Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0422 Wu Wang, not a waste but a character

Li Jinglong sent two groups, while he sat in the mansion and waited for news.

Li Jinglong now has military power in his hands and is highly regarded by the new emperor, mainly because his father Li Wenzhong is the nephew of the former emperor Zhu Yuanzhang.

And some time ago, King Zhou was successfully captured.

Li Jinglong received another order to capture Mu Ying's family, including Mu Ang and Mu Yao in Yingtian.

It seems that the new emperor is really going to cut down the feudal clan.

The king of Zhou was in Kaifeng, located in the Central Plains, cutting his domain was not because of the threat of a large number of soldiers, but because he was the younger brother of King Yan.

The purpose of capturing Mu Ying this time is actually to force Mu Sheng, who is guarding Yunnan, to let go of his military power.

Li Jinglong still admires Mu Ying very much, but he has to listen to the new emperor's will.

Therefore, Li Jinglong decided not to meet with the Mu family to avoid embarrassment.

After capturing Mu Ying's family, they directly handed over to Jiang Yu, commander of Jin Yiwei.

As for how to deal with it later, it has nothing to do with Li Jinglong.

Li Jinglong was drinking tea when the lieutenant came back: "Lord Li, Mu Ying's family, Prince Wu's residence, none of them are gone!"

Ah, Li Jinglong stood up from the chair: "Say, what's going on?"

"We sent people to surround Mu's house and Prince Wu's mansion, but no one responded for a long time. Later, we found out that the people had moved away long ago."

"Have you found out where they went?"

The lieutenant general said: "We found out, they all went to Daming Institute of Science and Technology."

"Ah, it's Tao Chengdao again?" Li Jinglong asked in surprise.

"General, it is Lord Tao."

Li Jinglong sat down again: "Could it be that someone leaked the news in advance? Is it Tao Chengdao?"

Li Jinglong has always looked down on Tao Chengdao, because the Daming Institute of Science and Technology was just established last year, and it is still a fourth grade.

Besides, Tao Chengdao was not well received in the first place.

He devoted himself to firearms research and equipment improvement all day long, independent of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.

In the end, he was excluded and resigned in anger and returned to his hometown.

In the end, it was Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi who persuaded Tao Chengdao to come back and became the dean of Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

Now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, he does not say what the previous emperor did, but acts differently.

Tie Xuan, who was especially valued by the former emperor, was forced to resign by Kang Dayou, and was finally censored.

In the end, Tie Xuan's family was taken in by Tao Chengdao, and they lived in Daming Institute of Science and Technology.

By doing this, Tao Chengdao was obviously fighting against the new emperor!

Tao Chengdao actually won the favor of many officials in this matter, but what does the new emperor think and think?
Obviously, Tao Chengdao, a eccentric guy, doesn't understand officialdom at all!
In the next step, when the new emperor frees up his hand, Tao Chengdao will be the first to clean up!
But I didn't expect that Tao Chengdao was even more daring this time, and actually took in the person whom the late emperor named to arrest him!

Tao Chengdao, this is defying the imperial decree!
It's not that Tao Chengdao won't give me Li Jinglong's face, this is tantamount to tearing face off with the new emperor!

Tao Chengdao really didn't know how death was written!
Li Jinglong immediately entered the palace and reported the matter to Zhu Yunqi.

Coincidentally, Liu Hong was standing next to Zhu Yunwen.

Liu Hong is reporting to Zhu Yunwen that not only the Mu family, but even the Lan Yu family has been taken in by the Daming Institute of Science and Technology!
Liu Hong immediately proposed that even Tao Chengdao be arrested and sent to Dianzhao Prison!

Li Jinglong immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty, after receiving the order, the minister divided the troops into two groups at the first moment, without delaying a moment, but in the end they were all in vain."

"Please check, sir, who leaked the news to the Mu family."

Zhu Yunwen said: "Li Qing, if anyone leaks the news, if they catch the Mu family, they will find out."

"Mu Ying, Lan Yu, and Tao Chengdao, they are too courageous!"

