Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0500 fan girls also time travel?

"Grandpa, stay here and don't move, I'll go and have a look."

Zhu Yunwen left Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi behind and flew on his horse.

At this time, two people appeared on the mountain bag.

One of them, Xu Huaijin, was tied tightly with a rope.

The other person turned out to be a fan girl with deep eye sockets, blue eyes, blond hair, and fair skin!
Xu Huaijin was actually tied up by this tall and burly girl!

"My God! This woman is too ugly!" Mao Yi sighed.

"Mao Yi, your aesthetics are too bad," Zhu Yunxi said, "This is the best among fan girls!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to say that this woman was extremely ugly, but Zhu Yunxie's evaluation made him swallow his words back.

Fannv pulled Xu Huaijin to stand still, yelling something.

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, she doesn't understand what we're talking about! She's carrying firecrackers, maybe she wants us to be guides."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Xu Huaijin, don't be afraid, if she wants to hurt you, she has already hurt you. Let's listen to what she wants to say."

Xu Huaijin stomped his feet and thought, this woman is obviously different from the women in the Western Regions, it's no wonder you can understand.

The fan girl spoke again, her voice getting louder and louder, as if with a commanding tone.

In the end, Fan Nu seemed to be angry, she pulled from behind and took out the firecracker.

Zhu Yunxi entered the system space and recovered the underwear given to Xu Huaijin.

Suddenly, Xu Huaijin disappeared from Fan Nu.

Ah, what about people?

Fannv held the firecracker, as if she saw a ghost.

Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi were also taken aback, where are they?

Look around again, there is nothing!
Xu Huaijin, disappeared?
At this time, Xu Huaijin was still in Zhu Yunxi's system space.

Zhu Yunxi exchanged the bulletproof glass and stood forward: "Grandpa, Mao Yi, stand behind me. Don't let this woman get caught."

Only then did Zhu Yunxi release Xu Huaijin from the space and put him behind Zhu Yuanzhang.

Fan Nu was extremely surprised, as if she saw a ghost.

Suddenly, Fannv raised her gun and let out a bang.

Zhu Yunxi didn't dodge or dodge, and with a clang, the bullet hit the glass.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Mao Yi, and Xu Huaijin have all seen the scene of Wu Nashili riding a horse and hitting the glass.

Have you ever seen this girl before?
Fan Nu was stunned, and the firecracker in her hand fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhu Yunxi sprang out like a leopard!
In an instant, Zhu Yunxi rushed to Fan Nu.

Surprised, Fannv bent down to pick up the firecracker, but she couldn't pick it up.

Because the firecracker was stepped on by Zhu Yunxie.

Ah, Mao Yi's eyeballs are almost popping out!

He had heard Zhu Yuanzhang hint that Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi didn't want to be incapable of writing or martial arts as everyone imagined.

Through the trip to the Western Regions, Mao Yi certainly knew the level of King Wu!

With 6 people, the King of Wu killed Wuna Shili and leveled the entire Western Regions. Needless to say, this level.

But it was the first time Mao Yi had seen King Wu's force.

Zhu Yunxi's speed was the fastest he had ever seen!This is simply not something people can escape from!

It was also the first time Xu Huaijin saw Zhu Yunxie's speed, it was like teleporting!

It turned out that he had been hiding his strength all along!

With such a fast speed, of course there is stronger power!

Xu Huaijin thought of his meeting with Mu Zha'er, when she was still worried that King Wu would be caught by Mu Zha'er.

Dare to feel, Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi has strong strength and enough confidence.

Zhu Yuanzhang has long since laughed like a flower.

He already knew Zhu Yunxi's ability!
From Zhu Yunxi's inner voice, he knew that he had been hiding his martial arts.

Today, the third grandson didn't plan to hide at all!

Another show of peerless speed!

In the past, I only knew that Sansun was powerful enough, but now I have seen Sansun's speed and agility.

The third grandson is going to show off his skills!

Zhu Yunxi picked up the gun and looked at it, aiming at Fan Nu.

Fannv cooperated and raised her hands.

Zhu Yunxi threw the firecracker, and the firecracker fell in front of Mao Yi. Mao Yi quickly picked it up and looked at it carefully.

Zhu Yunxi pointed forward: "Go over there!"

