Zhu Yunxi once again organized the generals to assess the skiing skills of the sergeants.

Although the level is uneven, even the worst sergeant can slide faster than horses and camels.

Today, livestock has instead become a limiting factor in the speed of marching.

No one would have thought that there would be such a wonderful change.

With the horse-skin skis, the entire Ming army went into battle lightly and had better maneuverability.

The [-] dead horses also exerted the greatest effect. In addition to the large amount of pine wood in Dabancheng, the Ming army possessed a large number of horse skin skis.

An average of five pairs of skis per person.

The best skiing skills are of course the Tuva people, and the Tuva people are also scattered among various ministries.

The second is Wu Kaihai's special warfare battalion.

Wu Kaihai's special warfare battalion has ski technology, and has become the vanguard of the entire army and the most mobile assault force.

The sergeants of the Firearms Battalion were inferior to the Zhuang Lang brothers led by Wu Kaihai because of their usual training. Although they had advanced weapons, they had no choice but to bow down in front of the Special Warfare Battalion.

The limelight that belonged to the Firearms Battalion was basically taken away by the Special Warfare Battalion.

The Firearms Battalion has now become the guard and strategic reserve of Wu Wangzhong's army tent.

Before departure, people from more than a thousand households gathered, and Zhu Yunxi wanted to mobilize before leaving.

"Maybe everyone will ask, where are we going next!"

The first sentence of Zhu Yunxi pointed out what everyone wanted to say most.

"Unfortunately, it is not marked on our map. Because of this place, since the Song Dynasty, including our Ming Dynasty, no Han people have visited, let alone thought about it."

"This place is the Yilie mentioned by the tribute envoys all the time!"

"At that time, Genghis Khan personally led an army through the Yilie River Valley to conquer Central Asia. After Genghis Khan conquered the Western Regions and the vast areas of Central Asia, he entrusted Yilie and other vast lands to his second son Chagatai, which was called the Chagatai Khanate in history. .”

"I can tell everyone responsibly that Yilie is the place I want to occupy and completely control!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was excited, and the third grandson finally told everyone clearly his ultimate goal!
That is Occupy Yilie!
Yilie, it should be the place where the third grandson has revealed in his heart many times.

Yilie should be the life gate of the Western Regions mentioned by the third grandson!
King Wu, the official showdown to everyone!
"I can tell everyone responsibly that no matter whether Wu Nashili is in Yilie or not, I will go to Yilie!"

"I can tell you responsibly that Wuna Shili is nothing but a speck of dust in the world, and Yilie is the key to the entire Western Region."

"I can tell everyone responsibly that what I want is Yilie, not Wuna Shili!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was about to burst into tears, the third grandson finally revealed his inner voice, and finally revealed his arrogance!

Third grandson, no more sex!
Everyone was shocked, as if they didn't know Zhu Yunxi.

Wu Nashili, this is the great Khan of the Hu people, the leader of the various tribal alliances in the Western Regions!

In the eyes of Wu Wang Zhu Yunxie, it is nothing!Just a speck of dust, it doesn't matter!

"I can also tell you that the reason why I let Wu Nashili go again and again before was to let him escape to Yilie!"

"In this way, I can use the pretext of capturing Wu Nashili alive as His Majesty told me, and force you to follow me to Yilie!"

"The reason for this is that I am worried that the sergeants will get tired halfway and don't want to occupy far away places to occupy Yilie!"

"However, now that you have reached this place, you have no choice but to go to Yilie!"

"So, today, this king will not play around with you, and tell everyone clearly: This king wants to take down Yilie, bring the entire Western Region into my Ming territory, and bring it under my Ming rule! Forever, forever!"

The generals understood now.

No wonder the King of Wu spared Wu Nashili again and again!
It turned out that King Wu was a drunkard who didn't care about drinking!
Wuna Shili is just a pawn in the hands of King Wu.

King Wu just used Wuna Shili to achieve his strategic goals.

And this strategic goal is to occupy Yilie, the key gate of the Western Regions, so that the Western Regions will be permanently and permanently included in the territory of Ming Dynasty!

King Wu is usually laughing and joking, but who knows that he has such grand plans in his heart!
"Do you know why Yilie is the lifeblood of the Western Regions?" Zhu Yunxi asked.

Everyone shook their heads and didn't know.

"As early as Yilie was in the Han Dynasty, we united with the Wusun Kingdom here. In the Tang Dynasty, the court ordered Su Dingfang to be the head of Yili Road, and unified the Western Regions. This place is called Yili."

"After the Song Dynasty, this place belonged to the Western Liao Dynasty. In the Yuan Dynasty, this place belonged to the Chachagatai Khanate."

"Unfortunately, our Daming's understanding of this place is basically zero."

"Because the power of our Ming Dynasty stops at Jiayuguan."

"What I want to tell everyone is that our vision determines the pattern of future generations!"

"The world is about to face major changes unseen in a thousand years! Various civilizations that we don't know are rising, and countries that we don't know are expanding!"

"Once we shrink back, once we restrain ourselves, our descendants will shrink into a very small space!"

"What we need to do now is to throw away all the veils of tenderness! Expand, expand, expand!"

"We have to compete with God for time, we have to compete with other civilizations for territory, we have to compete with other countries for resources, and we have to compete for status for future generations!"

Grab time!Grab the site!Grab resources!Grab the position!
It's heart-pounding and blood-pulling!
"We don't have much time left!"

"There are not many resources left for us!"

"Now, history has pushed us to the fore and it's our turn to play!"

"The opportunity is in front of us, it depends on whether we can seize it!"

"Go one step forward, occupy the Western Regions, and expand our Ming territory!"

"Take a step back, stand aloof from the world, and your descendants will be forever lost!"

The generals were dumbfounded, oh my god, what big secret did King Wu know?

The world is about to undergo a major change, a change unseen in a thousand years?

There are many civilizations and countries that we don’t know about!

When King Wu said this, everyone believed it!
Because the advanced equipment often used by King Wu, he said, came from some distant countries and nations.

Those kingdoms and nations are rising!
Xu Huaijin thought of Da Song!

After the founding of the Song Dynasty, how many nations are rising!

First the Xixia of the Qiang people, then the Daliao of the Khitan people, and then the Jin Kingdom of the Jurchens, one after another took turns bullying the Song Dynasty.

At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the emperor of the Great Song Dynasty conspired many times in Yanyun Sixteen Prefectures.

Several times, just one breath, one or two steps!

But with just such a breath, just one or two steps, Da Song did not take back the Yanyun area.

Just like this, Da Song had no danger to defend in front of the northern nomads, and was passively beaten everywhere.

It was just like this that Da Song finally fell into a situation of eternal doom!

The Yilie that the King of Wu wants to occupy has the effect on the Western Regions, which is equivalent to Yanyun's role as a barrier to the Central Plains Dynasty.

"Yi Lie is Yi Lie of the people of Yuan Dynasty. I declare: Yi Lie has become history, and what I occupied in Ming Dynasty is called: Yili!"

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