Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0564 Your son is Li Shizhen?

Wang Shou's face darkened: "His Royal Highness, my leg is not cured. My father has also found many doctors, just like Master Li said."

Interrupt where the past was broken!

This is the only way to cure Wang Shouzheng's lameness.

This is probably a kind of heart-piercing pain, maybe it will hurt to death.

It's scary to think about!
Zhu Yunxi said: "Master Li, you are only responsible for interrupting and then connecting. I'm afraid you won't pass the test."

Li Limu is not afraid of the title of King Wu: "King Wu, in the next generation he will be a doctor, and he is well-known for setting bones and setting bones. I am afraid that if the bones are not connected well, people will die of pain first."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Don't worry about this, it won't hurt you to death."

Wang Shouzheng was terrified and backed away nervously.

"Yunxi, don't mess around!" A voice sounded from behind.

It turned out that His Majesty had arrived.

Everyone's energy was attracted to Wang Shouzheng, so they didn't pay attention to Zhu Yuanzhang, who was dressed casually.

Everyone knelt down.

Zhu Yuanzhang waved and said: "Everyone get up, everyone get up, let's just come and have a look."

"Grandpa, I didn't mess around. There is a medicine that can anesthetize people. As long as you take it, you will be unconscious, and you will wake up naturally after a few hours."

As soon as Zhu Yunxi said, he exchanged a bottle of anesthesia ether from the system space.

This is an inhaled general anesthetic.

Li Limu said: "Master Wu, is this Hua Tuo's Mafeisan?"

Li Limu was a little excited, and he knew it was unusual just by looking at the bottle.

According to the "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", Mafeisan is an anesthetic created by Hua Tuo for surgical operations.

For places where acupuncture and medicine cannot reach, Hua Tuo asked patients to take Mabosan with wine.

After being drunk, he lost consciousness, so Hua Tuo cut open his abdomen and back, and cut the accumulated tumor.

Doctors of all dynasties know the miraculous effect of Mafeisan, but no one knows what its prescription is.

After practice, some doctors have used ephedra powder, drunken flower, arachis and other drugs to mix and combine, which also has an anesthetic effect.

However, the anesthesia time is short and the degree of anesthesia is shallow, which is far from the effect recorded in the history books.

"It's not Hua Tuo's Mafeisan."

Zhu Yunxi directly opened the bottle for Wang Shouzheng to inhale.

Wang Shouzheng relaxed at this moment, because he had heard many stories about King Wu.

Especially when people from Daming Institute of Science and Technology talked about the Western Regions, Wang Shouzheng was fascinated by it.

King Wu is omnipotent in his mind.

Wang Shou was sucking on the bottle, his eyes gradually lost.

At this time, someone had already lifted the big bamboo chair and put Wang Shouzheng on it.

Sure enough, Wang Shouzheng fell asleep!

Everyone's eyes widened!
Li Limu wiped his eyes, stretched out his right hand, pointed to his upper wrist, and felt his pulse.

Wang Shouzheng's breathing was actually very steady, and his pulse was not chaotic!
Just anesthetized!It does no harm to people.

Li Limu pinched Wang Shouzheng's most sensitive part several times, but there was no response.

Li Limu asked someone to find a big hammer.

There was only a click, and everyone didn't even dare to look at it.

Then there were a few clicks, and when he looked back, Wang Shouzheng neither cried nor woke up.

It was only half a stick of incense, and Li Limu heaved a sigh of relief: "Okay, it's time to fix it."

Li Limu took out several planks and ropes.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Are you sure you have connected?"

Li Limu said: "Wu Wang, in the next generation, he will be a doctor, and he will be well-known for bone-setting—"

"Okay," Zhu Yunxi interrupted Li Limu: "This method is really, too extensive. Let me do it."

Zhu Yunxi exchanged plaster from the system space.

Appear in front of everyone like a magic trick.

Seeing this scene, Li Li felt dizzy for a while, and retreated to the side.

Zhu Yunxi put a plaster cast on Wang Shouzheng's foot to calf.

Rukia stepped forward to touch it, and this soft thing actually hardened!
Li Limu also stepped forward to touch it, and immediately threw away the splint he brought.

