Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0368 Do not fight for the throne for yourself, only for the nation

"Compared to the other three major civilizations, the Chinese civilization started in the Ming Dynasty and changed from aggressive to conservative."

"Abandoned a large-scale military offensive on the northern frontier, except for Zhu Di's violent sweep of grassland tribes after Jing Nan succeeded. The reason why Zhu Di did this was mainly because he was not in the right position, and he used the victory of the war to add points to his crown."

"The Great Wall has been built on a large scale since Lao Zhu."

"A military defense system similar to the Great Wall has also been built along the eastern coast."

"Not actively attacking, but passively defending, this conservative and introverted policy not only exposes itself to long-term military threats from frontier ethnic groups, but also bears an extremely heavy financial burden."

"Eventually perish in a rebellion within and beyond the borders of the Great Wall."

"The decline and demise of the Ming Dynasty provided an excellent historical opportunity and a huge historical space for other civilizations to move eastward."

"The decline and demise of the Ming Dynasty is the key factor for the Huaxia civilization to be overtaken by other civilizations in modern times."

"Some historians believe that the history of Ming China can be called the "Ming Great Wall Era."

"From the perspective of world history since the fourteenth century, the territorial policy of the Ming Dynasty made China move in a historical direction that ran counter to the mainstream of the world at the beginning of modern world history."

"This kind of conservatism not only profoundly affected the historical path of China in the Ming Dynasty, but also affected the overall trend of Chinese civilization in modern times."

"Perhaps Lao Zhu could have done a better job than Li Shimin in the Tang Dynasty!"

"However, Lao Zhu is at a critical historical juncture. He didn't realize at all that which step he takes and which side he goes to will determine the future destiny of the entire Chinese nation."

"History has no ifs, only consequences and results. When the wind and smoke clear, let future generations comment."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, sweat came out.

My God, aside from the third grandson, how did we know that there are so many countries and so many civilizations out there!
Moreover, these civilizations are about to rise!

What the third grandson said is so important!

If others say it, we don't care at all, and we don't believe it at all.

But the third grandson, he knows the history and the future!

No wonder the third grandson didn't want to be a heir apparent, and focused on his Daming Academy of Science and Technology. It turned out that he didn't want to be burdened by tedious political affairs, and only wanted to build a big country!

Sansun only wants to expand, so as to counteract the eastward advance of the other three civilizations!
What the third grandson wants is not to compete with our second and fourth sons for the throne.

He is fighting for the status of Daming and the survival and development of our Chinese nation!
"But, Daming, here I come!"

"I don't know what the system will give in five years, but now we must plan ahead."

"We must use the position of "Ming Pao", the carrier of novels, and the favorable conditions of my fiefdom in Jiayuguan to strengthen my confidence and courage in Ming Dynasty to be aggressive and expand its territory!"

"Then use the fact of conquering the Western Regions to speak!"

"One hand is soft, the other is hard, one hand is literary, the other is martial arts, and the Western Regions are completely included in the territory of Ming Dynasty."

"Don't let the imperial court transfuse blood to the Western Regions, and let the Western Regions pay taxes to the imperial court after five years!"

"Let Lao Zhu and the people of Ming Dynasty realize that expanding the territory not only has spiritual glory, but also material benefits."

"Actually, under our feet, how much energy is abundant! Coal, rock, oil, these are the basic conditions for the development of industry!"

"On the surface, the Western Regions are all deserts. However, the underground resources far exceed the Central Plains and Jiangnan!"

"In this place, several civilizations will collide fiercely!"

"Occupy the Western Regions, you will be able to strangle the heart of Eurasia, and grasp the initiative of history!"

"The development of civilization is often accompanied by conquest."

"I come, I see, I conquer!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he understood what the third grandson was thinking.

He has always wanted to go to the fiefdom, and would rather go to the barren and inhabited frontier!

It turned out that the purpose of the third grandson was to extend the kingdom of Ming Dynasty and continue the veins of the nation!

