It rained continuously for several days.

In the past, even the rain in summer was always drizzle.

However, it has been abnormal in recent days, and the rain has been heavy.

In Fengtian Hall, all the officials looked at the front row strangely.

There were two people standing in the front row, one was Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi, and the other was obviously from the Western Regions.

Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi did not come for many days.

Last time, Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi was brought by Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao to testify here.

When everyone thought King Wu was going to die, he suddenly took out a pen, which could be used as a translator.

It is this pen that explains why King Wu can communicate smoothly with Wo Kou.

It can be called a magic pen!

That day, King Wu left without waiting for His Majesty to announce the result of the referee.

Since then, King Wu has never appeared in the court again.

Did not expect to come today.

Zhu Yunxi actually didn't want to come, but he came today mainly to save face for Mu Zha'er.

Zhu Yuanzhang plans to let Muzha'er be the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

So, yesterday Zhu Yunxi used space teleportation to bring Muzha'er from the Western Regions to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Today, Zhu Yuanzhang is going to formally introduce Muzhaer to the ministers.

After a while, Zhu Yuanzhang came.

Zhu Yuanzhang first introduced Muzhaer to everyone.

Regardless of etiquette, the ministers began to discuss.

Oh my God, a national teacher from the Yuan Dynasty who once did it in Wunashili is actually standing in the court of my Ming Dynasty!

A defeated general, but also to be such a big official!

I think we have studied hard for so many years, and after passing through layers of exams and countless invisible steps, we finally made it to the present.

In the end, he is not as good as a barbarian!
His official position came too easily!

"We know you are not convinced, so let me tell you something." Zhu Yuanzhang stood up and said.

"We've been in the Western Regions for two years. If it wasn't for Muzha'er, Wuna Shili would have been finished. Who of you can fight us for two years?"

The ministers immediately fell silent.

That's right, His Majesty's military talent is definitely not mentioned.

Being able to compete against His Majesty for two years shows that Muzha'er is of a high level.

Tie Xuan stood up and made an additional explanation, saying that Muzha'er is from the Wusun family.

The Wusun people had good relations with Huaxia during the Han Dynasty, and there was a precedent for foreigners serving as officials in the Tang Dynasty.

In this dynasty, there are also examples of Wu Ru serving as the heavenly supervisor.

Allowing Muzha'er to serve as an official in the imperial court is conducive to the great integration of nationalities and the stability of the Western Regions.

When Tie Xuan came out to speak, everyone stopped talking.

This is something His Majesty has already decided, not to mention that Muzha'er is really capable.

At this time Muzha'er stood up and saluted the ministers: "Ministers, please take care of me more in the future."

Unexpectedly, Muzha'er could speak Chinese, and he spoke it perfectly!

Could it be because of the translation pen?
Wang Qingxuan, a doctor in the Ministry of Rites, suddenly thought that the translation pen that King Wu was holding was provided by Mu Zha'er?

If this is the case, what happened to the conversation between King Wu and Wo Kou Yoshida Xiong in the bamboo forest of Hangzhou two years ago?

Because two years ago, the King of Wu hadn't been to the Western Regions yet, let alone seeing Mu Zha'er!

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Recently, the Yangtze River has suffered severe floods. Jiangling County has breached and flooded a large number of villages. You should discuss it first."

Fang Xiaoru stood up and summarized the situation reported from various places.

From Bashu to Huxiang, it has been raining heavily for more than a month, and its tributaries, especially the Han River, are extremely flooded.

Many counties are in emergency, the most urgent one is Jianli in Hubei.

From Jiangling County to Jianli County, this is the most vulnerable area in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.

This section, which is 360 miles long, began to build dykes from Sun Wu, which is called Jingjiang levee.

The governor of Jingzhou at that time was in charge of building the embankment of Jiangling County. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Jingjiang embankment continued to be extended.

By the mid-Northern Song Dynasty, the embankment from Jiangling to Jianli had formed a large-scale and basically complete embankment.

In the middle and late Yuan Dynasty, a large number of refugees entered the Jingxiang area, and the Jingjiang embankment began to develop greatly.

From the end of Yuan Dynasty to the present, Jingjiang dikes belong to civil dikes, and civil defenses are implemented by the people.

The imperial court did not allocate money, and the local peasants did not work hard. In one county, the phenomenon of "revolving construction and collapse" actually occurred.

