Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0524 Huyou 1 under 3 grandchildren

Daming Academy of Science and Technology through the "Ming Pao" has a deadline for answering prizes.

Faced with various answers, Tao Chengdao was a little uncertain, so he found Mu Yao.

Mu Yao told Zhu Yunxi who was visiting the Western Regions through a letter.

Zhu Yunxi ordered Mu Yao to put all the letters into the bag he exchanged from the system space.

He put the letter by his side in an instant.

Zhu Yunxi read each letter carefully.

Zhu Yuanzhang flipped through it casually, and Xu Huaijin and Mao Yi helped Zhu Yunxi sort it out.

"Ah, talent, talent, this is talent!" Zhu Yunxie said holding a copy of "Ming Pao".

Everyone rushed over to see.

This is a person named Wang Shouzheng who directly wrote his opinion in "Ming Pao".

Mao Yi said: "It's unreasonable, this person has a bad attitude, too perfunctory, and writing it in "Ming Pao", isn't this looking down on people?"

Zhu Yuanzhang took the "Ming Pao" and looked at it: "We don't know if the content is correct, but we can tell that the writing is very serious! The attitude is not perfunctory at all!"

"This person must be poor, so poor that he can't even afford paper."

Zhu Yunxi took the "Ming Pao" again and said: "This Wang Shou is just a talent! He actually knows how to use the thrust and transmission of water vapor to make automatic machinery!"

"He didn't say anything, but he understood!"

"He actually said that you can burn out water vapor, push the lever with water vapor, and use the lever to grind and strike iron!"

"See, on this side of "Ming Pao", he drew a diagram!"

"Steam engine! Haha!"

"I want this talent!"

"Wang Shouzheng, the grand prize is undoubtedly!"

Xu Huaijin quickly took the "Ming Pao" and read it. After a while, his eyes lit up.

Zhu Yunxi then looked again, his eyes widened: "I'm awesome, what is this guy writing about?"

"Ah, it's called Fan Min. Could it be that he's the Minister of the Household Department?"

Zhu Yuanzhang quickly took the letter. Isn't this written by Fan Min, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs?
"Fan Min is right." Zhu Yuanzhang said, "It's just that Fan Min underestimated the fourth child."

Xu Huaijin took it over and took a look: "Master Fan's article contains reason in the matter, and it is very insightful to see the reason in the matter."

"Ah, for Xu Huaijin's sake, let's add another award to this person. Well, let "Ming Pao" announce a fourth prize at that time."

After Zhu Yunxi finished speaking, he looked down again.

"No way, here's another one! Return Dayu to control the water! Three times without entering the house! Can this also be associated?"

"Oh my god, another article, another fable, do you want to learn from Zhuangzi?!"

"Good literary talent, good literary talent, useless!"

"Why another article, why don't you cook dumplings in the teapot? Admire, admire!"

"There are quite a few fourth prizes."

Zhu Yunxi read while commenting, and finished reading in half a day. He took out a ballpoint pen and paper, and directly listed the winners from the first prize to the fourth prize.

Then, Zhu Yunxi took out another piece of paper and drew a picture, which was a schematic diagram of the principle of the train steam engine.

Give the picture and the list of winners to Mu Yao, and tell Mu Yao that Daming Institute of Science and Technology must find this person no matter what.

This person is expected to become an outstanding scientific and technological talent in Daming.

If he tutors in person, he will become the local chief scientist of Daming Institute of Science and Technology!
After writing the letter, Zhu Yunxi said: "Xu Huaijin, we are now in the north of the Tianshan Mountains. Do you want to go northwest, that is, to Altai? Do the Tumen remember?"

Xu Huaijin said: "Do you want to go skiing?"

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yunxi, you are going west again, isn't it getting farther and farther away from Yingtian? You haven't played enough with horse skin skis."

"Grandpa, it's not skiing. There is a lake there called Kanas Lake. I heard that there is a huge water monster in it! I haven't seen it yet."

Zhu Yuanzhang was in a hurry: "Third grandson, look, you have to go back early. If you want to be there, the promotion of sweet potatoes will be faster. Besides, where do you want to play, won't you be there soon? You go back Yingtian, I won't delay your trip!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "It's not easy for me to come to the Western Regions! Grandpa, you can answer the sky and come to the Western Regions at any time, but I can't do it."

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang remember what Zhu Yunxi said, "medicine is not self-governing, and Buddha is not self-contained." Zhu Yunxi can send others off, but not himself.

"Actually, I can also arrive in Yingtian soon."

"It's just a lot of work, and you have to change all kinds of tools."

"Exchange for off-road vehicles, all-terrain vehicles, hovercraft, motorcycles, and bicycles. It takes four to five days, and at most seven days to arrive in Yingtian."

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help sighing, the third grandson is a real thief!
He actually still has a back trick, but he just doesn't want to use it!
He didn't want to go back to Yingtian right away.

"I'm outside, so I can still let Tao Chengdao and the others work!"

"No matter what business you do, you have to do a good job in division of labor and cooperation."

"I just need to point the direction, I don't have to do it myself."

"Besides, if Tao Chengdao and Zheng He can't do it, isn't there Lao Zhu?"

"Now Lao Zhu has recognized me, in the future, if there is something that cannot be pushed, I will fool Lao Zhu!"

"Old Zhu didn't believe it, so I said it was God's will!"

"If I responded to Tian, ​​Lao Zhu would probably still be the same as before, letting people pick up papers, go to work in my yard, and ask me this and that."

"There is no technical content at all in dealing with those stupid things, it is very cumbersome!"

"Old Zhu is so energetic, he is also exhausted."

"This kind of life is not for human beings."

"If you don't respond to the sky, there won't be so many things."

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed again, the third grandson is really too lazy.

He actually planned on us, if he moved his mouth, we would lose our legs!

Still want to fool us!
Hehe, you never thought that we could eavesdrop on your heart, you can fool anyone in the world, but you can't fool us!
But the third grandson doesn't want to do those trivial things, which is also in line with his identity and talent.

What the third grandson did, we didn't even dare to think about it before, what he did is a big deal!
Let a person who does great things do some trivial things?This is called overkill!

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang thought, third grandson, if you want to fool us, can't we fool you?

Hey, let's fool the third grandson again!
It depends on whether he can reach Yingtian within seven days!
We have seen off-road vehicles, what are all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles?

What is a hovercraft?

We can see these cars and boats when he responds.


Qinhuai River, Shanyin Village.

16-year-old boy Wang Shouzheng was beating with a hammer.

"Shouzheng, what are you doing again? Can you do something serious?" Wang Caiyin roared dissatisfied: "I asked you to drive rivets, what the hell did you do?"

Wang Shouzheng turned a deaf ear to it and kept beating.

Wang Caiyin said: "You are going to exhaust your father to death. If today's task cannot be completed, the shipyard will deduct our rations!"

Wang Shouzheng said, "Father, hurry up and see if Ming Pao has arrived. Calculate the time, and it's time to announce the results."

"What, are you still thinking about this?" Wang Caiyin went up and gave Wang Shouzheng a shudder: "Wake up, how can this kind of thing happen to our family, how can it get your turn."

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