"Li Jinglong, immediately lead the troops to the Academy of Science and Technology, and arrest Tao Chengdao and Tie Xuan together! Severely interrogate and punish severely, so as to police civil and military officials and various vassals!"


Daming Institute of Science and Technology.

Mu Ying and Lan Yu sat opposite each other.

Sapphire was very excited.

Before that, Tao Chengdao visited Lan Mansion and said that King Wu might still be alive.

A few days ago, Sapphire heard a piece of news that shocked him.

"Legend of the Condor Heroes" written by Yunxi has started to be updated again!

This incident also alarmed Zhu Yunqi.

After a search, I found out that Mu Ying's daughter Mu Yao wrote it for King Wu.

Unexpectedly, King Yan would send his three sons to the Wu Palace to pay homage, which aroused the suspicion of the new emperor.

Mu Yao came to the mansion in person and said that the new emperor was about to attack the Mu family and the Lan family.

Lan Yu didn't believe it at first, but Mu Yao revealed that King Wu is actually still alive and still in the Western Regions.

Lan Yu asked if His Majesty was alive, but Mu Yao was not sure.

Mu Yao actually took out the letter between him and Yunxi, and while exclaiming the miracle, she also believed that her nephew was still alive.

I just don't know whether His Majesty is dead or alive.

So Lan Yu dismissed the buddies and servants, and brought his family and Mu's family to Daming Institute of Science and Technology.

After meeting Mu Ying, Lan Yu is even more convinced that her nephew is still alive.

At this time, Mu Yingcai told him that His Majesty had given his daughter Mu Yao to Wu Wang Zhu Yunxi.

It was only then that Lan Yu realized that it was no wonder that Mu Yao had been staying in Wu Wangfu.

The more I look at Mu Yao, the more I feel that she is pleasing to the eye and fits well with my nephew and grandson.

Suddenly, Tao Chengdao walked in: "Duke, Lord Marquis, the emperor has indeed sent troops."

"Zhu Yunqi, want to arrest me?" Lan Yu asked.

"Duke, Li Jinglong said that not only you and Lord Hou will be arrested, but Tie Xuan and I will also be arrested." Tao Chengdao said.

"Master Tao, what are you going to do?" Mu Ying asked.

Tao Chengdao chuckled: "So that the Duke and Lord Hou can learn that last year King Wu expected this day, and ordered his subordinates to build the Daming Institute of Science and Technology regardless of everything, so that this place will become an unbreakable city within the city."

At this time, Mu Ying and Lan Yu heard the shouts of the soldiers outside the Daming Academy of Science and Technology.

"A city within a city?"


Lan Yu and Mu Ying didn't believe it at all, where in this world is an unbreakable city within a city?
A city within a city means being surrounded by people at any time!
Surrounded by people, how could it be impossible to break through?
If you can't break it in one month, if you can't break it in two months, if you can't break it in two months, it will be a year!
The Daming Academy of Science and Technology was surrounded, and there were no additional soldiers!

Where does the food come from and where does the weaponry come from?
Don't talk about this, just cut off the water source, and you won't be able to survive for seven days!

But now, now that it has reached this point, there is no turning back.

Even if he could turn back, Zhu Yunqi would never spare the Lan family, Mu family and other generals.

Fortunately, the Lan family and the Mu family still have hope in the future.

Because, King Wu is still alive!

"Master Tao, let's go and see together, how will we meet Li Jinglong?" Lan Yu said, "How dare this bastard Li Jinglong come to arrest me!"

Tao Chengdao took Mu Ying, Lan Yu, Mu Yao, Mu Sheng, Tie Xuan and others to climb the wall together.

Only then did Sapphire discover that the wall of the Daming Institute of Science and Technology was so high and wide that it could almost catch up with the city wall!

Mu Ying was shocked at this time, her son-in-law, King Wu Zhu Yunxi actually started preparations a year ago!

He had expected that today would come!

Sure enough, what His Majesty said last year was correct. Others said that Zhu Yunxi was a waste, but in fact he was very capable!

Looking at it now, the son-in-law Zhu Yunxi is not a waste at all, but a character!

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