Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0558: Open Secret Reserve

Everyone in the hall was stunned.

Why did King Wu suddenly leave?

King Wu was angry because of Jiaofangsi's affairs, because Jiaofangsi's woman went to serve Wo Kou Yoshida Xiong?
What is the relationship between these women who committed crimes and King Wu?
King Wu actually cursed Qi Tai, sent Qi Tai's wife to the Jiaofang Division, and let the gangsters have fun!

Even Qi Tai and Yao Guangxiao who were beaten didn't know why.

It is clear that Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi has been cleared of the crime of "Tongwo"!
No matter in terms of momentum or reason, King Wu clearly had the upper hand.

And before His Majesty could make a judgment, King Wu walked away in a huff!

On the main hall, the court meeting is not over yet, you go first before His Majesty leaves? !
At least you have to say hello to His Majesty!
Although you are very angry, if you do this, you are ignoring the court and despising Your Majesty!
To put it mildly, it's lack of self-restraint.

To put it more seriously, it is disrespectful.

Of course the generals knew that Zhu Yunxi was completely sure of this.

The facts are here, even Wo Kou Yoshida Xiong admits that Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao have no power to fight back.

Qi Tai questioned that Zhu Yunxi was playing demon tricks and using monsters to confuse the crowd, but Zhu Yunxi was robbed of his words and had nothing to say.

Now, it's up to His Majesty to make a decision.

Everyone looked at Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect at this time that the third grandson actually left in the end!
It doesn't even matter how we announce the crown prince!

It can be seen how angry the third grandson Qitai and Yao Guangxiao are!
From the voice of the third grandson, we can also fully hear that the third grandson is very disappointed in us. It can be said that he has never been so disappointed.

The third grandson also mentioned Zhu Di, saying that he punished all the wives and daughters of Emperor Jianwen's former ministers into the Jiaofang Division, and fed the dead bodies to dogs in the street after death. This is a bit too cruel.

The third grandson has a lot of opinions on Jiaofang Division. In fact, this is not our Ming Dynasty's first creation.

The Jiaofang Division has existed since the Tang Dynasty, and in the Song Dynasty, many literati went to the Jiaofang Division to have fun.

The third grandson said that Qi Tai's wife should be fined and sent to Jiaofang Division to try.

This is called: Do not do to others what you do not want yourself to do to yourself.

Thinking about it in turn, why are the wives and daughters of those criminal ministers guilty?
It is really unreasonable to punish them to Jiaofang Division.

Zhu Yuanzhang was thinking, but he heard Lan Yu's voice: "Your Majesty, you have to be the master of King Wu."

Xiping Hou Muying took a step forward and said: "The saying that Wu Wang Tong's nest is purely because some people fabricated it out of nothing, spread rumors and slandered, and planned for a long time! I beg Your Majesty, severely punish the lawbreakers, and warn the world!"

With Lan Yu and Mu Ying taking the lead, other generals stood up one after another, impassioned: "Your Majesty, Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao are the culprits. If they don't kill them, the common people will not be angry!"

"Your Majesty, Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao are trying to mess up the imperial court and disrupt the important event of establishing a reserve!"

"Your Majesty, Qi Tai is the real monster!"

"Qi Tai is the thief shouting "Stop the thief!"

"Qi Tai slanders King Wu as a monster, and denying the weapons made by King Wu is denying the achievements of the Western Regions and denying His Majesty's wisdom!"

"Qi Tai's intentions are sinister! His heart can be punished!"

"Qi Tai, you must kill!"

For a while, the voices of the generals became louder and louder, forming a siege against Xu Zengshou, Yao Guangxiao and Qi Tai.

The civil servants were silent one by one, and their footsteps unconsciously moved away from the three of them.

This is never seen before.

In the past, civil servants have always been here to point out the country and spit.

It has always been the generals who say less and even pretend to be deaf and dumb.

The one-sided situation is now reversed.

The generals scolded several civil servants, but none of the civil servants dared to answer!
For so many years, the military generals have stood in the court hall in vain!

For so many years, the generals have finally found an outlet to vent their anger that has been pent up in their hearts.

At this moment, Qi Tai regretted it to death.

Really misunderstood the situation today!

