"Ili, with its rich water and grass, has long been the grazing place of ancient nomads. The Cypriots, Wusun, Turks, Mongolians, and Jungar tribes all established a powerful grassland regime with Ili as the center."

"Facts have proved that occupying and managing Ili well can fully radiate and control the entire Western Region."

"The Tarim Basin to the south of the Tianshan Mountains does not have such excellent water vapor conditions as Yili. It can only rely on the meltwater from the snow-capped mountains to form small oasis countries that are independently separated on the edge of the basin."

"The nomadic regime north of the Tianshan Mountains can cross the Tianshan Mountains, invade the oases, and defeat the small southern countries one by one, but not vice versa."

"Oasis city-states are often weak and unable to go north. As the saying goes: the north can control the south, but the south cannot control the north."

"However, in the Han and Tang dynasties, because of the similarity of the agricultural economy, the imperial court focused on the management of the Western Regions to the south of the Tianshan Mountains."

"When the central government was strong, it could still control the north of the Tianshan Mountains. Once it weakened, the hard work of the central empire for many years would be wiped out in the iron hooves of the nomadic regime going south."

"In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong, who had a deep understanding of nomads, obviously discovered and saw this clearly. To manage the Western Regions, you must manage Ili!"

"This is a great discovery!"

"Emperor Qianlong has found the key and core problem that all dynasties cannot fully control the Western Regions!"

"Qianlong quickly dispatched troops to occupy Ili!"

"So, an earth-shaking transformation of Yili began!"

"The establishment of the Nine Cities of Ili formed the largest urban agglomeration in the Western Regions at that time."

"Ili Grassland has a mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and is suitable for animal husbandry and agriculture. Qianlong did not regard Ili as just a military city, but put forward a grand economic goal: to achieve food, clothing and wealth "that is no different from that in the interior."

"Propelled by this policy, the reclamation area in the northern part of the Western Regions developed rapidly."

"In the end, the Ili Grassland was fertile and well-connected. Since then, it has become a high-yield agricultural area and a famous granary."

"At the same time, Emperor Qianlong recruited immigrants from all over the country to enrich Yili."

"These new immigrants have a strong sense of patriotism, so Yili has become a very unique immigrant society. The ethnic groups are mixed together, and the degree of integration of various ethnic groups is much higher than in other places."

"This is still of great importance to the social stability of Yili."

"City building, farming, immigration, after a long period of construction, Yili finally formed a stable administrative region with Yili as the core, and the entire Western Region was truly firmly integrated into the Chinese territory."

"The area of ​​the Western Regions is equivalent to that of the Southern Song Dynasty!"

"Qianlong brought the Western Regions into his territory, expanded the framework of China's development, and established the great cause of millennium development!"

"Let's look at Ming Dynasty again."

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart was shocked, the third grandson mentioned our Daming, this is for comparison.

"Looking at the Ming Dynasty, Lao Zhu and his descendants had little interest in the Western Regions and the Northeast, and there was no ruling power north of the Great Wall."

"The Ming Dynasty set up the Nuergandu Division as an administrative agency to manage the vast Northeast Jimi area, but the significance of this institution is greater than its actual significance, and it can manage parts of Jilin as far as it goes. Moreover, the Nuergandu Division was not established. years and was abolished.”

"In the end of the Ming Dynasty, Ming's army did not cross Hami. At that time, Monan Mongols surrendered to Ming, but only surrendered. The actual territory of the northern part of the Ming Dynasty was the Great Wall."

"Although there were many unsatisfactory things in the late Qing Dynasty, which made people sigh, but compared with the Ming Dynasty, it was the Qing Dynasty that contributed the most to China's territory. This is an indisputable fact."

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang feel that this Emperor Qianlong was truly remarkable!

What the Han and Tang dynasties failed to accomplish, Qianlong did!

Occupying the Western Regions, we dare not even think about it!I am ashamed.

No wonder the third grandson gave such a high evaluation to Emperor Qianlong.

However, I am afraid that Qianlong may not be ranked in the future!
Because of our three grandchildren!
With our three grandchildren, history has been fundamentally changed!

Fortunately, I have three grandchildren!

If it weren't for the third grandson, we would never have come to the Western Regions, and we would never have been so close to Yili!
Now, a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity is in front of you!
Occupying Yili can completely control the entire Western Region!

