Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0410 Xu Huaijin, where are you slipping?

Wu Kaihai once drilled out of the city through the Karez from Hami City, and is very familiar with the situation in the Karez.

It is most appropriate for Wu Kaihai to lead people to carry out this task.

There is another special factor: most of Wu Kaihai's special operations battalion are from Bubazi, who are best at long-distance running and close combat on the ground.

Wu Kaihai took the order and left.

After finding the crux of the problem, everyone's tense nerves finally relaxed.

But immediately, a huge shadow came to mind again.

The Ming army fell into an unprecedented predicament.

Groundwater is poisonous, and bottled water is dwindling.

I don't know how many tributaries there are in Karez in Dabancheng!

If there are many forks like the underground river in Hami City, it will be really troublesome.

Don't say that chasing Wuna is lost, I'm afraid I will be trapped in this area, and I won't even be able to get out.

Today, there are only 2 horses left, and [-] people have no horses and can only walk!

This is not in Daming, this is in the Western Regions!

No matter what kind of arms, in the vast and incomparably vast Western Regions, you have to ride a horse.

Horse is the most basic means of transportation and transportation!

Even the firearms battalion and special warfare battalion with firecrackers and grenades, don't they have to ride horses?

How can you throw a grenade if you can't even catch up with the barbarians?
2 people walk, at least [-] cavalry are needed to protect!

In this way, there will be no extra people to fight against the barbarians!
Tens of thousands of troops lined up on the grasslands and Gobi, I am afraid it is not as spectacular as the barbarian grazing!
Moreover, the most terrible thing is that the marching speed of the troops will be greatly reduced!
It is the slowest part that determines the marching speed of an army.

From now on, the marching speed of the Ming army will be on foot!
Unless it is to abandon the [-] Ming army without horses.

But this is impossible.

At this time, the scouts and Yebu that Ping An had sent back came back and reported a shocking news: within a radius of thirty miles outside the city, there was not a single living creature!
All the barbarians and horses I saw were dead!
Some were killed, with obvious knife and arrow wounds.

The scouts also found that there were many yurts of Hu people, and the people inside were all dead, not killed, but poisoned to death.

There is the dam circle of Karez nearby, and the Hu people got water from there.

Twenty miles away from here, there is a nest, which is a natural shelter from the wind and cold.

More than 2 livestock in Diwozi, including cattle, horses, and sheep, also died.

Hearing this, everyone gasped: Barbarians, you are so vicious!
In order to poison the [-] Ming troops in Dabancheng, the Hu people would rather poison the herdsmen of all tribes together!
It's all about the same!

Hu people do such a thing, they are devoid of conscience.

Many Hu people were killed, which shows that the Hu people have already done it!
Zhu Yuanzhang felt that it should be Wu Nashili and Mu Zha'er who did it.

It is not known whether the dead barbarians belonged to Muzha'er or Wuna Shili.

I don't know who will win or lose.

Although Muzhaer is brave and resourceful, there are only 1000 people after all.

Wuna Shili still has 8 people in his hands.

Muzha'er is probably dead.

Also, the reason why the Hu people made such a frenzied move may have a lot to do with the killing of Wuna Shili's son.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but glance at Zhu Yunxi.

At this time, Zhu Yunxi's voice came from his heart: "Wu Nashili is really crazy!"

"Facing such a lunatic, the next battle will be difficult."

"Because a lunatic plays cards completely out of common sense."

Zhu Yuanzhang's heart sank, the third grandson encountered a big problem!

At this time, where is Wu Nashili?

He must be hiding in the dark, watching every move of the Ming army.

Perhaps, these few days is the time for Wu Na to make a move!
What the scouts and Ye Bushou discovered made all the generals on the scene fall into silence.

The most unexpected thing happened!
King Wu had already made a judgment just now, because the poison was cast at the source and dispersed to various places through the underground water network of Daban City.

This resulted in no living creatures within dozens of miles around!
The scouts and Yebushou didn't expand the scope of investigation, what about tens of miles away?
I can't imagine it!

"Oh, what the barbarians have done is amazing! We have no place to replenish our horses." Lan Shou was really uncomfortable.

Originally, everyone hoped to replenish the horses, but now it is basically impossible.

Since marching westward from Jiayuguan, the Ming army has never been short of horses.

Because of the victories along the way, many horses were captured from Wuna Shili.

Even if they can't be captured, there are many tribes along the way.

In the Western Regions, there is never a shortage of horses.

But now, the barbarians are simply poisoning from the source, scattered from Karets all over the place, poisoning innocent herdsmen and livestock together!
Even if some of the Ming army survived, it is impossible to get enough horses!
Without horses, basically waiting to die in the Western Regions.

In the past, we have gone through many dangerous situations.

For example, there is no water in the desert, crossing the Heifeng River, and altitude sickness when crossing the Tianshan Mountains.

The situation you encountered before is not as serious as this time, nor is it as weird as this time!
Zhu Yuanzhang was anxious. In this situation, how can he occupy and control the Western Regions?
Even if the third grandson gave up the idea of ​​occupying and controlling the Western Regions, it would be difficult to handle!
Because if you want to return to Daming now, you don't have enough horses!

Return to Daming from here, without a horse, and then rush through the wind of Daban City?
Even if it is rushed over, even if it is over the Tianshan Mountains, so what?
If you meet a large number of barbarians, don't you want to be beaten violently?

"At this time, we can only get out of the area of ​​Dabancheng and Luntai as soon as possible."

"Rush to Manas as soon as possible."

"Manas, in Mongolian, means river patroller. There are two major river systems, the Manas River and the Taxi River, with abundant water resources."

"Because there is a lot of water, the Tang Dynasty set up Xihai County here, which belongs to Beiting Duhufu."

"Here, how much poison can the barbarians cast?"

"Only by rushing to this place can we get supplementary horses."

"It's probably at least five hundred miles from here to the West Sea."

"From now on, we only have to take turns riding horses, and it will be fine when we reach the West Sea."

"No, I thought of Xihai, can the barbarians not think of it?"

"The barbarians can't be poisoned, and the herdsmen in Xihai can be moved and driven away!"

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed in his heart, is the third grandson helpless?

Not to mention the third grandson, even if he has experienced many battles and encountered all kinds of difficulties, he has nothing to do with this matter.

Xu Huaijin thought of his white horse, and felt a little sad: "Birds are flying around the city of Jiaohe, and horseshoes are slippery on Luntai Road. It is dark and cold, and the cliffs are thousands of feet of ice."

Mao Yi said: "Mr. Xu, it's not that the horse's hoof is slipping. All the horses are dead."

"Slippery?" Zhu Yunxi stared at Xu Huaijin suddenly: "Say it again, what is slippery?"

Xu Huaijin was taken aback by Zhu Yunxi's eager expression.

"Xu Huaijin, where are you skating, what are you skating?" Zhu Yunxi grabbed Xu Huaijin's arm.

Xu Huaijin said: "King Wu, please respect yourself."

Where to slip, what to slip, it sounds terrible!
I didn't even watch it, and I still want to make fun of this girl!Still so glib!

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