Thinking about the various decisions made after the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

Our structure is not as big as three grandchildren!
Looking back on the past year, didn't our eyes and minds be opened up by our third grandson?
The first time I entered the ocean, it was brought by my third grandson!

The first time I went to the sky, it was brought by my third grandson! !
The first time I entered the Western Regions, it was brought by my third grandson! ! !

The more I listen to San Sun's voice, the more I feel the limitation of my vision, the more I feel the confinement of the territory of Ming Dynasty!
I come, I see, I conquer.

The words of the third grandson sound really exciting!
The words of the third grandson reminded us of our youthful youth!

By the way, Sansun mentioned that one of the purposes of Zheng He's voyages was to find Zhu Yunqi. What happened?

Just about to listen to it, the third grandson stopped talking.

However, Zhu Yuanzhang smiled dumbly, is it important that the second grandson is missing or not?

Because, is it necessary to pay attention to something that is destined not to happen?


Xu Huaijin saw Zhu Yunxi sitting on the horse thinking all the time, and felt that he might be a little annoyed at his reminder.

"King Wu, I reminded you just now, don't take it to heart. Because you said that Daming is hiding in Jiayuguan, it's too ugly."

Xu Huaijin said: "If you are in Yingtian, those civil officials, especially civil officials, will inevitably pick your thorns."

"Well, then it's not called tortoise, it's called bullshit." Zhu Yunxi laughed.

Xu Huaijin got angry: "You, you, how can you, alas."

Zhu Yuanzhang said: "Master Xu, we feel that King Wu is right. Daming is just huddled in Jiayuguan, and he is useless!"

Instead, Zhu Yunxi glared at Zhu Yuanzhang: "Old Bi, don't be foolish!"

"Nonsense is going to cause trouble!"

"I'm talking nonsense. At most, I'll ask the speaker to read a few books, and let my grandpa beat me up!"

"If you talk nonsense, then it's not a matter of beating, it's a matter of losing your head!"

"You're not too young, you need someone to tell you what to say, don't ask Speke!"

"Lao Bi is only a member of a hundred households, so I don't know how powerful Lao Zhu's literary prison is."

"Old Zhu pays special attention to the details of writing and the taboos of his own life experience, and he is critical, which caused the literary prison in the Hongwu era."

"Old Zhu used to be a monk. The characteristic of a monk is bald. Not only are words like "light" and "bald" taboo to him, but even the word "monk" is very eye-catching."

"Old Zhu's troops were called "red thieves" by the Yuan Dynasty government. When Lao Zhu saw the word "thief" and even the word "ze" similar to "thief", he got angry when he saw it."

"Peking's prefecture school made a "He Wanshou Biao", which contained the phrase "Let the children and grandchildren set the example", and was executed by Lao Zhu's order."

"Changzhou Fuxue's work "Zhengdan Hebiao", in which "sharp nature produces knowledge", the word "sheng" is read as "monk", and was executed by Lao Zhu's order."

"Some historians have analyzed that the reason why Lao Zhu engaged in literary inquisition was to kill these people on the one hand, and to warn scholars all over the world to do things honestly and not mess around."

"On the other hand, Lao Zhu has a deep inferiority complex. He feels that he is a farmer with a low background, and he feels guilty when he becomes an emperor."

"Actually, you don't have to be like this, old Zhu. You don't come from a high family background, but you can only be called the emperor if you become an emperor. This is what you call awesomeness!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was very moved.

The third grandson knows us!See us clearly!

In the past, I always had all kinds of worries about what others said, which made me tense all day long.

Look at it now, who cares what other people think? !

We are the emperor!

Our background is worse than Liu Bang!Explain, our ability is even greater!
What else do we have to be afraid of?

As for those literati who are chattering behind their backs, do we still need to take care of them?

If you can't kill a few buzzing mosquitoes, do you want to chase them all over the room?

Zhu Yunxi's criticism made Mao Yi very nervous, Your Majesty must remember his identity, and don't get angry!
Hurry up and remind Your Majesty!
"Bi Qianhu, King Wu is right, you have to pay attention in the future!"

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