officials, especially those from the Ministry of Rites and the Metropolitan Procuratorate, stood up and supported Wang Qingxuan's proposal to ease the war.

"Send a mission to announce, reprimand and warn? Are there not many people who think Daming is dead?"

"The dispatch of the mission is under the condition that the two sides have not yet broken their faces."

"The Tatar Ministry has already killed the Daming Mission, and you send another Mission there?"

"Don't take the initiative to attack? When did Daming become a coward?"

Hearing Zhu Yunxi's voice, Zhu Yuanzhang was very pleased.

Our third grandson is really going to have a fight with the Tatar Ministry this time.

After seeing Zhu Di that day, Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Yunxi had a good talk.

Zhu Yunxi agreed to go north.

Zhu Yuanzhang also proposed to bring him to Zhu Yunxi every three or two days.

Just like in the past few months, he regularly switched between the Western Regions and the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Yunxi agreed immediately, and Zhu Yuanzhang was very happy.

The third grandson is sensible.

The third grandson will no longer treat us as a fool, and will never bother us again!

There is also a great benefit for us to follow the third grandson!
If the third grandson fights against the Tatars and requires the cooperation of King Ning, King Gu and other kings of Sai, we will have to come forward.

If we don't come forward, it is impossible for King Ning and King Gu to obey the order of the third grandson.

Zhu Yuanzhang lowered his face and said, "How much food will the treasury cost when we conquer the Western Regions?"

This question made the hall suddenly quiet.

No user department can answer this question, everyone knows the answer.

Two years ago, when he set off from Yingtian, His Majesty only brought five hundred Firearms Battalion, as well as King Wu and others.

The money and food spent on this journey are provided by local prefectures and counties, which is almost negligible.

From the beginning of the Battle of Jiayuguan to the final control of the entire Western Regions, the imperial court never paid a single grain or penny!

Ever since His Majesty and King Wu led [-] Ming troops to the west, everyone thought they died in the desert.

It is impossible to send food and salaries to them.

That's right, it doesn't take a penny or a grain to conquer such a large Western Region, so what about fighting Tatar?

Wang Qingxuan said: "Your Majesty, conquering the Western Regions costs nothing, that's because of you."

Wang Qingxuan's words made the ministers feel that this time, is His Majesty going to personally conscript again?

His Majesty personally conquers, who will supervise the country?
Zhu Yunxi?
Zhu Yuanzhang said: "We have made a decision. In this northern expedition, the king of Wu will be appointed as the commander-in-chief, and he will wear the seal of the general who conquered the captives, and control the soldiers and horses of the kings of Saiyan!"

There was silence again in the hall.

The generals were jubilant, especially Lan Yu, Mu Ying and others.

Look, if there is a war, the king of Wu has to go out!
From His Majesty's point of view, fighting the Western Regions costs nothing, that's the credit of King Wu!
Therefore, this is why Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi was sent to the north!
And he is also the commander-in-chief, controlling the soldiers and horses of the kings of Sai!
The last time we fought in the Western Regions, His Majesty followed.

This time to fight Tatar, His Majesty asked King Wu to go alone.

This is clearly a kind of training and exercise!

The reason why His Majesty did not directly announce the crown prince, but the answer is already coming!
The commander-in-chief controls all the kings of Sai, what does this mean?
The status of King Wu is above that of the other kings of Sai.

The signal sent by His Majesty is already very obvious!

"The [-] soldiers and horses brought by King Yan have completed the construction of the embankment on the dangerous section of the Yellow River. They will return to Beiping immediately and be directly under the command of King Wu!"

Your Majesty actually allocated King Yan's soldiers and horses to King Wu!
King Yan is still in prison, so what about King Yan's fiefdom?
Zhu Yuanzhang said again: "There is King Wu in the war in the north, so we don't worry."

"Old Zhu, stop talking."

"Besides, I'll throw you to the Western Regions."

Zhu Yuanzhang jumped up from the sofa immediately, trying to throw us to the Western Regions?

Let's get off the sofa and see how you throw it?
The third grandson won't allow us to praise, so let's change the topic.

"What we are most worried about is whether the officials in the prefectures and counties are doing their jobs seriously! Are the fields in the countryside exhausted? Are those crooked sects wandering among the people rampant!"

"After we ascended the throne, we don't know how much grain is harvested from the fields, whether the production has decreased or increased, and whether the iron smelters have produced enough iron."

"Therefore, we have made a decision that every few days, we will go out of the palace in low clothes, visit various places, inspect the duties of all officials, and interview the sufferings of the people."

"During our private visit to the palace, we can't be without the principal!"

When the civil and military officials heard this, they couldn't help being puzzled, His Majesty will often visit in disguise!

During the visit, you can't be without the master!
That means to elect someone to replace His Majesty in governing!

Replacing His Majesty in governing is equivalent to supervising the country!

"During our private visits, King Yan will oversee the country."

The hall became even quieter, and a needle could be heard falling.

King Yan, supervisor of the country?
King Wu, go on an expedition?
What is the purpose of His Majesty's arrangement?
In the end, should we use King Yan or King Wu?

Who is the crown prince in His Majesty's secret decree?

Everyone is confused.

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