Outside Wusun City, Wu Nashili shouted: "Muzhal, don't fantasize about it. Kaesong surrendered, Ben Khan will leave you with a whole body."

Among the various ethnic groups in the Western Regions, the Wusun ethnic group is one of the few tribes that adopt burial.

This is a tradition formed after Princess Jieyou of the Han Dynasty married Wusun.

What Wuna Shili wanted most at this time was Wusun City.

After arriving in Muzha'er's hometown, Wuna Shili discovered that there is such a good place in the Western Regions!
This place is much better than Hami!
In terms of geographical location, Hami is closer to Daming, and can be exchanged from Daming for various items needed by nomads.

But Hami was also vulnerable to attack and annexation by the Central Plains dynasty.

And Muzhaer's hometown, far away from the Central Plains Dynasty, is a place of recuperation.

As long as it is managed properly, a powerful tribe and empire can be established.

Historical experience tells him that only a stable city can produce a stable administrative organization, and only a stable administrative organization can produce a stable system.

Institutions are the basic conditions for a strong country to emerge.

The reason why he was able to become the king of Hami and was elected as a great man by various ministries was mainly because he established the city of Hami himself.

Unexpectedly, in Muzha'er's hometown, at the foot of Wusun Mountain, he saw a complete palace city - Wusun City.

This city is the testimony of the cooperation between the Han Dynasty and the Wusun tribe.

With this Wusun City, the advanced culture and civilization of the Central Plains finally took root, sprouted and blossomed here.

This is how the 200-year glory of the Wusun Kingdom was born, and the Wusun Kingdom was once strong enough to drive the Huns away.

Look at Wusun City again, it is extremely solidly built, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and even the water source is difficult to cut off.

Occupying this place, Wu Nashili felt that he could make a comeback.

What's more, there are 8 people following him.

As long as Muzha'er surrenders, Wuna Shili will be the king of the Western Regions!
Mu Zha'er sighed, the matter has come to this point, persistence is useless, it is better to surrender, the clansmen can still live.

Although Wu Na Shili is cunning, but in the face of so many tribes, he should not break his promise.

Muzha'er untied his quiver and put down his scimitar.

At this moment, a buzzing sound came from a distance.


The eastern sun shone, a little dazzling.

But it can be seen that a small piece of dark cloud is pressing here!
Under the dark clouds, a large number of people in strange costumes appeared.

This group of people is actually: skiing! ! !

The skis under the feet are like the unique fur snowboards of the Tuva people!

Is this the Tuvans coming?

They came from the north of the Tianshan Mountains, the Altai Mountains?
They are here to support Unasari!

No, they are not from the Tuva tribe, they are from the Ming army!
That is the unique clothing of the Ming army, they call it down jacket!

It's Daming's army coming!

Muzal was suddenly excited.

At this time, dark clouds flew over.

No, it's not a dark cloud!
It's a drone!
Muzha'er was very impressed with the drone. At that time, King Wu released his drone and rose directly from the lake to the sky above Mahari.

The drone dropped thunder and fire, killing Mahari.

Taking this incident as a watershed, Wuna Shili began to target himself and the Ming army for revenge!
The drones are here, and there are so many of them!
The drones are flying closer and closer, and the Ming army is getting more and more!

The Ming army in front stepped on skis, followed by a large number of Ming army cavalry.

I saw it, it was King Wu!
Mu Zha'er became excited, never thought that King Wu is not dead!

Wu Nashili stared blankly at the sky, what is this?
A man came on horseback: "Khan, this, this is the drone of the Ming people!"

Wu Nashili's mind went blank for a moment.

This, this is the drone that blew up his son Mahari?

It really flew into the sky!

"Khan, the Ming army, it's the Ming army!"

Wu Nashili looked into the distance, and it really was the Ming army!
They are extremely fast, using Tuva skis to ski on the grass!
Suddenly, they stopped and the cavalry appeared!

Isn't the person headed by Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi?
God, the Ming army is not dead? !Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi is still alive!

Could it be that the corpse thrown into Dabancheng by the strong wind that day didn't work?
Could it be that the poison cast at the source of Karez was completely ineffective for the Ming army?

At this moment, when Unashri was at a loss and was about to run, he found that the buzzing drone had already hovered above his head.

Wu Na Shili thought of the hot air balloon of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi.

Throwing thunder and fire from the hot air balloon has already caused myself and the troops to suffer a lot.

Thousands of drones are parked above, and their power is already several times that of hot air balloons.

His son Mahari was killed by this drone!
Therefore, Wu Nashili did not dare to make any changes.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi took out the tweeter: "Wu Na is lost, why don't you catch him with your arms tied?"

Of course, Wu Nashili refused. He said that there were still 8 people, even if they couldn't beat them, they could always escape.

Wu Nashili regained his composure, and only then discovered the huge loophole of the Ming army: they were only arrayed in the east, and did not encircle themselves!

In other words, I still have two directions to escape, west and north!

Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi is going to repeat the old trick again, and he is going to let himself go again!
What is Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi doing in this way?
Keep chasing yourself?
Muzha'er also discovered this problem, the king of Wu lined up in the east, obviously to let Wuna run away!

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Yun Xing, send 2 people to encircle and prevent Wuna from escaping."

Zhu Yunxi chuckled: "Grandpa Huang, don't worry, Wu Na will never escape!"

Wu Nashili was thinking about whether to go north or west, and which one to keep to stop the Ming army, the big horn of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi rang again: "Brothers of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions, listen up, this king has no intention of killing! You were just coerced by Wu Nashili, and this king will let you go."

"My Ming Dynasty has always been benevolent and righteous, and peace is the most important thing, and I have been friendly with all ethnic groups."

"The reason for chasing him for thousands of miles is because Wuna Shili killed our envoy from the Western Regions, cut off communication between east and west, invaded our Ming territory, and committed a heinous crime!"

"Wu Nashili implemented the policy of extermination in Daban City and Luntai City!"

"Killed the warriors of the Wusun tribe, poured poison into them, and placed them at the source of Karez."

"Wu Nashili's actions did not harm our Ming army, but made Daban and Luntai a dead city with a radius of hundreds of miles!"

"Within this range, brothers and sisters, cattle, sheep and livestock of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions all died, and no one was spared!"

"Wu Nashili committed a crime against humanity! Unforgivable!"

"Wu Nashili is not only the enemy of my Ming Dynasty, but also the devil of the people of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions. Everyone can punish him!"

"Here, I solemnly promise that we, Ming Dynasty, will not pursue any brothers from various ethnic groups who leave Wuna Shili."

After Zhu Yunxi finished speaking, the [-] Hu people stood still, wondering if what King Wu said was true.

The most important thing is that most Hu people have never seen a drone at all, and they don't believe it will have any great power.

Zhu Yunxie said loudly: "Wu Kaihai, start walking the dog!"

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