Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0403 The disaster of extinction

Zhu Yunxi said: "Execute the order! Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

With a clang, Zhu Yunxi drew out the knife!

Wu Kaihai roared: "Old Jiu, are you all deaf? Why don't you get lost?"

The five sergeants found five shops in the adjacent street and got in.

"All five of you are not allowed to come out!" After Zhu Yunxi finished speaking, he turned to Mao Yi and said, "Mao Yi, send someone to watch, as long as they dare to come out, they will all be shot!"

Everyone was stunned.

King Wu was really angry this time, and if he wanted to lock them up, he might choose a day to execute them!

The king of Wu said, what kind of national integration is going to be done, and the military and civilians are like a family.

Before the battle was over, King Wu was in a hurry to integrate with the Hu people, and he was about to marry Yushui's family!
Is it too early?
It was just moving the corpse of a barbarian, so why get so angry?

Five sergeants went in, and Mao Yi's firearms battalion sergeant was also in place.

Only then did Zhu Yunxi lead the soldiers into the courtyard.

Exchange supplies from the system space while walking: medical masks.

He opened a large box, took out a mask, put it on and said, "Everyone, put on a mask."

"There's something I need to tell you!"

"Because this barbarian corpse that fell from the sky is probably a patient who has suffered from the plague!"

plague! !
Everyone suddenly changed color!

Zhu Yuanzhang had already guessed something just now, but at this time, he got the confirmation from Zhu Yunxie's mouth, and he couldn't help being shocked.

Whenever there is a plague, it is a disaster for a region.

For those who have the plague, quarantine measures are taken.

Zhu Yuanzhang had an unforgettable feeling about the plague.

When he was 16 years old, a severe locust plague and plague occurred in Haozhou, and Zhu Yuanzhang's family was also infected with the plague.

In less than half a month, Zhu Yuanzhang's father, eldest brother and mother Chen died successively.

Zhu Yunxi's words convinced everyone, my God, the Hu people killed people who had survived the plague, and then took advantage of the strong wind to throw them directly into the city!

This is to let the Ming army get sick and die!

Hu people, so vicious! ! !

"Mao Yi, you pick a few soldiers, put on masks, and burn all the Hu people's corpses that fell into the city on the spot!" Zhu Yunxi said: "After burning, distribute the masks to all the soldiers!"

"Remember, don't say anything! If you spread the word, it will shake the morale of the army!"

Everyone got serious.

Mao Yi took the order and left.

Xu Huaijin was a little ashamed at this time. King Wu thought far and wide, and acted decisively and quickly.

Fortunately, King Wu was alert. If the plague spread, wouldn't the [-] Ming army be wiped out?

However, it's hard to tell, I really don't know if these five people have already been infected!

It was really wrong to scold him many times just now!
"From now on, everyone has to wear a mask! We must all learn from Lao Bi!" Zhu Yunxi said, "Look at Lao Bi, he has a lot of experience in the battlefield! Knowing that the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, so he always wears a face scarf and a mask."

"In the past few days, pay attention to the situation of these five sergeants. As long as there are no symptoms within five days, everything will be fine!"

"Within five days, except for eating and drinking, masks are not allowed to be removed. Violators will be killed without mercy!"

Zhu Yuanzhang did not expect that Zhu Yunxi would praise him in public.

He has been wearing a face towel and mask, not to prevent infection at all!

It's to prevent slipping.

So I have been careful all the time, when eating and drinking, I have to avoid King Wu, for fear that he will recognize him.

Everyone went over to get masks.

At this time, the wind in the city has subsided, and the flames began to rise, and there was an unpleasant smell of burning.

"The plague was the greatest natural enemy of the ancients."

"From the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the Qing Dynasty, a plague occurred every four years on average."

"There are four main reasons for a major epidemic: one is abnormal weather, including floods, severe droughts, extreme heat, and extreme cold; the second is abnormal animal activities, including rats, locusts, flies, and moths; and three The first is social factors such as wars; the fourth is other natural factors such as falling meteorites and tsunamis.”

