Gou in Daming, I was overheard by Zhu Yuanzhang

Chapter 0311 Zhu Yuanzhang's problem

Hei Fengchuan.

Zhu Yunxi ordered to take a short rest here and check his equipment.

Chen Cheng came over with a few Hu people's pathfinders and said: "This is a dry river called the Bulongji River. Cross the river and go northeast to Pingchuan."

"This river is very windy, there is no water and grass, black rocks and phosphorus, and there are many dead horses and bones along the way."

"Look, King Wu, the stones here are all blown out of the river, so there are no edges and corners, and they are all round."

"Heifengchuan is not long. Most of the dead horse bones are not from thirst and starvation, but from being smashed to death."

Xu Huaijin said: "Cen Shen, a frontier poet in the Tang Dynasty, once wrote: Don't you see the horses and rivers, walking on the snowy seaside, and the flat sand and yellow sky. .”

"It turns out that this Chuan refers to Heifengchuan!"

Zhu Yunxi said: "The wind roars at night in Luntai in September, which means that the wind is the strongest and most urgent at night. Then wait until early in the morning before leaving, and try to pass Heifengchuan before dark."

Everyone was not in a hurry, and just rested overnight on the Gobi Desert.

Zhu Yuanzhang thought to himself that Wunashili probably also thought that the Ming army was trapped in the desert, and they might not have any defenses at the northern entrance of Heifengchuan.

To be on the safe side, it doesn't hurt to stop for another night.

Just as Sansun thought, the Ming army only had 6 people, and there were no supplementary troops, so non-combat attrition should be avoided as much as possible.

After dinner, after the security and sentry positions of the troops were arranged, Zhu Yunxi took Xu Huaijin, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Mao Yi to patrol around again, very satisfied.

In a relatively flat place, Zhu Yunxi lay down and looked up at the sky.

"Come, come, old Bi, lie on my left side," Zhu Yunxi called to Xu Huaijin again: "Come on, lie on my right side."

Xu Huaijin was a little annoyed, but he didn't want to refute Zhu Yunxi's face, so he didn't say anything, just stood still.

Zhu Yuanzhang lay down.

Zhu Yunxi said: "Xu Huaijin, you slept next to me that night, don't you miss it?"

Xu Huaijin bit his lip, King Wu is really a disciple, but there is nothing he can do about it.

That night, I didn't know what was going on and lay beside him.

He has the grace to save his life.

It's just that he always doesn't speak well, it's too ugly.

"Xu Huaijin, only when you lie flat can you see the beauty of the world!"

"When we stand, we are used to looking down, and what we see is chicken feathers."

"When we lie down, we are used to looking up, and what we see is a sky full of stars."

Hey, Xu Huaijin glanced at Zhu Yunxi unexpectedly, why did his words suddenly become so literary?
Xu Huaijin no longer stood, but sat down on the sandy ground, with his hands behind his back, and his body leaned back a little. It was really beautiful with stars dotted around.

This is the starry sky when I was a child.

I don’t know since when, I seldom look up at the sky, except for special festivals such as Qiqiao Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival.

"I suddenly remembered a sentence: A nation has a group of people who look up at the stars, and they have hope."

"We never lack people who are down-to-earth, but we lack people who look up to the stars."

"Kuafu chasing the sun, Chang'e flying to the moon, people in ancient times had too many magnificent imaginations about the sky."

"However, our nation is becoming more and more developed, more practical, and more practical. Anyone who is unconstrained and deviates from the real world will be ridiculed, excluded, and attacked."

"Mr. Xu, can you imagine it? Tao Chengdao is preparing a rocket car in his manor, preparing to fly into the sky!"

"There are too few people like Tao Chengdao. This is because we are not tolerant enough of such people, let alone support them."

When Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he understood what Sansun was talking about.

We can understand, because Tao Chengdao wanted to fly into the sky, but the third grandson stopped him, because Tao Chengdao might fly up with his tools, but he would definitely fall to his death.

Xu Huaijin didn't necessarily understand what Sansun meant.

