Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0562 Bessemer Converter Steelmaking

The news from the Northland is that the Tatar Ministry requested Daming to revoke the canonization of Wala Mahamu.

A few months ago, before Zhu Yuanzhang was still in the Western Regions, Wala Mahamu asked Daming to make him king.

Zhu Yunwen and a group of courtiers believed that the northern nomads could not be completely killed or wiped out.

The best way is to divide and rule them, and not allow them to form a unified force.

After Beiyuan was beaten and disabled, the remaining tribes were integrated by Mengge Timur, a strong minister of Beiyuan, who was already known as the king of Wala.

After the death of Mengge Timur, the Wara tribe was dominated by three people: Mahamu, Taiping and Tu Poluo.

After Zhu Yunwen discussed it, he felt that three people should be canonized as kings. As for who is older and who is younger, who is higher and who is lower, let the three of them fight.

The Oirats are divided into three groups, fighting back and forth, and fighting back and forth, so they have no energy to fight Daming.

So Zhu Yunqi canonized the three kings at the same time and granted the seal.

Mahamu was granted the title of Special Jin Ziguanglu Doctor and King Shunning.

Feng Taiping was granted the title of Doctor Ziguanglu and King Xianyi.

Sealed Tu Poluo as the special Jin Ziguanglu doctor and the king of Anle.

Now, out of nowhere, another Tatar tribe appeared and asked Daming to revoke the canonization of Wala Mahamu!

Zhu Yuanzhang felt that Zhu Yunqi's canonization of the three tribes of Wala was a correct strategy and handled properly.

Tatar, just a nameless junior, dared to make demands on Daming.

Tatar, are you teaching us how to do things?
Zhu Yuanzhang immediately approved the words: dismissed, reprimanded!
Zhu Yuanzhang was approving the memorial in Wu Wangfu, and just after finishing it, he heard Zhu Yunxi's heartfelt voice.

It turns out that Tartar is not small, in fact it is very strong!
They are the latest rising force. They asked Da Ming to revoke the canonization of Mahamu, but in fact they did not want to make Da Ming an enemy.

Because the Tatar Ministry is preparing to attack Mahamu!

Listening to the voice of the third grandson, the war between Tatar and Mahamu is also earlier than in history!

After the Tatars defeated Oala, they then provoked a war with Ming.

Qiu Fu led the [-] Ming army to attack the Tatars in the north. Unexpectedly, the [-] Ming army was almost wiped out.

Qiu Fu was captured and killed as the commander-in-chief.

Later, Zhu Di led an army of 50 to conquer Mobei himself.

After the defeat, Ben Yashili, the Great Khan of the Tatar Tribe, was killed by Mahamu, and Mahamu supported Daliba, a descendant of Ali Boke, as the Great Khan.

The third grandson's voice revealed the future direction.

In short, the northern grasslands are still jagged and complex.

To deal with the affairs of the north and keep the various ethnic groups honest, a king of Sai like Zhu Di is needed.

Zhu Yuanzhang keenly felt that the war on the southeast coast may come soon!
Sooner or later there will be a war with Wo Guo, which is inevitable and completely predictable.

There are also those Western powers that San Sun mentioned in his mind.

Especially when they heard that their muskets would not explode even after being fired a hundred times!
Our Daming guns can't do it yet!

There will be wars at that time, and the third grandson alone will not be enough!

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang decided to come and see the fourth child.

Fortunately, the fourth child is still the fourth child!

He didn't want us to die soon in his heart.

Then let the fourth child stay in prison for a few months to sharpen his temper!

In autumn, let him return to Peiping to lead our troops and guard the northern border.

The reason for choosing autumn is that when the grassland people go south to hunt grass and valleys, they always choose the season of high horses and fattening in autumn.


Zhu Yunxi decided to go to Daming Institute of Science and Technology to meet the 31 winners.

Mu Yao went with Zhu Yunxi.

Tao Chengdao felt that the opportunity was rare, so he set the meeting place at the weapons testing ground.

This is the place where King Wu took his majesty and several ministers to test the mortar two years ago.

This mortar is placed here, with a pavilion built on it.

Every day, students and teachers from Daming Institute of Science and Technology come to observe.

Almost every part has been polished by everyone.

Zhu Yunxi came, and so did the 32 Italians.

Rukia came up and hugged Zhu Yunxie, Zhu Yunxie did not refuse.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Mu Yao was also taken aback, Yitaili woman is indeed as unrestrained as Xu Huaijin said.

