Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0576 don't have to arrest, the next official is here

"King Wu, I didn't expect you to know about being an official!" Huang Huai couldn't help being surprised.

In fact, Huang Huai has been paying attention to King Wu for a long time.

Two years ago, Huang Huai became the No. 5 Scholar in the Second Class of the Spring List, and was awarded the official Zhongshu Sheren.

Zhu Yuanzhang attached great importance to him and often asked him to express his political opinions.

Huang Huai was called into the Hall of Mental Cultivation by Zhu Yuanzhang several times, and met Zhu Yunxi twice.

From Zhu Yunxi, Huang Huai felt a unique temperament.

This kind of temperament has a kind of peace after seeing through the world, and detachment after reading thousands of sails.

Why does His Majesty favor such a good-for-nothing Zhu Yunxi?

Is it just because of family affection?
Therefore, Huang Huai began to pay attention to Zhu Yunxi's every move.

He found that Zhu Yunxi did things so low-key, but did a lot of things that made people's jaw drop.

For example, the Daming Salt Industry and Newspaper Industry he established made a lot of money.

If it is an idiot, how can it be possible to make so much money?
Civil officials can't see this because they think that making money is done by businessmen, and scholars don't care about it!
There are also various legends about King Wu after conquering the Western Regions.

The civil servants didn't believe it, but Huang Huai did!

Huang Huai also pays special attention to the actions of the Daming Institute of Science and Technology. On the surface, the Daming Institute of Science and Technology is operated by Tao Chengdao and Sun Zhonglian, but in fact it is the Princess Anning who is planning.

At that time, Huang Huai didn't understand why King Wu was dead, why did Mu Yao, the owner of Anning County, still live in King Wu's mansion, and ran to Daming Institute of Science and Technology every three days?

The civil servants read Ming Pao covertly, but Huang Huai never shy away from his liking for King Wu's serialized novels.

"Ming Pao" actually published a prize for answering.

Many civil servants participated enthusiastically, and Huang Huai felt that their articles were misleading.

Later, fellow villager Wang Shouzheng invited him to the Daming Institute of Science and Technology to receive the award, and Huang Huai felt something was wrong.

In the end, Wang Shou, who is still from the craftsman family, is the real grand prize winner.

Huang Huai vaguely felt that the Daming Institute of Science and Technology must be a strong support for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty in the future.

It wasn't until His Majesty and King Wu appeared at the top of Jinling City that Huang Huai suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, I saw King Wu again today.

Even though there were various speculations about King Wu's ability in the past, Huang Huai was still shocked by today's scene.

Cao Guogong Li Jinglong said that there was help from heaven today, Huang Huai felt a little ridiculous.

Where is there any heaven?
Obviously it was the King of Wu who did it, but he was unwilling to show it fully.

Zhu Yunxi is proficient in history, so he naturally knows Huanghuai.

The Huang Huai in history had never been a magistrate, so he thought that this Huang Huai just had the same name as the Huang Huai in history.

There are heavy names, but it is very rare to have heavy names and characters.

Since it belongs to Yongjia, Zhejiang, this Huanghuai must be a famous minister who has gone through the Hongwu, Jianwen, Yongle, Hongxi, Xuande, and Zhengtong Dynasties.

This person is upright but not stubborn, honest but not harsh, he is a flexible and principled official who knows how to advance but not to retreat.

The most important thing is that this person lived a long life and lived to 85 years old.

It is only in its early thirties now, and it can still be used for more than 40 years.

Zhu Yunxi encouraged Huang Huai a bit, and told him to organize the folks, patrol the embankment in shifts, make predictions, and transport stones and sandbags in advance.

Huang Huai immediately organized personnel, prepared the gong, and stipulated various ways of beating the gong, such as early warning, assembly, and material transportation.

It was still raining non-stop, and Zhu Yunxi was already drenched all over.

Huang Huai asked the county magistrate to build a shed randomly with wood and thatch as a temporary shelter from the rain.