Fan Nu walked in front, Zhu Yunxi stepped forward again, and lightly strangled Fan Nu's neck with his left hand.

Seeing this, Xu Huaijin sighed lightly, King Wu is simply unnecessary.

The King of Wu took all the firecrackers of the Fannv and threw them to Mao Yi, who dared not move at all.

The King of Wu even stepped forward to strangle Fannu!
Judging by King Wu's posture, it's not a strangle at all, but a hug!
Such an ugly woman, even King Wu wants to hug her!

Xu Huaijin had some doubts about King Wu's aesthetic taste at this time.

Zhu Yunxi slowly pushed the girl forward.

"This woman is less than 20 years old, and her development is quite advanced."

"It's not bad, it should be fat, it should be thin."

"The height of 1.8 meters is almost catching up with me."

"With a little training, this woman is a top model."

"Is it Germanic, Saxon, or Europa?"

"In these days, English shouldn't be common, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang really admired him, the third grandson knew so much, we couldn't understand a lot of what he said!
Since arriving in the Western Regions, Sansun has been familiar with various ethnic groups, even the Tumen people know how to make horse-skin skis.

No matter from Sansun's actions or his inner voice, it can be seen that Sansun is interested in this ugly girl.

Zhu Yunxi took back the bulletproof glass and asked Fan Nu to squat on the ground.

Zhu Yuanzhang, Mao Yi, and Xu Huaijin formed a circle around the Fan girls.

"This woman is not bad, she didn't wear perfume on her body."

"Europeans and Americans, regardless of men or women, have body odor, which is very unpleasant. The difference is that the intensity of the body odor is different."

"It is precisely because of this that spices are the favorite luxury items of Western colonists."

"They just use spices to cover up their body odor."

"I held her just now, and I smelled it specially. I didn't wear perfume, and I didn't have body odor."

"It's a rare masterpiece."

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned. Does the third grandson know this kind of fan girl?

How did the third grandson know that Europeans and Americans have body odor?Where are Europeans and Americans from?

Immediately, Zhu Yuanzhang understood that the third grandson could send people [-] miles away in an instant, so it is not surprising that he has seen some strange people and things.

Now, Zhu Yuanzhang has some doubts that the third grandson can't deliver his own words.

Sansun should be able to send himself anywhere he wants!
The reason why he used the saying that "medicine is not self-governing, and Buddha is not self-contained" is mainly because he did not want to respond to heaven immediately.

The third grandson used this reason to travel slowly!

However, there is nothing we can do about our third grandson!
Because only the third grandson knows this technique!
In this regard, the third grandson is what he says, he is the authority!Also, you can't falsify it yet.

Mao Yi handed the firecracker to Zhu Yunxi: "King Wu, look, their firecrackers also have new bullets, but the tube is not as long as ours."

Zhu Yunxi took it over to look at it, and was shocked.

"No way, the development of firearms in Europe is so fast?"

"In the 13th century AD, our gunpowder and metal tubular firearms were introduced to Europe, and muskets developed rapidly."

"At the beginning of the 15th century, the Spaniards developed a matchlock gun, which was later imitated by the Ming Dynasty and called it a bird gun."

"Before the 18th century, guns were loaded with bougies from the muzzle, which was too slow."

"The invention of the breech-loading gun was a major revolution in firearms in the 19th century. It ended the 500-year history of the rifle being loaded with a bougie, and doubled the performance of the rifle."

"Actually, this change is not that difficult, it is just a change in thinking, and it is not difficult to realize technically."

"Right now, the firecrackers of the Daming Academy of Science and Technology have reached the level of the nineteenth century."

"The firecrackers that this woman is carrying are not as good as those of my Ming Dynasty, but they have far surpassed those of the same period in history."

"This woman is also a time-traveling party, right?"

Zhu Yuanzhang half understood.

We don't understand what the crossing party is, but now we understand that our Daming's firecrackers lead the world!
Sansun said in the past that this thing was produced in a country thousands of miles away, and all advanced things were produced in a country tens of thousands of miles away!
It turned out that the third grandson was a liar.

However, if the third grandson hadn't improved Daming's firecrackers, wouldn't the country where this fan girl is located be sweeping the world?

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