Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0414 our Daming is so domineering

Peel, peel?

King Wu wants to peel off the skin of the subordinate army?
Hiss, hiss, hiss, the always ruthless Mao Yi couldn't help but gasped.

King Wu, you are cruel!Harder than me!

I said that I would kill all the attached troops, but I didn't know that the King of Wu disagreed.

It turned out that he wanted to skin part of the attached army!
King Wu wanted to use this cruel method to warn the other attached troops.

At this critical and difficult time, don't try to make trouble!

Ping An and the others couldn't help shivering a few times.

When did King Wu become so bloodthirsty?
Could this be heredity?

Consider the current Emperor, who has always liked skinning.

"King Wu, you, don't you want to skin the Tumen clan?" Xu Huaijin was so frightened that his face paled and his lips trembled.

"Xu Huaijin, who do you think I am?" Zhu Yunxie glanced at Xu Huaijin and said with a smile, "What if I peeled their skins?"

Xu Huaijin murmured: "Could it be that the king of Wu wants to follow the example of King Zhou, Empress Lu, Sun Hao, and the Gao clan of Northern Qi?"

"Mr. Xu, what about King Zhou and Empress Lu? How can King Wu compare with them? Empress Lu, who is Empress Lu? You wouldn't say it was Zhu Yunwen's mother, would you?" Chang Sheng hated others attacking Zhu Yunxi.

In his eyes, Yunxi, a nephew, is good at everything and cannot be criticized by others.

"Uncle, read more books when you have time, read more history books."

"Xu Huaijin is saying that I am cruel, as cruel and inhumane as the cannon fired by King Zhou."

"Empress Lu is Liu Bang's first wife, Lu Pheasant. She cut off Madam Qi's hands and feet, used poison to make her dumb, then gouged out her eyes, pierced her eardrums, and threw her into the toilet."

"This is the "human pig" punishment, and it is not enough to describe one-tenth of it as horrific."

"During the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Hao, the subjugated king of Eastern Wu, had a violent personality and liked to skin people the most."

"The most brutal and lewd regime in history—the Gao family in the Northern Qi Dynasty loves to skin people alive."

"The initial post-death stripping has evolved into raw stripping, from just skinning to stripping the whole body, becoming more and more bloody and cruel."

"It's outrageous! These people are nothing!"

"No, these people are not human!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, his heart sank. The third grandson seemed to hate peeling very much.

The third grandson scolded these skinners, next, shouldn't it be time to scold us? !
"Old Zhu pioneered the criminal law of peeling real grass in "Da Gao"."

It's over, it's over, the third grandson will scold us eventually!
"In order to combat corruption, Lao Zhu enacted the most stringent anti-corruption law in ancient history: Officials who have corrupted more than 60 taels will have to show their heads to the public or peel off their skins."

"The process of skinning and carrying out the execution is disgustingly terrifying: the executioner first cuts the skin on the back of the prisoner along the spine with a sharp knife, and then peels it off bit by bit from the back to the front. The whole human skin is like a butterfly spreading its wings Spread it out slowly, make sure the human skin is intact!"

"At this time, the prisoner can still live for a long time. It is said that when the fat person is tortured, the pain level is much higher, because the fat and the skin are tightly attached, and the process is worse than death."

"After a complete piece of human skin is peeled off, it will be sewn together with needles and threads, and some will be made into leather drums, blown by wind or filled with straw, and hung in front of the gate of the Earth Temple next to the government."

"When the moon was dark and the wind was high, a human-skin flag fluttered in front of the temple in gusty winds, which made people shudder."

"The founding general Sapphire was too high-profile, and was finally convicted and punished by Lao Zhu for "peeling the real grass" and "spreading it around the world". This is a national tour!"

The third grandson, I am very dissatisfied with our practice of peeling real grass!
Fortunately, fortunately, the third grandson hasn't scolded us yet.

"Old Zhu's cruelty makes many people not want to be an official."

"Although Lao Zhu has done a bit too much, he has a good intention."

"Who doesn't hate corrupt officials?"

"But Lao Zhu also has to think about it: Why did he adopt such a heavy code, and corrupt officials still exist?"

"This requires finding the balance between the system and morality, the balance between official income and state finances, and the balance between royal treatment and official treatment."

"The system must be constantly improved, and we cannot stick to the rules."

"Officials' income should be linked to fiscal revenue and cannot be static."

"When the country is rich, increase the income of officials."

"Finance is tight, reducing officials' treatment."

"Blindly making officials work, you can't even support your family, what should you do?"

"In the Ming Dynasty, the prince can be said to have no worries about food and clothing all his life."

"But for a magistrate, the salary and rewards of a year's hard work are added together, and it is simply not enough to support a family."

"In the Song Dynasty, the salaries of hundreds of officials were the most generous in all dynasties, and the monthly salary was as high as 400 guan, which was 10 times that of the Han Dynasty."