In front of the King of Wu, I actually repeatedly emphasized that I have been a doctor for generations and have a small reputation for bone setting and bone setting!
Luban swings a big ax in front of the gate!

Take a look, the most difficult part of healing this young man's lame leg was solved by King Wu.

There is no difficulty in his own treatment.

Fixing with a splint is the best way to fix the bone.

Who knows that in front of Wu Wang's method, the splint fixation method is not worth mentioning.

King Wu's anesthetic, as well as this regular item, are absolutely priceless!
Especially anesthetics, which cannot be measured by value!

Zhu Yuanzhang was very excited: "Yunxi, it's great to have this anesthetic. After the sergeant is injured, it's easier to treat the wound and fix the broken bone?"

The third grandson asked Wang Shouzheng to inhale the bottle, and he was anesthetized!

On the battlefield, it is common for soldiers to break their legs and injure their arms.

With this anesthetic, how much less suffering can the sergeants suffer.

Many sergeants are alive and dying on the battlefield.

With anesthesia, the sergeants will spare no effort when fighting the enemy!

Because, even if they are injured, they can be saved.

"Grandpa, this anesthetic cannot be mass-produced at present. Our technology is not up to it yet."

Hearing this, Li Limu felt that King Wu did not want to hand over the anesthetic prescription.

It's no wonder that since ancient times, doctors have kept secrets about family prescriptions and refused to disclose the formula to others.

This is the basis for them to settle down and support their families.

Such a good prescription, who is willing to offer it?

Li Limu thought of this, and immediately knelt down to Zhu Yunxi: "King Wu, your medical skills are superb, and anesthesia can save countless lives. I would like to worship you as my teacher and serve you all my life."

Zhu Yunxi didn't want to accept any apprentices at all.

"Accepting apprentices is a typical feature of an agricultural society."

"No matter how much energy a person has, how many talents can he cultivate?"

"The traditional master-apprentice system is actually a closed system that is kept secret."

"Only schools are open."

"If you want to cultivate more talents, you must run schools and train them in batches, so that you can enter the industrial society faster."

"Li Limu, my time is limited, and my energy will not always be on medicine. So, I'm sorry." Zhu Yunxi directly refused.

Li Mu still did not give up: "King Wu, you said that anesthetics cannot be produced at present, and the technology is not up to the mark. With your teaching, I will definitely be able to do it."

Zhu Yunxi smiled: "Who are you, who gave you confidence?"

"King Wu, my apprentice is Li Yanwen, you can also call me Ziyu, Yuechi."

"I said I accepted you? You call yourself a disciple?"

Zhu Yunxi is simply, this guy is simply playing tricks.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that this Li Yanwen was quite courageous.

Bold, this is a necessary quality to be a doctor.

In the face of blood, you can be neither humble nor overbearing.

In the face of princes and nobles, you can take your time.

The fourth son, Zhu Gaochi, is dignified and quiet, and knows his words and deeds. We like it very much.

It's a pity that Zhu Gaochi also suffers from foot disease, plus he is obese and has difficulty moving. He always needs the support of two servants to move.

As long as the third grandson is willing to make a move, plus this bold Li Yanwen, Zhu Gaochi can be cured!

Simply let the third grandson accept Li Yanwen as an apprentice, and then go to Beiping to treat Zhu Gaochi together.

After all, the children of the royal family should pay attention to their appearance, and curing Zhu Gaochi's lame leg will also protect the face of the royal family.

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yunxi, we see that Li Yanwen is very sincere, you just teach him a few things, teach him, and he will teach others."

"I didn't expect Lao Zhu to speak, so I have to show face."

"Could it be that Lao Zhu knows this Li Yanwen? What's so special about Li Yanwen?"

Before Zhu Yunxi agreed, Li Yanwen climbed up the pole: "Master, please accept my apprentice's bow."

It was a done deal, so Zhu Yunxi had no choice but to agree.

"It's really unexpected that I have to worship the master today. I have no preparations, so I can only present this book as a gift for the time being."

Li Yanwen took out a book.

Zhu Yunxi took it over and saw that it was "Syndrome and Treatment of Acne"!
"Li Yanwen? Is your son Li Shizhen?"

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