How could such an opportunity be missed?
When we respond to the sky, we will also transfer troops and emigrate here, and we will also build the nine cities of Yili!
Thinking about it now, the third grandson has been thinking about this since Yingtian's time!

The third grandson has never wanted to be a crown prince, and he wants to seal him to the border!

It turns out that he has been occupying Yili all along, thus controlling the Western Regions for my Daming!

Those literati said, self-cultivation, family governance, country and world peace!
What else is there to establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations!

The third grandson doesn't want to be the crown prince, but just wants to ride horses to the Western Regions and bring peace to the Ming Dynasty for us!

What the third grandson did is truly bringing peace to all generations!

In the past, what we thought of as the world was just a place the size of a palm!

Staying with the third grandson, we know what is the sky high, what is the sea wide, what is the world, and what is the pattern!

Fortunately, there are three grandchildren, otherwise our Daming will become more and more restrained and conservative in the future, and we will really be abandoned by the world!

The third grandson once said that we are now at the crossroads of history. It is entirely up to us whether we are open or conservative, whether we are expanding or abstaining!

Back to Yingtian, let’s make another ancestral precept, and make opening up and expansion a national policy that can never be changed!

"I have come, I have seen, I have conquered!"

"Since I'm here, let's do what Emperor Qianlong did in advance."

"Changing Yilie to Yili is a tribute to Emperor Qianlong!"

"After Ili was captured, let Ping'an temporarily lead the General of the Western Regions, in charge of military and political affairs, and explain to Lao Zhu after returning."

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself, the third grandson doesn't need to explain, we all understand!

Rest assured that Ping An will fully control the Western Regions.

"However, I am afraid that old Zhu is too conservative. He always thinks that the Western Regions are full of wind and sand, cold and poor. Let Ping An withdraw to Daming, and everything will flow eastward!"

Zhu Yuanzhang said, third grandson, you have misunderstood us again.

If it was before, we would have asked Ping An to withdraw.

But through the voice of the third grandson for more than a year, we also realized that the geographical location of the Western Regions is important, and there is underground the energy needed for the future development of Ming Dynasty!

"At the end of the day, it's a matter of vision."

"This can't be blamed on Lao Zhu, he has the limitations of the times."

"Nietzsche said: Our eyes are our prisons, and wherever our eyes see are the walls of the prison."

"Some people see because they believe, and some people believe because they see."

"Without an advanced vision, a long-term perspective, and a world perspective, Daming would still be complacent about the glory of the past."

Zhu Yuanzhang was speechless, and was underestimated by the third grandson again.

However, in terms of vision, we are incomparable with the third grandson.


Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi made clear to everyone the ultimate goal of this westward journey.

This made the [-] Ming army immediately cheer.

Although it is still far away from Yili, and has not yet occupied and controlled Yili, but after all, I have a bottom line in my heart.

In the past, I just followed Wu Nashi and ran around, feeling a little led by the nose.

Now, King Wu began to take the initiative to attack and launched his strategic layout!

Sixty thousand Ming troops set off!

The marching route is: cross Luntai, circle the West Sea, cross the Yilianhabi Mountain from the famous Duku Pass to the south, and reach the Nalati Grassland, which is the easternmost end of the Ili River Valley.

Wu Kaihai led the thousand-man special warfare battalion at the head, the others followed, and Lan Shou was still behind.

The troops arrived at Luntai City as quickly as possible.

Wu Kaihai came to report that Luntai City had indeed become a dead city!
Along the way, there are some shepherds' yurts from time to time, but all the herdsmen inside have become dead.

There were no wounds from knives and arrows, no skin and bones, all died of poisoning.

Wu Na Shili was too ruthless. In order to kill [-] Ming soldiers, he also poisoned these innocent tribes to death.


Ying Tian, ​​Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

Li Jinglong's army has been surrounding this place for seven days.

Because the court's funds were limited, Zhu Yunqi inherited the good habit of the previous emperor's diligence and thrift, and only surrounded by 5 people, and the remaining 15 people returned to their respective guards.

Since Daming Academy of Science and Technology cannot attack, there is no need to keep so many troops here.

There will always be a day when the food and water sources in the city will be cut off.

Like everyone else in Daming Academy of Science and Technology, Mu Yao also frowned.

What should I do next?Do you want to tell King Wu?
So what if you tell King Wu?He is far away in the Western Regions, so far away he cannot quench his thirst.

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