If a dike is built this year, it will be washed away next year.

It is simply a tofu dregs project.

At present, the breach in Jiangling County has been blocked.

Because the sergeants of the local guards were mobilized, almost all the civilian men who could be mobilized also went.

The situation in Jianli County is very bad, because there are very few guards in this area.

Fearing that the embankment would burst, the farmers took refuge with their families.

And many people have already sailed down the river in wooden boats, preparing to flee to the capital.

Because they know that the emperor is in the capital, and the place where the emperor is is the safest.

Fang Xiaoru said that Jianli is now in danger of breaching at any time, and almost everyone has run away. Only the county magistrate and a group of guards stand firm on the embankment.

At this time, a member of the cabinet hurried in and sent over the latest urgent report: a part of the river defense embankment in Jianli County had breached.

The county magistrate and magistrate asked the court for help, preferably leading the army.

Because one place has already breached, the opening will become bigger and bigger.

Cause a large-scale dike break, that will be a disaster.

Compared with civilians, the army is more disciplined and organized.

Only when the army goes into battle and the army and the people work together can disasters be avoided.

The ministers talked one after another.

"Your Majesty, the Jingjiang Embankment is a safety barrier for the Jianghan Plain on the north bank of the Yangtze River. The Jianghan Plain is also an important main grain production area for the imperial court."

"If there is a loss in Jianli County, the crops in the Jianghan Plain will be soaked, and the loss will be too great."

"Yes, we must resolutely block the breach and strengthen the embankment in Jianli County."

"Your Majesty, the refugees in Jianli County dare to flee without permission! They don't want to protect their hometown, they only think about their own lives!"

"Your Majesty, the refugees from Jianli County went down the river and arrived in the capital in a few days. I suggest blocking the river for defense."

"All refugees will be stopped and ordered to return, and the levee will be reinforced."

"All refugees, after being caught, they will be enlisted as artisans."

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head straight when he heard this. Most of the people who spoke were officials below the fourth rank, and they were mainly Qing officials such as censors and senior officials.

No one said what to do.

Looking at Zhu Yunxi again, Zhu Yunxi was also shaking his head.

"The refugees fled privately?"

"If you repair the embankment well, who would want to escape?"

"Escape with your family, do you think it's a family trip?"

"Huaxia people are the ones who love their homeland and their homeland the most. It is really a last resort to leave their hometown."

"This is simply not treating refugees as human beings."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Whoever dares to attack the refugees, let's see how we deal with him!"

"Don't you often say that the king is the least important, the country is second, and the people are the first. The refugees are also the people!"

"Refugees can't be stopped when they come to the capital, they have to be resettled! There is food, drink and shelter! This is the responsibility of the Ministry of Household Affairs."

"Wait until the embankment in Jianli is completed, and then organize them to return home!"

"Old Zhu, it's still that old Zhu!"

"The true color has not changed! Sincerely like it!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said again: "Don't talk about those useless things! What we want is a solution, not an opinion!"

"Anyone who has an opinion and can't help it, shut up!"

Minister of Rites Wang Qingxuan stood up and said: "Your Majesty, people do things. To ensure Jianli River Embankment, high-ranking people must be appointed to coordinate all parties."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Tell me, who to send?"

Wang Qingxuan looked around.

Many ministers shrank back.

Because of Jianli's embankment, it is difficult to handle!
Now the breach is getting bigger and bigger!

Fire and water are unforgiving!
It's okay to block it, but it's a death penalty if it can't be blocked!

Maybe it will be washed away by the flood when the breach is blocked.

Wang Qingxuan said: "The minister thinks that King Wu is the most suitable one. King Wu conquered the Western Regions by himself. He has made great contributions and has great magical powers. Once King Wu goes out, he will surely succeed immediately, and the water will retreat to the embankment."

Lan Yu wanted to rush out and beat Wang Qingxuan violently.

This guy is obviously cheating King Wu!
There is no peace of mind at all!
In the words, I didn't forget to give Zhu Yuanzhang some stimulation!

He said that King Wu conquered the Western Regions by himself, where do you put Zhu Yuanzhang?
There is a word called Gong Gao Zhen Zhu, this guy clearly wants to provoke His Majesty's jealousy towards King Wu!

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