Come up and hug a big man!
Zhu Yunxi said: "Don't be too surprised, everyone, different countries, different civilizations, have different ways of thinking and expressions."

"We can't demand others by our own standards, and of course we can't demand ourselves by other people's standards."

"There are also many western countries in Italy. It is a very common etiquette to meet and hug, or even hold hands and face to face."

"The so-called incompatibility between men and women, caring about Taili and other Western countries does not exist."

"We are influenced by this traditional concept, so when men and women meet, it is all non-contact etiquette."

"Rukia hugs me, don't make a fuss."

"If you don't study hard, don't do research hard, and think about this all day long, it can only show that your structure is too small and your knowledge is too little!"

Mu Yao couldn't help feeling a little ashamed, how could I be unhappy?
I am Princess Wu. King Wu will become the emperor in the future. I cannot be the only one in the emperor's harem.

Lucia is Italian, even she likes her husband, and Xu Huaijin proves that our husband is excellent!

Tao Chengdao was bewildered. King Wu said, do Italians hug when they meet?Or common courtesy?
Well, I have met the Italians including Rukia several times, but I didn't hug each other!

Rukia's etiquette is so different!

After Rukia finished hugging, she saw the mortar next to her.

Robert and thirty Italians also surrounded him.

The Yitaili people touched this, touched that, and praised repeatedly.

Rukia touched the muzzle of the cannon and exclaimed, "King Wu, this is a cannon! It's much more advanced than those with ordinary teeth and thin teeth!"

Tao Chengdao, Mu Yao, and the students of Daming Institute of Science and Technology all showed pride.

Yes, this is the mortar made by King Wu.

Back then, just one cannon shot blew up the statue of the Master standing in the Guozijian.

There was a big hole in the ground!
For some reason, King Wu only provided Daming Institute of Science and Technology with such a cannon mount, and the shells were gone.

King Wu said, let everyone study this mortar and strive to manufacture it.

Now there are two biggest problems, one is the production of shells, and the other is the material problem.

Especially the material, with the current smelting technology, there is no way to make steel like a mortar!
"Dean Tao, and you guys, all of you look amazing, right? This mortar is nothing. Of course, if we can really build it, it will really sweep the world!"

"Currently, the steel issue must be addressed."

"The current blacksmiths in the Ming Dynasty only know how to make good steel through repeated hammering, and use quenching, cold forging and other techniques to improve it."

"The old iron smelting methods and processes are not only slow, but also the products produced are not wear-resistant and have no steel properties, mainly because the carbon element in the iron has not been eliminated."

"As long as the charcoal in pig iron is removed, real good steel can be smelted."

"I'll write something to you in the past few days, which can double our steelmaking method."

Zhu Yunxi remembers an English inventor and engineer named Bessemer who invented the converter steelmaking method, using a blower to blow air into the furnace to reduce the carbon content in iron.

After melting the pig iron in a crucible, Bessemer blows air into the pig iron through a clay tube.

Contrary to what most people expected, not only was the pig iron not cooled by air, but a lot of heat was released due to intense oxidation, and the metal in the furnace remained liquid until it was smelted into molten steel.

After that, Bessemer did the same experiment in a specially built furnace, which was also successful, but the stationary furnace was not convenient to release the molten steel.

Bessemer finally created a rotating furnace, and air was blown into the furnace from the trunnion supporting the furnace body through the bottom of the furnace, forming the converter steelmaking method.

The reason for Bessemer's success is firstly that the steelmaking method he invented made the air, molten iron and slag in a highly dispersed state, and the reaction speed was extremely fast, showing the coordination of power and art, and the temperature could reach heating without an external heating source. The required level of molten steel.

Now, the converter steelmaking method that uses air as an oxidant to blow into molten iron to make steel no longer exists.

However, the Bessemer method ushered in a new era of steelmaking, and it was the beginning of the steelmaking process from manual workshops to large-scale industrial production.

Of course, there is another key link, which is to find graphite.

With graphite ore, the temperature of the iron furnace can be fully doubled by taking advantage of the high temperature resistance of graphite.

Without sufficient temperature, how can it be possible to make good steel?

Judging from what Rukia said, Pu Tuya and Slender Mater should already have artillery!

Because history is ahead of schedule.

Therefore, steelmaking must be taken as the basis and prerequisite for the development of the weapons industry.

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