When he got under the shed, Li Jinglong managed to sort out his thoughts.

Thinking about things from two years ago, and thinking about today, Li Jinglong feels more and more that King Wu is not simple.

This time, follow Wu Wang to Jianli County and make a lot of money!

The next day, when Huang Huai woke up, he found that King Wu and Cao Guogong had left.

After asking, I found out that they went back in a red boat just after dawn.

King Wu said he would return to the capital immediately, and asked the court to prevent the refugees from returning home.


The rain in Jinling is getting heavier.

According to reports from Jiangfang personnel, the water level of a dam in Jinling has exceeded the historical water level.

Even so, the water level at this time is not enough to pose a threat to Jinling.

But everyone is most worried about Jianli County.

After a day and a night, the breach in Jianli County has expanded to an unknown extent.

The gap in Jianli County cannot be blocked. If the Yangtze River flood finds a breakthrough here, it will not only flood Jianli County, but also flood the entire Jianghan Plain.

There was a severe drought in the Central Plains and the north, and various places were engaged in production to save themselves, and the imperial court paid a lot of money.

Finally, when the rain came, some losses were recovered.

But now, the Jianghan Plain may be flooded at any time!
A lot of houses were destroyed!
A large number of refugees are generated!
A lot of fields have never been harvested!
However, the population of Jianli County is too small!
Because of poor organization and mobilization at the government and county levels, most of the people ran away!

When Zhu Yuanzhang came to Fengtian Temple, Pan Jikang, the magistrate of Jingzhou, burst into tears and talked about the situation in Jianli County.

Because of the breach of the Yangtze River and the spread of rumors, there are too many refugees, and the government can't stop them.

In desperation, Pan Jikang, the magistrate of Jingzhou, hurried to the capital and asked the court for support.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Pan Jikang, we sent King Wu and Cao Guogong to Jianli yesterday. Didn't you meet them on the way?"

Pan Jikang said: "I went down the river by boat, but I didn't see the big boat, let alone King Wu and Duke Cao."

Wang Qingxuan, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, said: "Your Majesty, as far as I know, there is no sign of any troop transfer from the Wucheng soldiers and horses."

"And from yesterday to now, Cao Guogong's family members are still looking around."

"Yesterday, Cao Guogong disappeared after he left the palace with King Wu."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said, "Could it be possible that he lost him? How could such a big man not be found?"

Almost all the ministers heard about it, and Li Jinglong didn't know where he went.

Li Jinglong's family went to Wu Wang's mansion to ask, and the girl of Wu Wang's mansion said that Wu Wang did not return to the mansion yesterday.

Wang Qingxuan looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's face, and said again: "Could it be that Cao Guogong didn't leave? Because Jianli breach was not easy to block, Cao Guogong found a place to hide."

Many ministers nodded, and Wang Qingxuan's guess was [-]% true.

To block the breach of the Yangtze River is to pile up people!
How many people have to die to bet on it!

Therefore, Li Jinglong simply disappeared.

Wang Qingxuan only mentioned that Li Jinglong was hiding, but did not mention Wu Wang, because he was afraid of provoking Zhu Yuanzhang.

In order not to catch fire at the gate of the city, it will bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

King Wu probably had a gap with Zhu Yuanzhang, or Zhu Yuanzhang was still angry at Zhu Yunxi's rude behavior in the hall last time.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to teach Zhu Yunxi a lesson, so that he should not be too arrogant.

A young official stepped forward in the matter: "Your Majesty, Duke Cao, as a Duke, doesn't think about being a country. He prefers the easy and fears the heavy, and is greedy for life and fears death. I suggest sending troops immediately to arrest him and question him."

"Sir, second."

"Sir, second."

The censors of the Metropolitan Procuratorate stood up one after another and demanded that Li Jinglong be severely punished.

"There's no need to arrest him, the next official is here."

There was a person standing at the door, drenched from head to toe like a drenched rat.

Isn't this person Li Jinglong?

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