Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

0520 Pirates of the Caribbean, staged in advance

"I don't think you believe it, so how about it, let you taste the taste of sweet potatoes today."

Zhu Yunxi's ability to fetch things from a distance has long been known by everyone.

Everyone is no longer surprised by this, because Zhu Yunxi himself said that he is a god with a godhead, and even more than [-] people in Yitaili also said that he is an envoy of the gods, the messenger of the gods.

Zhu Yunxi can send people from the Western Regions to Yingtian, which is [-] miles away, in an instant, and of course he can also bring back the crops of Fanbang from tens of thousands of miles away.

It's time for dinner, this time it's hot pot.

The Yitaili people didn't know how to eat hot pot, so they all watched how Zhu Yunxi operated it.

Zhu Yuanzhang recalled the scene of eating hot pot in Zhu Yunxi's small courtyard two years ago.

"Grandpa, do you still remember what this is?" Zhu Yunxi took a piece of Sichuan noodles for Zhu Yuanzhang with his serving chopsticks.

"Remember, I remember what kind of powder it is called." Zhu Yuanzhang said while sucking.

"It's called Chuanfen, and its main ingredient is sweet potatoes."

Several people carefully looked at the Sichuan noodles, and took a slice from the hot pot to taste, and the taste was really good.

"Grandpa, try this, how does it taste?"

Zhu Yunxi brought over a pot of peeled raw sweet potatoes.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a bite of a piece of raw sweet potato and chewed it: "What is this? Sweet and juicy, sweet but not greasy, delicious."

"Grandpa, what you eat is sweet potatoes."

This is the sweet potato?
Everyone tasted it too.

"Sweet potatoes can be eaten raw or boiled, and the whole body is full of treasures, even the leaves and stems of sweet potatoes can be used as vegetables!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was really excited.

God, such a delicious thing, the output is still so large!
If the people all over the country grow sweet potatoes, what drought and crop failure should we be afraid of? !
Zhu Yuanzhang, who was born in a rural area and worked as a farmer, knows a basic rule: Anything with a high yield will not taste good.The taste is good, the yield is not high.

I didn't expect such a high yield and delicious taste!

This is great, and the lives of ordinary people will be easier in the future!

At least, I won't go hungry!
"Yunxi, after dinner, send us to the sky! We can't wait for this matter! We have to arrange it immediately!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was excited: "This is great! The people of the world are blessed!"

"Da Ming's foundation will be evergreen, and the country will last forever. There is hope!"

"Yunxi, bring the wine! The best wine, let's celebrate!"

"My God, I've never seen Lao Zhu so excited!"

"It seems that Lao Zhu's feelings for farmers are really deep, not fake."

"However, Lao Zhu is obviously impatient."

"Farmers don't know how to grow sweet potatoes."

"We need to do some training first."

"I have to remind Lao Zhu."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Grandpa, didn't you stipulate that every village has an old man who advises farmers? Let them learn how to grow sweet potatoes. They don't need to come to Daming Institute of Science and Technology."

"I wrote down the sweet potato planting process and precautions in a short and easy-to-understand text, and published it in Ming Pao."

Zhu Yuanzhang was so excited that his beard trembled: "Okay, okay, Yunxi, this is a good way!"

Advise the old farmers who are well versed in farming, let them learn about sweet potato cultivation through Ming Pao, and this solves a big problem.

"Ming Pao" became famous because of the serialization of "Journey to the West" and "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" in the past two years.

According to Jin Yiwei's sources, the sales of "Ming Pao" far exceeded the circulation of "Da Gao".

"Ming Pao" basically spread all over the prefectures, counties and villages.

There was a great scene in the Northern Song Dynasty: wherever there is well water, there are songs of Liu Ci.

This is an exaggeration, but it is no exaggeration to say that wherever there is a well, there is a "Ming Pao".

