Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0427 The Crisis of Daming Institute of Science and Technology

On the second day, on the wall of Daming Institute of Science and Technology, the Lan family, Mu family, Tie Xuan and Tao Chengdao all stood on the wall.

Last night, Lan Yu and Mu Ying talked until late at night.

Both of them were tacit, just talking about the battles they had experienced in the past.

Both are happy and sad.

Fortunately, King Wu is still alive, and His Majesty is also alive. Both Tao Chengdao and Mu Yao have revealed such information.

If it was just Tao Chengdao who said so, Sapphire was a little dubious.

Now that there is one more Mu Yao, the information she provided is even more surprising.

Anyway, this is a great joy.

What is certain is that when His Majesty returns to Yingtian, it will be the day when Yunxi will become the crown prince.

At that time, Zhu Yunqi's end must be tragic!
Anyone who has a relationship with Yunxi must have a bright future.

What is worrying is that the current Daming Academy of Science and Technology is surrounded by imperial troops.

Although Tao Chengdao made a lot of grenades and improved firecrackers, which were extremely powerful and formed an absolute advantage over the imperial army, there were too few personnel in the Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

The bullets of grenades and firecrackers will run out one day!
The raw materials for making grenades and bullets cannot be shipped in at all!
The most important thing is that once the food and water sources in the city are cut off, there is no choice but to be caught!

Last night, Tao Chengdao and Mu Yao did not rest, instructing the courtyard guards to make defensive equipment.

And Mu Yao and Tao Chengdao walked back and forth in the Academy of Science and Technology in a hurry, looking very confident.

Although Tao Chengdao is good at developing weapons and Mu Yao is very outstanding in martial arts, they have never experienced a truly cruel war.

I'm afraid they think it's too easy to keep the Academy of Science and Technology.

It may be because it was too easy to repel Li Jinglong's army yesterday, which made everyone feel complacent and underestimated the enemy.

Originally, both Lan Yu and Mu Ying wanted to direct, but they both thought that the other was more suitable, so they should not bring it up.

Lan Yu felt that Mu Ying was His Majesty's adopted son, and that he was guarding Yunnan and holding a heavy army, so he should be in command.

Mu Ying felt that Lan Yu had just gone deep into the desert and swept Beiyuan the year before last, and he was the only one in command.

Since they didn't mention it, it should be because they want to exercise Tao Chengdao or Mu Yao.

The Xu family has a female Zhuge, and the Mu family is not weak!

What's more, Mu Yao once followed His Majesty to defeat bandits in Hangzhou, and made great achievements!
It's a good story for the Mu family to have a female general.

At this time, the imperial army surrounding the Academy of Science and Technology moved, and they actually withdrew!

What's happening here?
They withdrew, which was definitely agreed by Zhu Yunqi.

Could it be that Zhu Yunqi was scared?

With such a science and technology academy, Zhu Yunqi was scared and withdrew his troops!

If he meets that ruthless man from the north, Zhu Yunqi will be scared to pee?
After a while, the imperial army had just withdrawn, and a group of Ming troops appeared in the distance, and surrounded them. They all occupied the place where they had just withdrawn, as if they were waiting for something.

To the south, a large flag appeared, and Li Jinglong stood far away, not approaching.

More and more court troops appeared, arranged in circles.

What the hell is Li Jinglong doing?

It's like an old woman spinning a thread to wrap a coil, layer by layer, gradually thickening!

Everyone is checking the number of imperial troops!

ten thousand!Twenty thousand!Thirty thousand!forty thousand!fifty thousand!
There are more and more, black and white, one team after another, layer upon layer!
Oh my god, it's 20!

Zhu Yunwen is really cruel, and has spent all his money!

Call all the troops from Ying Tian Mansion!
God, what a formation!
Sapphire smashed her tongue!

Back then, when Laozi went north from the Great Wall, entered the desert, and swept Beiyuan, he only brought 15 troops!
This time, Zhu Yunqi unexpectedly dispatched 20 troops!

Mu Ying said: "Duke, the situation is not good!"

Lan Yu said: "In this situation, I'm afraid it will be worse."

The two thought at the same time: Li Jinglong wanted to attack intensively, using a one-time sacrifice in exchange for uninterrupted impact, approaching and attacking the wall in the shortest time.

I didn't expect Li Jinglong to have such scheming, I really underestimated him before.

Li Jinglong waved the flag, and almost at the same time, the imperial army surrounded on all sides moved!

Did not rush up from the beginning!
The first few rows all took out a cotton jacket.

Only then did I notice that their padded jackets were unusual, but rather heavy!
Some cotton jackets are still dripping water.

It snows every winter in Yingtianfu, but because it is located in the Yangtze River, the annual snow season is very short.

Although it was still cold at this time, it had not yet frozen.

Although it didn't freeze, wouldn't it be colder to wear a wet cotton jacket?
Moreover, wearing a cotton-padded jacket that has been soaked in water increases the load, and won't it be inconvenient to fight?
Tao Chengdao said: "My lord, their wet padded jackets can stop the bullets from the firecrackers!"

When Tao Chengdao said it, Mu Ying and Lan Yu suddenly realized.

Is Li Jinglong's level so high?

Can think of such a way!
In this way, casualties are greatly reduced.

At this time, the sergeants in the front rows were all wearing wet padded jackets, and Li Jinglong waved the banner: "Kill! Shoot and kill!"


The 20 troops roared in unison, and the sound was shocking!

Yingtian's officials and common people all watched from a distance, and some even climbed to the nearby Jiming Mountain for safety, but they couldn't see clearly what was going on at the top of the city of Science and Technology Academy.

Some felt that the new emperor had really put in a lot of effort to take thunderous measures, and the Daming Academy of Science and Technology was immediately breached.

Many people also feel sorry for Mu Ying, Lan Yu, Tie Xuan, Tao Chengdao and others.

Li Jinglong thought to himself, Lan Yu, Mu Ying, Tao Chengdao, don't blame me!

Don't think about me when you go to the underworld!
I'm just doing what I'm told!
It is the will of the new emperor to kill you and leave no one alive!

After all the troops came from Yingtian's various guards, Li Jinglong first confessed to them personally that everyone in the city would be killed on the spot!

The reason why Li Jinglong was so far away from the Academy of Science and Technology was mainly because he didn't want to see that kind of bloody scene.

Tao Chengdao suddenly waved the flag!
The courtyard guards on the top of the city suddenly erected a huge sign in unison.

These signs also have a base, and when they stand up, they stand firmly on the top of the wall without support.

The first few rows of sergeants, wearing wet padded jackets, advanced and prepared to shoot arrows, but suddenly found that there were so many signs on the top of the city, and stopped.

But the sergeant behind was rushing forward and knocked down the front row at once!

In the first few rows, there are thousands of households and hundreds of households who can read characters. The sign reads: Great Ming Taizu Gaodi Divine Card!

Oh my god, this is the memorial tablet of the first emperor!

When you see the memorial tablet of the first emperor, you must kneel down!

Both Qianhu and Baihu knelt down, and those behind didn't know what was going on, but kept pushing forward.

The courtyard guards didn't do anything yet, they just put up a circle of signs, and the court army became a mess.

Li Jinglong was a little strange when he heard the movement in front. Tao Chengdao's grenade hadn't exploded, and the firecracker hadn't been fired yet. Why did the front fall down?

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