"Bao Zheng in the Song Dynasty was famous for his fairness, civility, and selflessness. He also dared to make decisions for the common people, fought against powerful powers, and did not depend on powerful powers. It is for this reason that people call him Bao Qingtian."

"But few people know that Bao Qingtian is an upright official because his income is enough for him to spend several lifetimes."

"As a Bachelor of LongTuge, Bao Zheng earns 800 guan a year, and also earns in kind such as silk, silk, piro, silk, etc. Calculated in Ruanmei currency, it will exceed [-] million."

"Later, Lao Bao became the magistrate of Kaifeng again. The emperor casually gave him 200 hectares, equivalent to [-] mu of land. In winter, he also gave him more than [-] catties of charcoal."


"In addition, Lao Bao has an additional "job field" income of 2000 shimi per year."

"Master Bao is stern and selfless, and he is not corrupt at all. Apart from his high moral character, it is because he has no need for corruption at all."

"The Song and Ming dynasties are two typical examples of official salaries. One is high salaries to support honesty, so that you are not short of money and give you enough face."

"But the officials of the era were miserable. They worked hard and couldn't support their families in the end."

"Old Zhu came from a grassroots background, he hated corrupt officials, and his actions were very bloody and violent. Later, when Zhu Di succeeded to the throne, he was very murderous."

"Zero tolerance for corruption seems to be a good thing, but civil servants are too miserable. Civil servants in the Ming Dynasty worked more, took less rest, and retired later. Sooner or later, there will be problems."

"He's also an upright official, and he's also a second-rank official. What kind of life did Hai Rui live in the Ming Dynasty?"

"Hai Rui couldn't afford servants, so he had to do everything himself. He didn't eat well, and suffered from long-term malnutrition."

"After his death, a friend came to deal with the funeral, and found that Hai Rui was really destitute. He couldn't even afford the funeral money, and he couldn't afford the coffin."

"The Song Dynasty was rich in materials, but the emperors of the Song Dynasty were so miserable that they didn't have the money to build their own graves, and the imperial mausoleums were very simple."

"In other dynasties, the emperor began to build the tomb since he ascended the throne. The tomb cannot be finished if the emperor is not dead. In the Song Dynasty, the emperor could not repair the tomb while he was alive. The emperor had to finish the tomb within seven months after his death. As long as there is no tofu, it should be finished as soon as possible. That’s it. Otherwise, the emperor’s body would be rotten, so the imperial mausoleum is very simple.”

Zhu Yuanzhang felt very ashamed when he heard this. It's not that we don't want to improve the treatment of officials. The key is that we are poor in the Ming Dynasty.

The emperor of the Song Dynasty was frugal, that was in the early stage, didn’t the country perish because of extravagance such as flowers and stones?
We are peasants, and when we become emperors, we also save money on food and clothing. Is there anything wrong with us?
"Generally speaking, the founding emperor was best at fighting wars, not at economic development. The second emperor often had to change the previous emperor's approach, switching from military to civil, from opening up territories to defending land, and from focusing on military affairs to focusing on economic development."

"Zhu Yunqi wanted to focus on economic development, improve people's livelihood, and use civil servants to govern, but he was overthrown by Zhu Di."

"The Jianwen era name only existed for four years, and a Yongle Emperor who was very similar to Lao Zhu appeared."

"Zhu Di overthrew Zhu Yunqi, of course everything has to be reversed, and everything has to follow Lao Zhu's old path."

"Therefore, Zhu Di sent troops like crazy, sent troops, sent troops, and sent troops again."

"Going deep into the desert five times, beating the grassland nomads to the point of crying."

"Zhu Di pursued Alutai in his fifth Northern Expedition, but he did not find any trace of Alutai."

"Therefore, Zhu Di announced that the class teacher would return to the court, and Zhu Di died of illness on the way back to the court."

"The Ming Dynasty is one of the few iron-blooded dynasties in China."

"The Ming Dynasty lasted 276 years from the founding of the country to the death of Emperor Chongzhen by hanging himself. During the 276 years, there were 16 emperors, some were shrewd and powerful, some were incompetent, some worked hard to govern, and some did not do their jobs properly."

"Under the rule of these 16 emperors, the Ming Dynasty's national power rose and fell, but from the beginning to the end, it did not make peace, pay compensation, cede land, or pay tribute."

"Even the last Emperor Chongzhen would rather hang himself in Jingshan than negotiate peace with the enemy."

"In all dynasties, only the Ming Dynasty has achieved death rather than submission."

"This kind of domineering was formed here by Emperor Hongwu, and it is promoted here by Emperor Yongle!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was so excited and proud when he heard it, look, our Daming is so domineering and awesome!
"Right can't last long, and soft can't be kept. It's a pity for the Ming Dynasty."

"If the Ming Dynasty made up its weakest link and continued for another 300 years, the world would be very different."

"Of course, I'm coming!"

"This ring, I'll make it up!"

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