The most important thing is to trust Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao too much!
Especially when the identity of Wo Kou Yoshida Xiong was revealed, Qi Tai felt that the king of Wu would definitely fall!
So follow the fire!

Unexpectedly, the more you push the fire, the more you burn, and finally you will burn yourself!

At this time, Qi Tai was speechless when he wanted to argue, no tears when he wanted to cry, and powerless when he wanted to leave!
Xu Zengshou and Yao Guangxiao looked at each other in shock.

Unexpectedly, the planning and preparation for two years suddenly turned yellow!
After learning the news that His Majesty, King Wu, and the [-] Ming army died in the desert, Xu Zengshou once wanted to kill Wo Kou, because the king of Wu was gone, and Wo Kou, a pawn, was useless.

But in the end it was stopped by Yao Guangxiao.

Yao Guangxiao said, this is a piece of idle chess, one does not know when it will produce unexpected effects.

Later, His Majesty and King Wu unexpectedly appeared on the capital's city wall at the same time!

Xu Zengshou admired Yao Guangxiao very much. This monk really has some skills, but fortunately he didn't kill the Wo Kou.

This Japanese pirate Yoshida Xiong is the biggest trump card for bringing down King Wu and helping King Yan.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Yunxi used a pen to make his hole cards useless.

Yao Guangxiao cried out in his heart, time and fate!
Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang stand up and said, "As a monk, Yao Guangxiao does not chant scriptures and pray for the prince. He only wants to find opportunities to rebel. As a monk, he should be empty of all things, but he is keen on conspiracy and power. He is really a traitor!"

"Ling, Yao Guangxiao, Ling Chi!"

Yao Guangxiao was expressionless.

However, Xu Zengshou and Qi Tai were both pale with fright.

Xu Zengshou fell to his knees with a plop: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, spare me!"

Seeing this, Qi Tai immediately followed suit.

"Xu Zengshou and Qi Tai are sent to Dianzhao Prison! The house is ransacked! The mansion and all property will be confiscated."

"In addition to framing and slandering the King of Wu, whether there is any act of rebellion or corruption must be fully investigated."

Zhu Yuanzhang handed over Xu Zengshou and Qi Tai to Mao Yilai, the commander of Jinyiwei.

With a wink from Mao Yi, a few wolves and tigers in Jin Yiwei flashed out from a corner of the hall, and pushed Xu Zengshou, Qi Tai and Yao Guangxiao out.

Xu Zengshou and Qi Tai's begging for mercy gradually faded away and disappeared.

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang say: "Yao Guangxiao, Qi Tai, and Xu Zengshou are simply seeking trouble for nothing, looking for death for nothing!"

"We originally announced the establishment of a reserve today, but we were disappointed by these people!"

"Listen to us, all of you. Since ancient times, there have been too many blood and blood fights and brothers turning against each other around Li Chu. I have thought of a way."

Zhu Yuanzhang took out a wooden box and said: "This box contains my will. Let's write the name of the prince."

"This box is placed on the beam of the hall!"

At this time, all the ministers reacted.

This method is extremely wonderful!
Once the box is placed on the beam, no one can change the content!

When the crown prince is established, the foundation of the country has been established, and the hearts of the people will have a refuge.

Without knowing who the crown prince is, and without a clear target of attack, conflicts between the emperor and the prince and between the prince are avoided.

This perfectly solved the eternal problem of princes and grandsons fighting for the crown prince and the throne and killing each other.

Mu Ying's eyes lit up when she heard this method of establishing a reserve.

The intention in the wooden box must be that King Wu was selected as the heir apparent!no doubt.

The reason for doing this is entirely to protect King Wu!

In this way, other ambitious princes will be honest and not think too much.

The current king of Wu has not yet received the support of civil servants, he needs to grow up!Need to expand your reach!

Your Majesty is doing this to buy time for King Wu to ascend to the throne.

During this time, King Wu will not have any pressure to compete.

At this time, the civil and military ministers all knelt down and praised His Majesty's sage.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very happy, but of course he was also a little bit embarrassed. This idea came from the heart of the third grandson.

After announcing the disbandment of the dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation feeling faintly uneasy.

The third grandson walked out of the hall today, the background looked lonely, lonely, and somewhat decadent.

Zhu Yuanzhang changed his clothes and went straight to Wu Wangfu with two Jinyi guards.

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