If the method of growing sweet potatoes is published in Ming Pao, it will be more effective with less effort!
If there is no "Ming Pao", how many people would have to be organized to Yingtian!
Zhu Yunxie took out the Maotai, Zhu Yuanzhang took it over, poured a glass, and drank it in one gulp: "Yunxie, come, have a drink!"

After drinking a glass, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Everyone drinks, all of them. I will also send a few bottles of wine to the teacher of Yitaili."

Everyone poured wine and raised their cups. Zhu Yuanzhang said, "It's really gratifying to get sweet potatoes today. Let's drink this cup to the full!"

Zhu Yunxi, Xu Huaijin, and Mao Yi all did it.

The Yitaili people thought it was water, and after drinking it, they screamed one by one, thinking they had drunk into the fire.

Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to have another drink. Lucia came over with a translation pen, holding a piece of sweet potato in one hand and said, "Your Majesty, why are you happy to get a sweet potato? It's not a big deal for us."

"Sweet potatoes are of course nothing to worry about in Italian, because Italian has a typical Mediterranean climate."

"Italia, as a Mediterranean climate zone, has sufficient sunlight and heat, good irrigation conditions, and fertile soil. Basically, it grows what it grows."

"Also, the population of Italia is not large, and food crises rarely occur."

"In the history of Italia, a large number of people died, basically because of wars and plagues, such as the Black Death."

"It has to be said that the European countries have taken advantage of their geographical advantages, and they are rarely as troubled as our Chinese nation."

"Our Yellow River is not only a mother river, but also a river full of disasters. It often floods, causing farmland to be flooded and farmers to flee."

"Of course, there is also the Huai River, which has always been known as a harmful river."

"So, whenever there is a natural disaster, the land of China will be empty, starving and dying, and mourning will be everywhere."

"Food has always been the biggest survival problem for the ancient Chinese nation."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, it turns out that Yitaili is such a good place?
I thought our Daming, especially our Nanzhili area, was the best place in the world.

Therefore, Hu talents from the west and north often came to harass our Daming.

I didn't expect to find a Yili, the conditions are comparable to our Daming Jiangnan!

Not to mention, Itali is better than Yili!

Such a good place, should we occupy it? !
This is entirely possible, because there are three grandchildren, distance is not a problem!
The third grandson can send us and Mao Yi [-] miles away, and can also send more people to Yitaili.

I just don't know how many people the third grandson can send at one time.

"Ah, what, Rukia, your sweet potatoes are fine? Do you Yitaili have sweet potatoes now?" Zhu Yunxi suddenly stretched out his hands and shook Rukia's shoulders.

Lucia said: "Yes, Gan Potato has been caring about Taili for several years, and it was brought here by some Spaniards."

"My God, that's true!"

"History is really ahead of schedule, more than 100 years ahead of schedule!"

"In the early sixteenth century, the sweet potato was introduced to Slate from the West Indies by the Slate, and from there to Italis, and from Italis to the whole of Europe."

"Now itali has sweet potatoes!"

"This shows that the Spaniards have occupied the West Indies!"

"The West Indies are located between the Atlantic Ocean and its subordinate sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean Sea, across the Florida Strait to the north and the Florida Peninsula."

"Oh my God, the actions of the Sparthians are more than a hundred years ahead of schedule!"

"Pirates of the Caribbean in reality, staged ahead of time!"

"The world has changed and we can no longer ignore it!"

"It's just that I don't know what kind of power the Slenderya's boat uses."

"What we need to do now is to cultivate scientific and technological talents! Get ready for the industrial revolution!"

"At the same time, vigorously develop agriculture. With food, more labor force can be liberated and sufficient human resources can be provided for industrial manufacturing."

"In the middle of the sixteenth century, the Putaoya people came to China and obtained the right of residence in Omen, and later Omen became a colony of the Putaoya people."

"Jeopatra was the first western colonial country to invade our territory."

"Could it be that the rosebuds are coming soon!"

"Putaoya, I am waiting for you in Daming!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard it, oh my god, those western pirates that Sansun mentioned actually appeared in advance!

They are coming to Daming!

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