Xu Huaijin said: "What King Wu said is very reasonable. However, Chang'e's flight to the moon is just an imagination. What can be brought to us is only excellent poems."

Zhu Yunxi said: "It's just an excellent poem? Hehe. Before there were no hot air balloons, could you imagine that you could go to the sky?"

Xu Huaijin stared at a pair of beautiful eyes: "Wu Wang, you won't say that we can really fly to the moon?"

Zhu Yunxi was noncommittal.

"If I say yes, Xu Huaijin must think I'm crazy."

"If I said that not only can we fly to the moon, but we can also go to the moon and return from the moon, Xu Huaijin would probably go crazy."

Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback, and the third grandson said, can he fly to the moon?
Can you go to the moon and return from the moon?
God, how is this possible?

However, in the past, if someone said that someone could go to the sky and stay in the sky for a long time, I would never believe it.

However, with a hot air balloon, don't you believe it?

The third grandson, there must be someone more powerful than a hot air balloon, the one that can fly to the moon!
Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly became excited!
We have to support what the third grandson will do in the future!
Especially the Daming Institute of Science and Technology of the third grandson, we have to strongly support it!

If you can fly to the moon, wouldn't you be able to go anywhere in the world? !
You can go anywhere in the world, haven't we become the real emperor?
For a while, everyone looked up at the sky and fell silent.

After a long time, Xu Huaijin suddenly asked, "King Wu, what do you think of King Yan?"

"Well, King Yan, it's my uncle, how dare I comment on it?" Zhu Yunxi replied.

"King Wu, say what you think. Even if Bi Qianhu and I spread the word, no one will believe it. Because I am a woman, and Bi Qianhu is just Qianhu."

Xu Huaijin really wanted to hear the evaluation of Zhu Di from Zhu Yunxi.

Zhu Yuanzhang was immediately interested. The question raised by the Xu family girl was very sharp and very suitable for our appetite.

Because, we also want to know.

"I don't need to evaluate Zhu Di at all. I don't know how many historians in later generations have evaluated."

"Xu Huaijin is obviously a fan of Zhu Di."

"No evaluation is appropriate."

Zhu Yunxi said: "Xu Huaijin, I won't comment first, I will tell you a story about my grandpa, my second brother and fourth uncle."

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly sat up from the sand, the story of our second grandson and fourth son?

"Once, my grandfather took my second brother and my fourth uncle to watch a horse race in the palace."

"Grandpa wants to test the level of my second brother and my fourth uncle's couplets. You know, my grandfather's literature is not very good, but the level of couplets is so-so."

"My grandfather published the first couplet: The wind blows the horsetail with a thousand lines."

Xu Huaijin thought about what to do with this second line.

"My second brother's second line is: The rain hits a piece of wool felt."

When Xu Huaijin heard it, this second couplet was really not very good, it was soft, tasteless, and stateless.

This second couplet just reflects the character of the second emperor's grandson.

"What is the second couplet of King Yan?" Xu Huaijin asked.

"The second couplet of King Yan is: Rizhao Dragon Scale Ten Thousand Points of Gold."

Xu Huaijin couldn't help but praise in his heart, King Yan deserves to be King Yan!Rizhao, dragon scales, ten thousand points of gold, magnificent!
Zhu Yuanzhang was very strange. This incident did happen, but he never told others. How did the third grandson know?
Xu Huaijin asked: "King Wu, what's your opinion on this matter?"

Zhu Yunxi said: "Is there any need to evaluate this story?"

Xu Huaijin fell silent.

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang said: "King Wu, there is no one else here, so don't mind what we say. After walking this way, we feel that you are more capable than King Yan!"

Zhu Yunxi didn't expect Bi Qianhu to think so highly of him.

"King Wu, we think you will be the emperor at that time! If you become the emperor, we mean in case, in case you become the emperor, how will you arrange for King Yan, King Qing, King Qin and the second grandson? ?”

Xu Huaijin was very surprised that Bi Qianhu raised a very sensitive question.

Good question!Let's see how Zhu Yunxi responds this time.

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