Zhu Yuanzhang was smiling, but Chang Sheng's roar froze his smile.

Chang Sheng, how dare you yell at us!

Don't you know your identity?
audacious in the extreme!It's really an old birthday star who eats arsenic and becomes impatient!
Mao Yi is in a hurry at this time, Chang Sheng, although you are the founding father, you can't do this.

Looking at Zhu Yuanzhang, oh my god, this is a sign of an explosion.

Your Majesty is furious, isn't it a mess?

Your Majesty has worked so hard to pretend for several months, but because of Chang Sheng's words, all previous efforts were wasted?

Mao Yi immediately said: "Grandfather, Bi Qianhu is getting old, there is no need to—"

Chang Sheng immediately cut off Mao Yi's words: "Chicken Tyrant Mao Yi, what nonsense are you talking about? Why are you so old? None of us are older than King Wu!"

Mao Yi was at a loss for words, yes, what Chang Sheng said made sense.

But this person is not Bi Qianhu, but the emperor!

Mao Yi almost revealed Zhu Yuanzhang's identity.

I was shocked. If I took the initiative to reveal Zhu Yuanzhang's identity, he would have to skin me afterwards? !
"Grandfather, Bi Qianhu has a problem with his leg. If he stands for a long time, he won't bend it. Don't make things difficult for him."

Of course, Liu Haiwang of Huoqiying also saw this embarrassment, and quickly found a suitable reason.

Only at this time did Zhu Yuanzhang suppress his anger. Liu Haiwang's reason was very good!
After standing for a long time, the legs become stiff and cannot be bent. How can I kneel successfully?

Liu Haiwang's mind was spinning quite fast.

When the time comes to respond to the sky, Mao Yi will also be his deputy commander of Jin Yiwei, and let Liu Haiwang be in charge of the firearms battalion.

Do not!
Back in Yingtian, Mao Yi will be the commander of Jinyiwei!
Jin Yiwei's commander, Jiang Yu, can't do it!
He actually teamed up with the old eunuch Liu Hong and said that we left a secret decree!
Kill him, destroy his nine clans!
Hearing what Liu Haiwang said, Chang Sheng didn't want to say any more. How could he know that Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes were full of anger at this time!

God, this Bi Qianhu is still covering his face, just by looking at him, you can tell how angry his face is!

"Bi Qianhu, looking at you like that, you still don't accept it, do you? Now, will your legs still bend?" Chang Sheng asked.

Zhu Yuanzhang is so angry, Chang Sheng, why did you single out our faults, you kneel yours, why did you grab us and not let go?
What is this called? Where does a grandfather kneel down for his grandson?

Zhu Yunxi saw that this matter was going to be dead!

I didn't care about helping Chang Sheng and the others, so I hurried over to help Zhu Yuanzhang: "Don't talk about it, everyone. From now on, I will make a rule: you are not allowed to kneel down in the army, only to salute!"

"Kneeling down will not only waste your knees, but also delay things!"

"If you see it, you will salute like me in the future!"

Zhu Yunxi let go of Zhu Yuanzhang, put his feet together, raised his right hand, put his fingers together, and put his index finger and middle finger against his temple.

"If you see it, salute according to this in the future. And the subordinates salute their superiors, and the superiors have to return their salutes to their subordinates. This is the same action."

"Get up, let me tell you about the benefits of doing this."

Chang Sheng took the lead and stood up, and everyone stood up.

"First of all, this military salute is simple and easy to do. It's too troublesome to kneel down every now and then."

"Secondly, this military salute can further shorten the distance between soldiers!"

"Also, saluting like this on the battlefield will make the enemy confused about the division of soldiers and generals."

Chang Sen asked: "Wu Wu, you can't tell the difference between generals and soldiers. Isn't this a mess?"

"As long as we know who is the general and who is the soldier. If we don't know, the general is not qualified!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "This method of saluting can avoid unnecessary casualties of the general."

Ping An and the others immediately understood that everyone saluted like this, and the barbarians couldn't figure out who was the general and who was the soldier!

Let's take a look at what everyone is wearing now, the outside is all down jackets!
If you add this kind of military salute to each other, the Hu people really can't tell who is the general and who is the soldier!

The Hu people's bows and arrows give priority to generals. Seeing that everyone is like this, they may be confused.

In the past, when the Ming army was fighting with the Yuan army, they camped in the wild, but when they encountered a small group of barbarians, the leader was often shot first.

A small military salute can have so many benefits!
Especially the last one is the most useful.

King Wu's head really doesn't know how it grows, and it's a brilliant idea to think of one at random.

It is often a small method with a big effect!

Mao Yi got up early and helped Zhu Yuanzhang into the yard.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang heard that the third grandson wanted to change the military ceremony, so he stopped where he was and listened to the third grandson's explanation.

This military gift is good!
Much more practical than kneeling!

Look, the third grandson wants to change, and they make a reasonable change, all from the perspective of the battlefield and battle!

Unlike the second grandson, the official system will be changed when he comes up, which has no practical effect!

It is purely for change!

It is purely to reflect the difference from our Hongwu Dynasty!
Second grandson, you wait for us!

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he shook off Mao Yi and walked into the courtyard.

Mao Yi panicked, quickly helped Zhu Yuanzhang, and whispered: "Your Majesty, Bi Qianhu, don't bend your legs."

Only then did Zhu Yuanzhang remember, yes, our legs are still stiff, right? It won't heal right away.

Zhu Yuanzhang hissed, dragged his right leg "difficultly", and walked into the courtyard leaning on Mao Yi.

"It seems that Lao Bi's leg is really sick, and it's more serious."

"Old people have the disease of old cold legs, so they have to eat the whole Tianshan snow lotus."

"However, there are no snow lotuses in the Tianshan Mountains this winter."

"Snow lotus in Tianshan only blooms from July to September every year. You can only find it at this time."

"Wait another half a year, and I must go to Tianshan to look for Tianshan snow lotus."

Zhu Yuanzhang became anxious immediately.

Hearing San Sun's aspirations, I dare say he is planning to stay in the Western Regions until September this year!
No, it should be: at least until September this year!
There is still half a year until September this year!

It's been half a year!According to the frizzy and anxious look of the second emperor's grandson, he pissed King Yan off within a month!

At that time, I don't know what Da Ming will look like!

No way, this has to urge the third grandson to fight quickly, drive the barbarians away quickly, and drive them to the place the third grandson wants.

End the war in the Western Regions as soon as possible, and hurry back!

However, the third grandson really cares about our body.

Entering the yard, Zhu Yunxi announced a prohibition: everyone can only drink bottled water and bottled beverages, not any other water.

All the generals felt that this ban seemed unnecessary.

Because it is winter now, all the rivers are frozen and cut off. If you want to drink, you have to get ice and boil water, which is too troublesome.


Four days later, the five-day quarantine period was up.

The five non-commissioned officers walked out of the quarantine area without any problems.

None of the [-] Ming troops had any problems.

The plague that turned pale upon hearing it was actually defeated!

This is a victory outside the battlefield!

After a brief celebration, the wind in the Dabancheng Canyon also subsided.

Zhu Yunxi announced: Go out of Daban and attack Luntai!
Just about to leave Dabancheng, Xu Huaijin suddenly screamed.

Following the sound, Xu Huaijin and his white horse fell to the ground at the same time.

Zhu Yunxi hurried over and helped Xu Huaijin up.

But the white horse foamed at the mouth and died!
Ah, ah, ah!
At this time, bursts of exclamation!

Two more horses fell!
One, another!
Batch after batch!

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