"The plague these barbarian people get today may be due to the extreme cold plus the wounds of swords and arrows."

"It may also be infected by other animals."

"There were dozens of kinds of plagues in ancient times: plague, pestilence, pestilence, pestilence, warm heat, sky travel, plague, plague, big head plague, disease, great plague, pox, pox, pimple plague, wool Pestilence, malaria, smallpox, Fansha, snail-sha, Sha, plague, rat fistula, etc.”

"Once a plague breaks out, it is extremely difficult to extinguish it by manpower in ancient times, and it can be described as a catastrophe."

"In the face of the plague, ordinary people are powerless. It can be said that "life and death are up to fate, wealth and honor are in the sky"."

"For the plague, the most effective way is to isolate."

"In the Qin Dynasty, there was a leprosy relocation center, which was specially used to house leprosy patients. In the Qin Dynasty, if people found that someone around them was infected with leprosy, they should immediately report to the government. They were sent to the relocation center for mandatory isolation to prevent the spread of the leprosy virus.”

"During Wang Mang's new dynasty, Qingzhou was desolate for thousands of miles, starvation was everywhere, and the plague was widespread."

"Wang Mang, actively arrange disaster relief and epidemic prevention, and take the lead in donating money."

"Wang Mang built a village in the city of Chang'an, built mansions and houses, and divided it into [-] districts. He housed the sick among the victims, sent doctors and medicines, and isolated them for treatment to prevent mutual infection."

"During the Northern Song Dynasty, when Su Dongpo was the magistrate of Hangzhou, there was a severe drought in Hangzhou one year. There was no harvest, and the hungry people wailed and were displaced. Because the hungry people ate dead livestock and poultry, a large epidemic was caused."

"Su Dongpo built a hospital in Hangzhou, named "An Le Fang", and healed thousands of patients in three years."

"In three years, only a few have been cured!"

Pingan said: "King Wu, this corpse was brought in by the strong wind, so it shouldn't be plague?"

Chang Sheng also said, "Yes, it might be a coincidence."

"I understand your feelings, but what I want to say is that everything must be planned for the worst! If it is true, if we don't take strict precautions, I am afraid it will be a disaster."

Zhu Yunxi said: "All coincidences are not coincidences."

"Everyone knows that throwing corpses to spread diseases is something that the Mongols have done long ago."

"When the Mongols attacked the Crimea Peninsula, there was a small city called Jiafa that resisted stubbornly."

"The invincible Mongols didn't expect it. The city of Jiafa, which they thought was at their fingertips, failed to capture it for a whole year."

"Although the city of Jiafa is small, it is extremely strong. The residents in the city have heard of the brutality of the Mongols. They desperately resisted and would rather die than surrender."

"The Mongols were not good at attacking cities, and when they encountered a desperate army, they suffered heavy losses, and their confidence was also eroded little by little."

"What's more terrible is that due to the heavy casualties of the army, the plague began to spread in the army. If this continues, the Mongolian army will not be consumed by the enemy, but will also be swallowed by the plague."

"In desperation, the Mongols came up with an extremely despicable strategy—to turn disaster on others."

"They threw the bodies of the soldiers who died of the plague into the city of Jiafa, and soon, the city of Jiafa also began to spread a serious plague."

"The Italians in the city didn't know about the plague at all, so they could only let this terrible disease ravage. The fighting power of the city of Jiafa was greatly reduced, and the desperate Italians fled back home in embarrassment."

"Just as Italy fled, the Mongols, who saw victory in sight, retreated unexpectedly."

"Because the Mongols are also suffering from the plague, and they are really unable to attack Europe anymore, so they can only make a comeback after the troops are repaired."

"Those Italians who fled back to the country have already suffered from a serious plague. Their return made the plague spread rapidly across the land of Europe."

"Europeans lacked experience in dealing with plagues. The crazy plagues flooded the whole of Europe like the tide of a breached embankment. There were many mourners and dead bodies everywhere."

"This unprecedented plague has killed 3500 million people."

"How many people were there in Europe at that time? It was only tens of millions. It can be said that this plague almost wiped out the Europeans."

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