Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0465 of the Western Regions, we explode

"It's none of your business to catch fugitives from the imperial court. Just do your errands well, and it's useless to ask more questions about the rest." Zhu Yunwen roared through gritted teeth.

Jiang Yu left with a stomach full of perplexity.

Zhu Yunqi was conflicted in his heart.

Jiang Yu flattered herself, but violated the rules of heaven!

Grandpa Huang will definitely not spare him.

So kill Jiang Yu now?To show his attitude to Grandpa Huang in this way?

But it doesn't seem right, I killed Jiang Yu, doesn't Grandpa think I'm troublesome?

Maybe in Grandpa Huang's mind, after King Yan catches them, he will gather them together and deal with them.

Grandpa Huang said, everything is business as usual, as before, what should happen.

But if it is done as before, Grandpa Huang will definitely not be satisfied.

For example, if they continue to besiege the Daming Academy of Science and Technology, it will be a typical case of nothing.


Wusun City.

After sending Zhu Yuanzhang and Mao Yi to Yingyingtian, only Zhu Yunxi and Xu Huaijin were left in the room.

"Xu Huaijin, I'll take you back again." Zhu Yunxi said.

Xu Huaijin asked: "Didn't you just say to come back with me? Why have you been here?"

"I really can't go back."


"Xu Huaijin, you should have heard this saying: Medicine cannot govern itself, and Buddha cannot govern oneself."

"Xu Huaijin, I can hug you."

Ah, Xu Huaijin's face turned red, this apprentice, wants to hug me?Want to take advantage of me again?
Zhu Yunxi didn't move any hands: "However, I can't hug myself."

Xu Huaijin laughed: "I can't even hug myself."

Xu Huaijin felt that what Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi said was very reasonable, and it should not be a lie.

Just now he approached and hugged himself on the sofa, but he didn't know that he was the only one who appeared in the Wu Palace.

It stands to reason that Zhu Yunxi wanted to go back to his Wu Wang Mansion the most, but in the end he just let himself go.

It seems that if Zhu Yunxi wanted to return to Yingtian, he could only walk all the way back.

It will take at least a year for him to respond to God.

There was an indescribable feeling in my heart!
Xu Huaijin felt at this time that it seemed meaningless to respond to the sky.

Because King Yan supported by his father Xu Zengshou has been completely rejected by His Majesty.

Xu Huaijin's mother died, and his father had been thinking all day about how to help King Yan win the position of heir, even many times, he himself became his father's tool.

For more than a year, Xu Huaijin watched Zhu Yunxi show his strength step by step.

Time and time again, her confidence in King Yan was destroyed.

She felt that if she faithfully followed her father's will to help King Yan, she would feel sorry for Zhu Yunxi.

Not only because Zhu Yunxi had saved her life many times, but because she believed that only Zhu Yunxi was the most suitable to be in charge of the future of Ming Dynasty.

Another point is that it was too hard for Zhu Yunxi to return to Yingtian.

In the middle, we have to go through Heifengchuan and Kumtag Desert. It is either raining stones or sandstorms, and it is either extremely hot or extremely cold. The danger is too great.

At this moment, Xu Huaijin completely forgot Zhu Yunxie's magic in dealing with these dangers.

"Xu Huaijin, you've been away from home for too long, I'll send you back to heaven."

Xu Huaijin bit her lower lip lightly, and said after a while: "I, I don't want to respond to the sky."


"Responding to the sky now will definitely cause an uproar. No one dares to ask His Majesty. I'm afraid everyone will come to ask me about the situation in the Western Regions. I don't want to deal with these disturbances."

"So, it's better, it's better to follow you slowly."

Xu Huaijin's voice lowered: "The scenery of the Western Regions is so beautiful, but I didn't have time to appreciate it when I came here. I don't know when I will come again next time."

"Xu Huaijin, what you said is very reasonable. Once you go back, I'm afraid you will really be surrounded by Daming's paparazzi."

With a puff, Xu Huaijin laughed.

Zhu Yunxi's metaphor is so interesting, Daming paparazzi!
No matter where, there are people who talk about good things and gossip.If you really want to go back to Yingtian, they stare at you every day, and you can't get rid of them.

"Then it's settled!" Zhu Yunxi said: "Xu Huaijin, don't rush to respond to the sky, why don't you write a travel note?"

"Writing travel notes? You want me to write travel notes?"

"Why not? We occupied the Western Regions, and there were battles and scenery along the way. If you write about it, it will definitely become popular all over the Internet, no, it will be popular all over the country!"

"So, you can't respond to God! The information about the Western Regions was created by us, so of course we have to explode it!"

"There is a "Da Tang Western Regions" in the Tang Dynasty, so you can write "Da Ming Western Regions"!"

"I hired you as the chief contracted writer of "Ming Pao"! It will be serialized in "Ming Pao"! Haha, if this is published, it will be so popular!"

Xu Huaijin was moved!

I can actually write an article in "Ming Pao"!

And it was "Da Ming Western Regions"!
Write this without embellishment at all!

It is enough to attract people just to write a running account according to the original and original flavor!
There is no need to reprocess or upgrade at all!

"Xu Huaijin, do you agree or not? Just post an article every few days. It's not difficult for you at all."

Xu Huaijin said: "I am willing, of course I am willing."

"Wu Wang, I have a question. How does Ming Pao publish an article every few days?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "I can send you to Wu Wang's Mansion and Your Majesty to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so why can't I send your manuscript to Ming Pao?"

Xu Huaijin suddenly realized.

"Xu Huaijin, tell the generals of Ping'an tomorrow that everyone should not respond to Tian for the time being. Because, after His Majesty returns to Ying Tian, ​​he does not know what action he will take."

"The imperial court must be in chaos recently. If you go back, you will be surrounded by officials. No dynasty can do without people who eat melons."

"Wait until it stabilizes, and then visit relatives in batches."

"Let Ping An formulate a rule, according to the official rank, how many days a year to go back, when to go back, etc."

Xu Huaijin agreed.

The next day, Zhu Yunxi asked Wu Kaihai to notify the generals to hold a meeting.

The first person to speak was actually not Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie, but military advisor Xu Huaijin: "Everyone, let me tell you a piece of news. Please don't be shocked."

All the generals were amused, what's so shocking about Xu Huaijin's announcement?
"Everyone, last night, King Wu sent His Majesty and Mao Yi back to the palace. To be precise, it is the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Chang Sheng, Ping An, Chang Sen, Lan Shou, Qiu Yingping, Mu Zha'er and others couldn't help laughing wildly.

This early in the morning, the king of Wu asked everyone to come to a meeting, and asked the military adviser Xu Huaijin to tell everyone such a joke!
It's funny!

Even if it's not funny, you have to laugh, otherwise, I'm sorry for Xu Huaijin, a female military adviser.

As soon as the laughter stopped, Xu Huaijin said: "This is not a joke. At this time, His Majesty should have received the audience of all officials in Fengtian Palace."

Everyone burst into laughter again.

Xu Huaijin blushed and looked at Zhu Yunxi as if asking for help.

"What are you doing? Hold those two pieces of yours for me!" Zhu Yunxi stood up and said, "I don't know if you are in a meeting now? Just this kind of meeting style?! It's outrageous!"

The generals immediately quiet down.

This is the first time King Wu has yelled at everyone!

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