Zhu Yuanzhang followed Zhu Yunxi around Daban City.

Hundreds of Tuvans were actually skinning horses very skillfully, which made everyone dumbfounded.

Some of these Tuvans had worked as merchants in the past and could speak some simple Chinese.

Among the people from the Western Regions led by Chen Cheng, none of them could understand Tuvan.

It seems that King Wu knows the Tuva people very well!

The Tuva people were skinning the horses, talking and laughing, without any discomfort!
It seems that skinning horses is what they used to make a living on!

Xu Huaijin asked Zhu Yunxi several times about the secret of Mu Niu Liuma, but Zhu Yunxi just smiled and said nothing.

Xu Huaijin is still pretending to be profound for Zhu Yunxi.

After a few days, the horse skins were all peeled off, and all the wood in the city was brought in.

Almost all the sergeants surrounded the square in the city.

Because the square is the scene where King Wu organized Tuva people to make wooden cows and horses.

While taking out the horse hide, the Tuva people took out the wood to gesture.

A Tuva man held a piece of wood wrapped in horse hide, shouted excitedly, and ran over to present it to Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yunxi patted the Tuva man with satisfaction.

All the Ming troops were fooled.

Just such a piece of wood wrapped in horse skin, is it a wooden cow and a horse?

There is no sign of cows and horses at all!

Zhu Yuanzhang was also fooled, third grandson, don't make fun of everyone.

This is no joke!

"It's done, it's done!"

"The Tuva people finally did not let me down!"

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart began to sink, third grandson, Tuva people did not let you down, but you let us down!
You have let the [-] Ming army down!

Everyone has been looking forward to it for several days, hoping that you can make a wooden cow and a smooth horse, but you actually made such a thing?
What's so difficult about wrapping wood with horsehide?
Who wouldn't do such a simple process?
As for making such a big commotion, did you specifically single out the Tuva people to do it?

No, you have to ask your third grandson!
Don't ask, we can't eat and sleep well!
At this moment, San Sun's heartfelt voice came in: "The ancients said that traveling thousands of miles and reading thousands of books is very reasonable."

"If I hadn't traveled to Altay that year, I wouldn't have remembered it at all."

Zhu Yuanzhang is confused again, third grandson, do you travel to Altay once?
Altay is tens of thousands of miles away from Yingtian. When have you been there?
Have you touched it on a map, seen it in a book, or visited it in a dream?

"Altay has an ancient cave called Braque."

"There is a huge mural in Braque's Cave, with herds of running animals on the lower part and a row of people who appear to be skiing in the upper part."

"The stance bears a striking resemblance to the skiing stance of humans today."

"The Tuva people in Altay call skiing "Leizhili", which is actually a Russian word."

"According to ski historian Shan Zhaojian, the painting dates from 1 to 3 years ago, much earlier than the archaeological finds of skiing in Russia."

"Russia believes that the Tuvans are actually a branch of them based on the pronunciation of the Tuvan Lei Zhili."

"1 years ago, where was Russia?"

"Therefore, the Altay region is recognized as the "origin of human skiing"."

"Tuvans hunt on fur skis in the vast snowy sea, and they can fly!"

"Fur skis have become a means of transportation for humans to chase prey in the forest and snow fields."

"The fur skis used locally are considered to be one of the oldest snowboards, and the Tuva herdsmen still retain the habit of traveling on skis."

Fur skis?
Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, so it turned out that the wooden foreskin that the third grandson was very satisfied with just now was a fur snowboard?
This kind of skis is so narrow that it is not as good as the horse-drawn sleds in the north.

"Fur skis usually have a pine core."

"Because pine wood is relatively light, light, strong, and not deformed, it is the best wood for making snowboards."

"In the Western Regions, there are a lot of cedars."

"Most of the buildings in Daban City are made of cedar wood."

"The sliding surface of the skis must be covered with the skin of a horse's calf."

"In ancient times, animal skin was used to sew the horse hide and the board core. Later, it was nailed to the board core with autumn skin nails, and the back was fixed with a leather rope."

"Historical records record fur snowboards: "The shield is tall and the head is high, and the horse skin is used to follow the sweater under it. ""

"The key to making fur snowboards is: fur."

"Hide without hair can only be used for sewing or making leather nails."

"On the skis, the direction of the horsehair is towards the rear, so that the horsehair will be smooth when the skis slide forward, which will increase the sliding speed."

"And when pedaling backwards and going uphill, the horse hair is reversed to prevent the snowboard from slipping backwards. The hair is reversed and firmly grips the snow surface to prevent the snowboard from slipping backwards. This is something that modern snowboards cannot do."

"Fur skis have the advantage of stepping on the soft snow and are not easy to sink in. Herdsmen living in the deep mountains have been unable to leave it."

"With fur skis, the downhill is fast and the uphill is not tiring."

"With fur skis, you can run faster than a horse!"

"One horse's hide can make four pairs of fur skis!"

"[-] horses can make [-] pairs of fur skis, and the Ming army has an average of two pairs per person."

"In the future, the remaining [-] horses can be used to transport things."

"With fur skis, you save a lot of horsepower."

"Wait a while, let the Tuva people perform for everyone, what is ballet on ice, and what is snow racing!"

"Hey, I can try my hand too!"

Zhu Yuanzhang believed it at this time, because the third grandson's heartfelt words were detailed enough!

If the third grandson was making fun of everyone, he would never have made it so clear.

Look, even the forward and reverse directions of the horse hair are taken into account!

I really want to see how fast I can slide on a fur snowboard!
At this time, Chang Sheng put his hand on his forehead, and he was thinking hard.

What is the use of the foreskin wood that King Wu was very satisfied with just now?

Have no idea!I really can't think of the function of this thing.

Don't say that people ride on it, even if it is transporting grain, it can't hold a few grains of rice!
It's a stick for mountaineering, and it's a bit too thick!
Is it a special weapon?Cover it with skin, which obviously reduces its lethality!Impossible!
Chang Sheng couldn't see it, and Xu Huaijin, Pingan, Chang Sen, Mao Yi, Qiu Yingping, Wu Kaihai and others couldn't see why.

Lan Shou said: "Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go."

Pingan also shouted, "Everyone goes back to their respective battalions."

Everyone was leaving, Zhu Yuanzhang thought, didn't the third grandson say that he would perform for everyone?
Then let everyone see how fast this fur snowboard is.

"Everyone wait," Zhu Yuanzhang said, "Don't leave, let's watch Mao, Mao, uh, this wooden cow and horse performance."

Zhu Yuanzhang almost called out the name of "fur snowboard".

Almost, if you say it, the third grandson should be suspicious.

From now on, when speaking in front of the third grandson, there must be a gatekeeper.

Chang Sheng was furious. Bi Qianhu was making trouble on purpose: "Bi Qianhu, what do you mean? Do you want to see King Wu make a fool of himself in public?"

Xu Huaijin also felt that this old Bi was outrageous, which clearly made King Wu unable to step down in front of the [-] Ming army.

No matter how big the king of Wu is, no matter how unreliable he is, he cannot expose it in public!
King Wu is in command of the [-] Ming army. If you cut his face like this, how can he command the entire army in the future?

"Old Bi, you are a bit outrageous." Xu Huaijin couldn't help it anymore.

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